
Java Quartz Get Job Status Example

In this article, we will discuss how to check the status of a Quartz job. Quartz is a richly featured, open-source job scheduling library that can be integrated with any Java application.

1. Introduction

Quartz can be used to create simple or complex schedules for executing tens, hundreds, or even tens-of-thousands of jobs; jobs whose tasks are defined as standard Java components that may execute virtually anything we may program them to do.

quartz job status

Quartz can run embedded within another free-standing application. It can be instantiated within an application server (or servlet container), and participate in XA transactions. It can run as a stand-alone program (within its own Java Virtual Machine), to be used via RMI

2. Quartz Job Execution

Jobs can be any Java class that implements the simple interface, leaving infinite possibilities for the work your Jobs can perform. Job class instances can be instantiated by Quartz, or by your application’s framework.

When a Trigger occurs, the scheduler notifies zero or more Java objects implementing the JobListener and TriggerListener interfaces (listeners can be simple Java objects, or EJBs, or JMS publishers, etc.). These listeners are also notified after the Job has executed.

As Jobs are completed, they return a JobCompletionCode which informs the scheduler of success or failure. They can also instruct the scheduler of any actions it should take based on the success/fail code – such as immediate re-execution of the Job.

3. Code

In this section, we will see the coding part. First, we will create a simple job. To create a job we need to implement the org.quartz.Job interface. The instance of these jobs must have a no-argument constructor. This interface has one method: execute(JobExecutionContext). All the jobs need to implement this method.


package org.javacodegeeks;

import org.quartz.Job;
import org.quartz.JobExecutionContext;

public class ExampleJob implements Job {

    public void execute(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) {
        System.out.println("Waiting for 3 seconds");
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

As we can see this is a very simple job which just waits for 3 seconds before finishing.

Now we will create the scheduler class. First, we will get the Scheduler instance using the SchedulerFactory:

Scheduler scheduler = schedulerFactory.getScheduler();

Now we will create a new Job using the utility method provided in org.quartz.JobBuilder class.

JobDetail job = newJob(ExampleJob.class).withIdentity("MyJobName", "MyJobGroup").build();

Now we will create a new Trigger and will schedule the job to be run after 5 seconds:

Date date = Date.from(LocalDateTime.now().plusSeconds(5).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());
Trigger trigger = newTrigger().withIdentity("MyTriggerName", "MyTriggerGroup").startAt(date).build();

Now we will tell quartz to schedule the job using our trigger:

scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);

Now lets start the scheduler:


We can get the trigger state from schedule by using the getTriggerState() method:



package org.javacodegeeks;

import org.quartz.*;
import org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.Date;

import static org.quartz.JobBuilder.newJob;
import static org.quartz.TriggerBuilder.newTrigger;

public class QuartzExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        QuartzExample quartzExample = new QuartzExample();

    private void run() {

        // First we must get a reference to a scheduler
        SchedulerFactory schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory();
        try {
            Scheduler scheduler = schedulerFactory.getScheduler();

            // define the job and tie it to our HelloJob class
            JobDetail job = newJob(ExampleJob.class).withIdentity("MyJobName", "MyJobGroup").build();

            // Trigger the job to run after 5 seconds
            Date date = Date.from(LocalDateTime.now().plusSeconds(5).atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant());
            Trigger trigger = newTrigger().withIdentity("MyTriggerName", "MyTriggerGroup").startAt(date).build();

            // Tell quartz to schedule the job using our trigger
            scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
            System.out.println(job.getKey() + " will run at: "+ date);

            System.out.println(String.format("Trigger %s state: %s", trigger.getKey().getName(), scheduler.getTriggerState(trigger.getKey())));

            // Start up the scheduler (nothing can actually run until the scheduler has been started)

            // wait long enough so that the scheduler has an opportunity to run the job!
            System.out.println("Waiting for 5 seconds");
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

            // Shutdown the scheduler

        } catch (SchedulerException e) {

4. Summary

In this example, we saw what Quartz jobs are, how to check their status, and how we can use them. We also saw how we can get the trigger state using the scheduler.

You can check more of our Quartz tutorials here.

5. Download the source code

That was an example of the Java Quartz Get Job Status.

You can download the full source code of this example here: Java Quartz Get Job Status Example

Mohammad Meraj Zia

Senior Java Developer
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