Software Development

Kubernetes Pod Continuous Logging

In the dynamic landscape of Kubernetes, efficient management of containerized applications is paramount. One critical aspect of this management is gaining real-time insights into the performance and behavior of your pods. This article focuses on ways to obtain a continuous stream of logs for pods in Kubernetes, offering an in-depth exploration of techniques and best practices.

From understanding the intricacies of Kubernetes logging mechanisms to configuring robust solutions for centralized log collection, this guide will help you achieve seamless pod monitoring for optimal troubleshooting and optimization in Kubernetes deployments.

1. What Is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally developed by engineers at Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), a part of the Linux Foundation.

Containers are a lightweight and portable way to package and run applications and their dependencies, ensuring consistent behavior across different environments. Kubernetes provides a framework for managing these containers, allowing you to abstract away the underlying infrastructure and focus on defining how your applications should be deployed and managed.

1.1 What is a Pod in Kubernetes?

In the Kubernetes ecosystem, a Pod stands as the smallest and simplest deployable unit. It acts as the basic building block and encapsulates one or more containers within a shared network and storage context. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects of Pods:

  • Atomic Unit of Deployment: A Pod serves as an atomic unit of deployment, representing a single instance of a running process within the cluster. It encapsulates application containers along with storage resources, making it a self-contained unit.
  • Co-located Containers: Containers within a Pod share the same network namespace, enabling them to communicate using localhost. They also share storage volumes, facilitating data exchange between containers within the same Pod.
  • Single-Service Abstraction: While a Pod typically represents a single service or process, it can house multiple containers that are tightly coupled and need to share resources. This abstraction simplifies the management of interconnected components.
  • Scalability and Lifecycle Management: Pods are scalable units. Multiple instances of a Pod can be created to scale applications horizontally. They have a defined lifecycle, allowing for creation, startup, termination, and deletion as needed.
  • Resource Sharing and Inter-Pod Communication: Containers in a Pod share the same network IP and port space. This shared context facilitates accessible communication between containers. Additionally, Pods can communicate with other Pods within the cluster, regardless of the node they are running on, ensuring seamless interactions.
  • Resource Management: Pods can specify resource requirements such as CPU and memory. These specifications assist Kubernetes in effectively scheduling and managing resources and optimizing the overall cluster performance.

For more in-depth information about Pods in Kubernetes, refer to the official Kubernetes documentation.

1.2 Understanding the kubectl command

kubectl is the command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters. It enables users to manage applications, inspect and manage cluster resources, and view logs.

1.3 Use Cases of Kubernetes Logging

Kubernetes logging plays a vital role in monitoring, troubleshooting, and maintaining the health of applications within a cluster. Here are some common use cases of Kubernetes logging:

  • Debugging Application Issues: Logs help developers identify and debug issues within applications. By analyzing logs, developers can pinpoint errors, exceptions, and unexpected behaviors, allowing for efficient bug resolution.
  • Performance Monitoring: Monitoring log data enables performance analysis. Metrics such as response times, request rates, and resource utilization can be derived from logs, aiding in optimizing application performance and resource allocation.
  • Security and Compliance: Logs are essential for security analysis, intrusion detection, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Security incidents, unauthorized access attempts, and suspicious activities can be detected through log analysis.
  • Capacity Planning: By analyzing historical log data, administrators can forecast resource needs, plan for scaling, and optimize cluster capacity. Proper capacity planning ensures efficient resource utilization and prevents performance bottlenecks.
  • Audit Trails and Accountability: Logs serve as an audit trail, capturing actions performed within the cluster. This audit data helps in accountability, compliance validation, and tracking changes made to applications, configurations, or infrastructure.
  • Troubleshooting Microservices: In microservices architectures, applications consist of multiple interconnected services. Logs facilitate tracing requests across services, enabling the identification of bottlenecks, errors, or latency issues in the entire application flow.
  • Centralized Log Management: Aggregating logs from various sources into a centralized platform provides a holistic view of the cluster. Tools like Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK stack) or Loki and Grafana enable centralized log management and real-time analysis.

1.4 Setting up Kubernetes

If someone needs to go through the Kubernetes installation, please read this document.

2. Creating a Pod

To create a pod let us start with the creation of a manifest file describing this pod.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: my-app-pod
  - name: my-app-container
    image: my-app-image:latest

In this manifest the my-app-image:latest is the docker image we are using for this example. You’re free to change it as per your implementation.

  • apiVersion: Specifies the version of the Kubernetes API being used, in this case, version 1.
  • kind: Defines the type of Kubernetes object being created, which is a Pod in this scenario.
  • metadata: Contains metadata about the Pod, such as its name (my-app-pod in this example).
  • spec: Describes the Pod’s specification, including the containers it should run.
  • containers: Specifies a list of containers within the Pod. In this case, there is one container defined.
  • name: Provides a name for the container (my-app-container).
  • image: Specifies the Docker image to be used for the container (my-app-image:latest). Ensure this points to the correct image repository and version.

To create a pod we use the kubectl apply -f [filename] command as shown below. apply manages applications, creating and/or updating Kubernetes resources in a cluster, through files. The -f flag denotes the filename, typically in YAML or JSON format, containing the specifications of the Kubernetes resources to be deployed or updated.

Kubectl command

kubectl apply -f my-app-pod.yaml

Once the pod is created you can use the kubectl logs command to stream the logs from the pod.

3. Streaming Logs Using the –follow Option

Streaming logs using the --follow option allows real-time monitoring of log data as it is generated. This feature is commonly employed in command-line interfaces and applications like Docker or Kubernetes. By appending the --follow flag to log-related commands, users can continuously track log output. This is particularly useful for debugging, system monitoring, or analyzing real-time data. The --follow option ensures that log entries are continuously displayed as they are added, enabling administrators and developers to stay updated on system events and troubleshoot issues promptly.

In Kubernetes, you can use the kubectl command-line tool to stream logs from a specific pod using the --follow option. Let’s assume you have a pod named my-app-pod running in your Kubernetes cluster. To stream logs from this pod in real time, you can use the following command:

Streaming logs

kubectl logs my-app-pod –follow

4. Enriching the Log Stream

Enriching the log stream involves enhancing the log data with additional information or context to make it more meaningful and useful for analysis. This process typically involves adding metadata, timestamps, error codes, or other relevant information to the log entries. Enriched logs provide valuable insights, aid in troubleshooting, and contribute to better overall system monitoring. By adding context to log entries, developers and administrators can understand the events better, diagnose issues faster, and make more informed decisions. This practice is fundamental in modern software development and system administration, enabling proactive problem resolution and improving the overall reliability and performance of applications and systems.

For example, you can enrich log streams in Kubernetes by adding timestamps and pod names to the log entries. Here’s how you can do it using the kubectl command:

Enhancing log stream

kubectl logs my-app-pod --follow --timestamps=true

This command, --follow ensures real-time streaming of logs, and --timestamps=true adds timestamps to each log entry, providing a chronological order of events. You can also enrich logs further by customizing log formats and adding specific labels or annotations to your Kubernetes resources.

5. Limiting Log Stream by Size

Limiting log streams by size is essential to maintain efficient log management in Kubernetes clusters. Excessive log data can lead to storage issues and impact system performance. Configure log rotation policies in your Kubernetes pods to limit log file size. For example, you can set the maximum log file size to 10 MB and keep a maximum of 5 old log files:


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-app
  replicas: 3
      app: my-app
        app: my-app
      - name: my-app-container
        image: my-app-image:latest
        - name: log-volume
          mountPath: /var/log/my-app
      - name: log-volume
        emptyDir: {}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-app-config
  log-rotation-config: |
    /var/log/my-app/*.log {
      size 10M
      rotate 5

The provided YAML configurations define a Deployment and a ConfigMap for an application named my-app.

  • Deployment Configuration:
    • apiVersion: apps/v1 and kind: Deployment: Specify the API version and resource kind, indicating a Deployment object.
    • replicas: 3: Defines the desired number of replicas, ensuring three instances of the application.
    • selector: Specifies labels for identifying pods: matchLabels: app: my-app.
    • template: Contains the pod template specification.
    • metadata: Assigns the label app: my-app to the pod.
    • containers: Defines a container named my-app-container using the Docker image my-app-image:latest. It also mounts an emptyDir volume at /var/log/my-app.
  • ConfigMap Configuration:
    • apiVersion: v1 and kind: ConfigMap: Specify the API version and resource kind, indicating a ConfigMap object.
    • metadata: Defines the ConfigMap’s name as my-app-config.
    • data: Contains the configuration data for the application.
    • log-rotation-config: Provides the log rotation configuration using the | symbol for multi-line values. It specifies log files matching the pattern /var/log/my-app/*.log, setting a file size limit of 10MB, retaining 5 old versions, and compressing the logs.

In this example, the log rotation configuration limits each log file to 10 MB and keeps a maximum of 5 old log files. You can adjust the size and rotation parameters according to your specific requirements.

6. Limiting Log Stream by Time

Limiting log streams by time is essential to maintain a manageable log history in Kubernetes clusters. Configure log rotation policies in your Kubernetes pods to limit the log file retention period. For example, you can set log files to be retained for 7 days:


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-app
  replicas: 3
      app: my-app
        app: my-app
      - name: my-app-container
        image: my-app-image:latest
        - name: log-volume
          mountPath: /var/log/my-app
      - name: log-volume
        emptyDir: {}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: my-app-config
  log-rotation-config: |
    /var/log/my-app/*.log {
      rotate 7

The explanation of this YAML configuration is the same as what we explained in Section 5. In this example, the log rotation configuration specifies that log files should be rotated daily and retained for 7 days. You can adjust the rotation interval and retention period according to your specific requirements.

7. Streaming Logs for Multiple Containers

When dealing with microservices or multi-container pods in Kubernetes, it’s crucial to monitor logs from all containers for effective debugging and troubleshooting. Use the kubectl logs command with the -c or --container flag followed by the container name to specify logs for a particular container. To view logs from all containers in a pod, use the --all-containers=true option:

Example command

kubectl logs pod-name --all-containers=true

In this command, replace pod-name with the name of your pod. The --all-containers=true option ensures that logs from all containers within the specified pod are streamed simultaneously.

8. Streaming Logs for Deployment Pods

In Kubernetes, streaming logs from deployment pods are essential for real-time monitoring, troubleshooting, and gaining insights into your applications. First, list the pods associated with your deployment:

Example command

kubectl get pods -l app=my-app

Replace my-app with the label selector of your deployment. Once you identify the pod name, stream logs from the specific pod.


kubectl logs pod-name –follow

Replace pod-name with the name of your pod. Adding the --follow flag ensures that logs are continuously streamed in real time.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, effectively managing and monitoring logs in Kubernetes is fundamental for maintaining the health, reliability, and performance of containerized applications. By understanding and implementing various log management techniques, such as enriching log streams, limiting log streams by size and time, and streaming logs from multiple containers or deployment pods, developers and administrators can gain valuable insights into their applications’ behavior. These practices not only facilitate real-time monitoring and troubleshooting but also enable proactive identification and resolution of issues, ensuring seamless operation within the dynamic Kubernetes environment. Embracing these log management strategies empowers teams to respond swiftly to challenges, enhance system reliability, and optimize the overall performance of their Kubernetes-based applications, ultimately delivering a superior user experience and robust operational efficiency.


An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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