How to download Java 14 for Windows 10
In this example, we will show you how to download and install Oracle’s Java Platform, Standard Edition Development Kit 14.0.2 (Oracle JDK 14) on a Windows 10 system.
1. Download the installer
Start by logging into an account with Administrator privileges. Next, send your favorite Web browser to the Java SE Development Kit 14 Downloads page on the Oracle Web site. Scroll down to find the download link for the Windows x64 Installer and click on it.

A dialog appears, asking you to accept the terms of the Oracle license agreement. Select the check box to confirm your acceptance of the license and click the “Download…” button to start the download.

NOTE: Newer versions of Chrome (82 and higher) might present you with a warning that the file can’t be downloaded securely. If this happens, continue the download by clicking the “Keep” button.

2. Java Download – Installing JDK 14
Browse to your downloads folder (typically c:\
) with Windows Explorer. Look for the installer (it’s called jdk-14.0.2_windows-x64_bin.exe
) and run it by double-clicking on it.
Initially you will be presented with a blue-screen dialog asking if you want to allow the installer make changes to your system. Click Yes to continue.
The installation begins with a simple introductory panel; there is nothing to do here but click Next to continue.

Next, you’ll have the opportunity to change the installation folder. Click Next to accept the suggested default and continue:

Now a progress panel appears while the actual installation takes place:

You’ll see this final panel when the installation has finished. Click Close to exit the installer.

3. Configuring PATH
Adding the JDK 14 binaries directory C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.2\bin
to the system PATH
environment variable will greatly increase the convenience of using JDK tools from the command line. Rather than having to specify a full filename path to a tool’s .exe
, you’ll be able to enter just the name: e.g., java Hello
instead of "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.2\bin\java" Hello
To configure PATH
for JDK 14, start by type Environment
in the Search box on the Windows Taskbar and choosing “Edit the system environment variables”. The System Properties window appears. From there, click Environment Variables… to open the Environment Variables window. Then look in the System Variables section for Path
, click to highlight it and then click Edit… (or just double-click on Path

The Edit environment variable window appears. Click New, then either type or browse to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.2\bin
. Now click Move Up repeatedly to move it to the top of the list:

Click OK to close the Edit window, then OK to close the Environment Variables window and save your changes.
NOTE: don’t use Cancel to close the Environment Variables window or else you will lose your changes.
4. Checking the installation
For a quick check of the JDK 14 installation, open a new Command Prompt window and execute the command java -version

The display of Java version "14.0.2"
confirms that JDK 14 was successfully installed and that your PATH
settings is correct.
5. Additional knowledge about Oracle JDK download
- How to download Java 64 bit
- How to update Java for Windows 10, macOS, and Android
- Download and Install Java Development Kit (JDK) 8
- Download and Install Java Development Kit (JDK) 11
- Download and Install Java Development Kit (JDK) 13
Last updated on Apr. 16th, 2021