Software Development

Splunk Basic Charts Example

In this example, I will show how to create and manage basic charts via Splunk web interface and chart command.

1. Introduction

A chart is a graphical representation of a statistical data with symbols like a line, bar, or area. It has two scaled axes. Here are three basic chart types:

  • Bar chart – uses bar length to represent the value for a measured group.
  • Line chart – shows the value over a period of time.
  • Pie chart – presents the percentage value within a group.

2. Technologies Used

The example in this article was built and run using:

  • Docker 19.03.8
  • Splunk 8.1.1
  • Google Chrome 87.0.4280.88

Click my other article to install Splunk.

3. Stats Command

The stats command generates statistical data which can be used to draw a chart. In this step, I will use the following command to create a table with three columns: status, objid count, and actionEid counts and then calculate the count value by the status field.

stats command

host="mary"  actionEid=*  status=*  objid=* | table  actionEid, status, objid 
| stats count(objid) as "objid count", count(actionEid) as "actionEid counts" by status
Splunk Basic Chart - stats command
Figure 1 stats command

4. Chart Web Interface

In this step, I will use a simple stats command in the “New Search” area. I will click the Visualization tab to show available chart options and create “Column Chart” and “Pie Chart” examples.

Splunk Basic Chart - options
Figure 2 Chart Options

4.1 Column Chart

In this step, I will create a “Column Chart” with default settings.

Splunk Basic Chart - column chart
Figure 3 Column Chart

4.2 Pie Chart

In this step, I will create a “Pie Chart” with default settings.

Splunk Basic Chart - pie chart
Figure 4 Pie Chart

4.3 Format a Chart

You can click the “Format” button to customize the chart attributes.

Figure 5 Format a Chart

As you seen, the X-Axis label is changed to “Mary Test X“.

4.4 Chart in a Report

In this step, I will click the “Save As Report” button to add a chart to a report.

Figure 6 stats with Column Chart

In the pop-up “Save As Report” screen, enter the Title description and select “Content” and “Time Range Picker” as Figure 6 showing then click the “Save” button.

Figure 7 Save as a Report

Then, you will see a report with a column-chart included.

Figure 8 Chart Report

4.5 Chart in a Dashboard

In this step, I will show how to add a chart to a dashboard by clicking the “Add to Dashboard” button. Enter the Dashboard Title and click the “Save” button.

Figure 9 Save a Chart to a Dashboard

Click the “View Dashboard” button and you will see the dashboard with a column chart.

Figure 10 Chart in a Dashboard

5. Chart Command

The chart command transforms the table data into a graph representation. In this step, I will use the chart command to show the count by objid:

chart command

host="mary" sourcetype="log4j"  | chart count by objid
Figure 11 chart command

5.1 Timechart Command

The timechart command specifies the time as X-Axis. In this step, I will use a simple timechart command to show the events by host over the time.

timechart command

host="mary" sourcetype="log4j"  | timechart count by host
Figure 12 timechart command

6. Summary

In this example, I showed how to create a chart with both stats and chart commands. I also showed how to add a chart to a report and dashboard via the Splunk web interface.

7. Download the Source Code

You can download the full source code of this example here: Splunk Basic Chart Example

Mary Zheng

Mary has graduated from Mechanical Engineering department at ShangHai JiaoTong University. She also holds a Master degree in Computer Science from Webster University. During her studies she has been involved with a large number of projects ranging from programming and software engineering. She works as a senior Software Engineer in the telecommunications sector where she acts as a leader and works with others to design, implement, and monitor the software solution.
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