Enterprise Java

Interface Based Spring Converters

Hello. In this tutorial, we will understand the Interface-Based Spring Converters.

1. Introduction

Let us understand the interface-based approach to using Spring’s type conversion system.

1.1 ConversionService Interface

The ConversionService interface is a fundamental part of Spring’s type conversion framework. It provides a consistent way to convert between different types, allowing you to convert values from one type to another without explicitly writing conversion logic each time.

Key features of ConversionService:

  • Type Conversion: The primary responsibility of a ConversionService is to convert values from one type to another. It supports two main types of conversion: source-to-target conversion and two-way conversion.
  • Source and Target Types: The source type is the type you want to convert from, and the target type is the type you want to convert to. The ConversionService will automatically determine the appropriate converter to use based on the source and target types.
  • Converter Registry: Converters are registered with the ConversionService using the addConverter method. You can add custom converters or use the built-in converters provided by Spring.
  • Error Handling: If a conversion cannot be performed, the ConversionService will throw a ConversionException or a subclass thereof

1.2 Interface-Based Approach

The interface-based approach involves creating custom converters by implementing the Converter interface. This approach offers a clean and modular way to define conversion logic and keeps the code organized. Here’s a breakdown of the steps involved:

  • Create a Converter Interface: By implementing the Converter<S, T> interface, where S is the source type and T is the target type, you define a contract for converting from S to T.
  • Implement the Converter: Create a class that implements the custom converter interface. In this implementation, you provide the conversion logic. This approach promotes separation of concerns and allows you to reuse converters across different parts of your application.
  • Register the Converter: Register your custom converter with the ConversionService bean. This can be done in a Spring configuration class using the addConverter method or through other configuration mechanisms.
  • Use the ConversionService: Inject the ConversionService into your components (such as service classes, controllers, etc.) and use it to perform type conversions. Spring will automatically select the appropriate converter based on the source and target types.

1.2.1 Benefits of Interface-Based Approach

  • Modularity: Each converter is a separate class, promoting modularity and making the codebase easier to manage and maintain.
  • Reusability: Once a converter is implemented, it can be reused across different parts of the application where the same conversion is needed.
  • Separation of Concerns: Conversion logic is isolated from the rest of the application, making the codebase cleaner and more organized.
  • Configurability: You have control over which converters are registered and used in your application, allowing you to customize the conversion behavior.
  • Consistency: By using the ConversionService, you ensure consistent and centralized handling of type conversions throughout your application.

Remember that while the interface-based approach is powerful and flexible, Spring also provides other mechanisms for type conversion, such as annotations (@DateTimeFormat, @NumberFormat) and the ConversionServiceFactoryBean. The choice of approach depends on the specific needs and complexity of your application.

2. Working example

In Spring, the type conversion system is primarily based on the ConversionService interface. You can create custom converters by implementing this interface and registering them with the Spring application context.

Let’s say we want to create a custom type conversion for converting a String to a custom Person object. Here’s how you can do it using an interface-based approach:

2.1 Create the Person class


public class Person {
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    // Constructors, getters, setters...

2.2 Create a custom Converter interface for converting a String to a Person

By implementing the Converter<String, Person> interface, you define a contract for converting a String source to a Person target.


public interface StringToPersonConverter extends Converter<String, Person> {


2.3 Implement the StringToPersonConverter interface

We create a class named DefaultStringToPersonConverter that implements the StringToPersonConverter interface. In this implementation, we split the input String into first and last names and create a Person object with the extracted names.


public class DefaultStringToPersonConverter implements StringToPersonConverter {

    public Person convert(String source) {
        if (source == null) {
            return null;

        String[] parts = source.split("\\s+");
        if (parts.length == 2) {
            Person person = new Person();
            return person;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input format for Person: " + source);

2.4 Register the ConversionService bean in your Spring configuration

The custom converter, DefaultStringToPersonConverter, is registered with the ConversionService bean in the Spring configuration. This enables Spring to use our converter for String to Person conversions.


public class ConversionConfig {

    public ConversionService conversionService() {
        DefaultConversionService conversionService = new DefaultConversionService();
        conversionService.addConverter(new DefaultStringToPersonConverter());
        return conversionService;

2.5 Use the custom converter in your application

In a service class, such as MyService, we inject the ConversionService and use it to convert a String containing a person’s first and last name into a Person object.


public class MyService {

    private ConversionService conversionService;

    public Person convertStringToPerson(String input) {
        return conversionService.convert(input, Person.class);

In this example, we’ve demonstrated an interface-based approach to using Spring’s type conversion system. We created a custom Converter interface, implemented it with a concrete converter class, and registered the converter with the ConversionService bean. Finally, we used the custom converter in a service class to convert a String to a Person object.

Remember that Spring also provides other ways to handle type conversion, such as using annotations (@DateTimeFormat, @NumberFormat, etc.) or extending the ConversionServiceFactoryBean. The approach shown here is just one way to achieve custom-type conversion using interfaces.

3. Conclusion

In conclusion, the interface-based approach to using Spring’s type conversion system offers a powerful and flexible way to handle data conversion between different types within your application. By leveraging the ConversionService interface and creating custom converters, you can achieve seamless and consistent type conversions while promoting modularity, reusability, and separation of concerns.

Throughout our exploration, we learned the following key points:

  • Type Conversion and ConversionService: The ConversionService interface is at the core of Spring’s type conversion framework. It facilitates the conversion of values between different types, supporting both source-to-target and two-way conversions. This mechanism provides a centralized and standardized way to handle type conversion throughout the application.
  • Converter Interface and Implementation: Creating a custom converter involves implementing the Converter<S, T> interface, where S represents the source type and T represents the target type. By doing so, you define a contract for converting data from the source type to the target type. The implementation of the converter encapsulates the conversion logic, promoting modularity and reusability.
  • Registration and Configuration: Custom converters are registered with the ConversionService bean, which can be configured in a Spring configuration class. This registration process enables Spring to automatically determine and use the appropriate converter based on the source and target types.
  • Benefits and Advantages: The interface-based approach offers several benefits. It enhances modularity by encapsulating conversion logic in separate classes, making the codebase more organized and maintainable. Reusability is promoted, as once a converter is created, it can be employed across different parts of the application where the same conversion is required. The separation of concerns ensures that conversion logic remains isolated from the rest of the application, contributing to cleaner and more understandable code. Configurability allows for precise control over which converters are used, enabling customization of the conversion behavior. Lastly, by adopting the ConversionService, you ensure consistent and centralized handling of type conversions, contributing to codebase integrity.

In summary, the interface-based approach to Spring’s type conversion system empowers developers to handle data conversion seamlessly and efficiently. By embracing modularity, reusability, and separation of concerns, this approach aids in creating more maintainable, flexible, and consistent applications. Whether it’s converting a simple String to a custom object or handling complex data transformations, Spring’s type conversion system, combined with the interface-based methodology, equips developers with a robust toolset to address diverse conversion requirements.


An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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