
Trunk-based Development

Trunk-based development (TBD) is a software development methodology that emphasizes continuous integration and collaboration among team members. Unlike traditional feature branch models, TBD encourages developers to work directly on a shared codebase, often referred to as the “trunk” or “mainline” branch. Let us delve into understanding trunk-based development in version control systems (VCS) such Git etc.

1. What Is Trunk-Based Development?

Trunk-based development is a version control strategy where all developers collaborate on a single branch, typically the trunk or mainline branch. This approach aims to minimize integration overhead and streamline the development process by promoting frequent commits and continuous integration.

1.1 Comparison With Feature Branch Model

In contrast to the feature branch model, where developers work on separate branches for each feature or bug fix, trunk-based development advocates for a shared codebase where all changes are made directly on the mainline branch. This promotes early integration and reduces the risk of merge conflicts and integration issues.

1.2 Characteristics of Trunk-based Development

  • Continuous Integration: Developers frequently merge their changes into the mainline branch, ensuring that the codebase is always working.
  • Small, Iterative Commits: Developers commit small, incremental changes to the trunk, allowing for easier code review and faster integration.
  • Shared Ownership: All developers have visibility and access to the entire codebase, fostering collaboration and shared responsibility for the project.
  • Fast Feedback: With continuous integration and frequent commits, developers receive rapid feedback on the impact of their changes, enabling early detection of issues.

1.3 The Workflow

The workflow in trunk-based development typically involves the following steps:

  • Checkout: Developers clone the mainline branch to their local environment.
  • Development: Developers make changes directly on the mainline branch, focusing on small, iterative improvements.
  • Commit: Once changes are complete, developers commit their code to the mainline branch.
  • Continuous Integration: Automated tests are run to ensure the codebase remains in a stable state.
  • Review: Peers review the code changes for quality, correctness, and adherence to coding standards.
  • Integration: Changes are integrated into the mainline branch, either automatically or through manual verification.
  • Deployment: Upon successful integration, the changes are deployed to production or staging environments.

1.4 Factors Influencing Trunk-based Development

Several factors influence the adoption of trunk-based development:

  • Team Size: Smaller teams can benefit from the simplicity and efficiency of trunk-based development, while larger teams may face challenges with coordination and code conflicts.
  • Project Complexity: Projects with straightforward requirements and well-defined architectures are better suited for trunk-based development, whereas complex projects may require more flexibility provided by feature branches.
  • Development Culture: A culture of collaboration, trust, and continuous improvement is essential for the successful implementation of trunk-based development.
  • Tooling and Automation: Robust CI/CD pipelines and automation tools are crucial for supporting the rapid integration and deployment required by trunk-based development.
  • Risk Tolerance: Trunk-based development entails a higher risk of breakages due to frequent integration of changes. Organizations should evaluate their risk tolerance and capacity for dealing with potential issues that may arise from working directly on the mainline branch. This includes having strategies in place for identifying, resolving, and mitigating risks associated with rapid integration.
  • Developer Skills and Experience: The skills and experience of your development team also impact the adoption of trunk-based development. Developers should be comfortable with continuous integration practices, version control systems, and collaborative development workflows. Training and support may be necessary to help developers transition to TBD effectively.

1.5 Pros of Trunk-Based Development

  • Simplified Workflow: Trunk-based development simplifies the development workflow by promoting a single-branch approach, reducing the complexity of managing multiple branches.
  • Faster Integration: With all developers working on a single codebase, integration of changes happens more frequently, reducing the likelihood of large merge conflicts and enabling faster delivery of features.
  • Continuous Integration: Trunk-based development encourages continuous integration, where changes are regularly merged into the mainline branch and tested automatically, ensuring that the codebase remains stable.
  • Early Feedback: Developers receive early feedback on their changes through continuous integration and code reviews, allowing them to address issues promptly and maintain code quality.
  • Shared Ownership: All developers have visibility and access to the entire codebase, fostering collaboration and shared responsibility for the project, leading to better code quality and knowledge sharing.
  • Simpler Rullbacks: Since changes are integrated frequently, identifying and reverting problematic changes becomes easier, reducing the risk associated with deploying faulty code to production.

1.6 Cons of Trunk-Based Development

  • Increased Risk of Breakages: Working directly on the mainline branch increases the risk of introducing bugs or breaking existing functionality, especially in larger teams where coordination may be challenging.
  • Dependency Management: Trunk-based development can be challenging when dealing with dependencies between features or components, as changes made by one developer may impact the work of others, leading to conflicts.
  • Continuous Integration Overhead: Maintaining a stable mainline branch requires robust automated testing and CI/CD pipelines, which may require additional investment in infrastructure and tooling.
  • Suitability for Large Teams: Trunk-based development may not be suitable for large teams with diverse skill sets and overlapping responsibilities, as coordination and communication become more challenging with increasing team size.
  • Learning Curve: Transitioning to trunk-based development may require a mindset shift for developers accustomed to working with feature branches, leading to a learning curve and potential resistance to change.
  • Risk of Regressions: Frequent integration increases the likelihood of regressions, as changes made by one developer may inadvertently impact the work of others, requiring careful monitoring and regression testing.

2. Feature Flags in Trunk-Based Development

Feature flags are conditional statements or configuration settings that allow developers to control the behavior of a software application. They enable developers to selectively enable or disable features at runtime based on predefined conditions, such as user roles, environment variables, or custom parameters.

2.1 Benefits of Feature Flags in Trunk-Based Development

  • Continuous Delivery: Feature flags enable continuous delivery by allowing developers to deploy new features to production while keeping them hidden from users until they are ready for release.
  • Risk Mitigation: Feature flags reduce the risk associated with releasing new features by providing a mechanism to roll back changes quickly if issues arise, without the need for code redeployment.
  • Incremental Rollouts: Teams can use feature flags to gradually roll out new features to a subset of users, enabling incremental testing and gathering feedback before a full release.
  • A/B Testing: Feature flags facilitate A/B testing by enabling developers to experiment with different variations of a feature and measure the impact on user engagement, conversion rates, or other metrics.
  • Dark Launching: Feature flags support dark launching, where new features are deployed to production but remain hidden from users, allowing developers to monitor performance and gather telemetry data before enabling the feature for all users.

2.2 Best Practices for Using Feature Flags

  • Keep Flags Simple: Use simple boolean flags or lightweight conditions to control feature toggles, avoiding complex logic that can lead to maintenance overhead.
  • Enable Monitoring and Telemetry: Implement monitoring and telemetry to track the usage and performance of feature flags, enabling informed decisions about when to enable, disable, or remove flags.
  • Automate Flag Lifecycle: Use automation tools to manage the lifecycle of feature flags, including creation, deployment, monitoring, and removal, to streamline the process and reduce manual effort.
  • Document Flag Usage: Document the purpose, scope, and usage of feature flags to ensure clear communication and alignment among team members, especially in larger teams or projects.
  • Regularly Review and Cleanup: Regularly review and clean up unused or obsolete feature flags to prevent clutter and maintain code cleanliness.

3. Conclusion

Trunk-based development offers a streamlined approach to software development, emphasizing collaboration, continuous integration, and rapid feedback. By working directly on a shared codebase, teams can reduce integration overhead, minimize code conflicts, and accelerate delivery. However, the adoption of trunk-based development should be carefully evaluated based on team size, project complexity, and development culture to ensure its effectiveness.


An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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