Software Development

Splunk Reports Example

In this article, we are going to explain Splunk Reports through examples.

1. Introduction

Splunk is software for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated data. It provides a web interface to generate reports from the searching results.

In this example, I will demonstrate:

  • How to create a report
  • How to edit a report
  • How to delete a report

2. Technologies Used

The example in this article was built and run using:

  • Docker 19.03.8
  • Splunk 8.1.1
  • Google Chrome 87.0.4280.88

Click my other article to install Splunk.

3. Create a Report

After searching the data, user can click the “Save As” button and then select the “Report” option to generate a report. See the Figure 1 for details.

Splunk Reports - save as
Figure 1 Save As a Report

It will pop up a new window, user can enter the report title and select “Yes” for “Time Range Picker”, then click the “Save” button.

Splunk Reports - tile and time range
Figure 2 Enter Report Tile and Time Range Picker

The pop-up page is updated with “Your Report Has Been Created” message. It also has three buttons and four links for Permission, Schedule, Acceleration, and Embed.

Splunk Reports created
Figure 3 Report is Created

A report is created successfully at this step.

4. Edit a Report

To edit a report, user clicks the Edit link for the selected report.

Splunk Reports - list
Figure 4 Reports List

It will display details for the selected report. It has an Edit link and More Info button. Click “More Info” to view additional information for the report. Click “Edit” to update the report.

Figure 5 Edit a Report

5. Delete a Report

On the report detail page, click on the Edit drop-down button and select the “Delete” option to delete it.

Figure 6 Delete a Report

6. Summary

In this example, I showed how to create a report from the searching results. I also showed how to edit and delete a report via the Splunk web interface.

Mary Zheng

Mary has graduated from Mechanical Engineering department at ShangHai JiaoTong University. She also holds a Master degree in Computer Science from Webster University. During her studies she has been involved with a large number of projects ranging from programming and software engineering. She works as a senior Software Engineer in the telecommunications sector where she acts as a leader and works with others to design, implement, and monitor the software solution.
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