Core Java

Java Collections Tutorial

1. Introduction

A collection is a group of objects and treated as a single unit. It is used to store, retrieve, and manipulate aggregate data. Collections are part of the core java and all java developers must have familiarity with them. Java has provided a collection framework which contains interfaces, classes, and algorithms since version 1.2 and enhanced it over time. The most important interfaces are Java Set, List, and Map. Here are some enhancements:

  • Major enhancement at version 5, including generic type.
  • Added more interfaces and classes at version 6, including Deque, BlockingDeque, NavigableSet, NavigableMap, ConcurrentNavigableMap, etc.
  • Added a new TransferQueue interface at version 7.
  • Collection added the foreach(Consumer<? super T>> action) method at version 8.
  • Added factory methods for creating immutable lists at version 9, such as static of() method.
  • List added static copyOf() method at version 10.
  • Collection added a new default method toArray(IntFunction<T[]> generator) at version 11.

You can also check this tutorial in the following video:

Java Collections Tutorial – video

In this example, I will create several test classes to demonstrate how to use the most commonly used interfaces: List, Set, Queue and classes: ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, Stack, HashSet, TreeSet.

Java Collections
Figure 1 Collections

2. Technologies Used

The example code in this article was built and run using:

  • Java 11
  • Maven 3.3.9
  • Eclipse Oxygen
  • Logback 1.2.3

3. Maven Project

3.1 Pom.xml

Pom.xml manages the project dependencies.


<project xmlns=""

3.2 SomeData

Java collection classes work with Object, not the primitive data type. In this step, I will create a SomeData class which implements the Comparable interface.



public class SomeData implements Comparable , Serializable {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = -5243901184267064976L;

	private int id;

	private String name;

	public boolean equals(Object obj) {
		if (this == obj)
			return true;
		if (obj == null)
			return false;
		if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
			return false;
		SomeData other = (SomeData) obj;
		if (id !=
			return false;
		if (name == null) {
			if ( != null)
				return false;
		} else if (!name.equals(
			return false;
		return true;

	public int getId() {
		return id;

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public int hashCode() {
		final int prime = 31;
		int result = 1;
		result = prime * result + id;
		result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
		return result;

	public void setId(int id) { = id;

	public void setName(String name) { = name;

	public String toString() {
		return "SomeData [name=" + name + ", id=" + id + "]";

	public int compareTo(SomeData other) {
		int byName =;
		return byName;


4. Abstract Test Classes

In this step, I will create three abstract test classes:

  • CollectionBase_POJOTest – It demonstrates how to add, remove, clear, contains, getSize, foreach for a Collection of SomeData objects.
  • CollectionBase_StringTest – It does the same as above class but for String objects.
  • ListBase_StringTest – It extends from CollectionBase_StringTest with additional test methods for the List interface with String objects.

4.1 CollectionBase_StringTest

The Collection interface includes methods to add, remove, and retrieve elements from a collection. It checks the element’s existence with the contains method. In this example, I will create a test class which demonstrates how to use these methods for String objects.

package jcg.zheng.demo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

public abstract class CollectionBase_StringTest {

	protected Collection<String> colItems;

	protected Logger logger;

	public void Collection_add() {
		colItems.add("new Item");
		assertEquals(5, colItems.size());"The arraycolItems contains the following elements: " + colItems);

	public void Collection_clear() {

	public void Collection_contains() {

	public void Collection_getSize() {
		assertEquals(4, colItems.size());

	public void Collection_isEmpty() {

	public void Collection_loop_via_for() {"Retrieving items using for loop");
		for (String str : colItems) {"Item is: " + str);

	public void Collection_loop_via_foreach_java8() {"Retrieving items using Java 8 Stream");
		colItems.forEach((item) -> {;

	public void Collection_loop_via_iterator_next() {"Retrieving items using iterator");
		for (Iterator<String> it = colItems.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {"Item is: " +;

	public void Collection_loop_via_iterator_while() {
		Iterator<String> it = colItems.iterator();"Retrieving items using iterator");
		while (it.hasNext()) {"Item is: " +;

	public void Collection_remove() {
		boolean removed = colItems.remove("Item1");
		assertEquals(3, colItems.size());

		assertEquals(2, colItems.size());

	public void Collection_remove_via_iterator_remove() {"Removing items using iterator");
		for (Iterator<String> it = colItems.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
			String item =;"Item is: " + item);


	public void Collection_toArray_default_java11() {
		String[] simpleArray = colItems.toArray(new String[colItems.size()]);"The array created after the conversion of our arraycolItems is: " + Arrays.toString(simpleArray));

		String[] testArr = colItems.toArray(size -> new String[size]);"default toArray(intfunction):" + Arrays.toString(testArr));

Note: the colItems variable is a type of Collection<String>

4.2 CollectionBase_POJOTest

In this step, I will create a CollectionBase_POJOTest class which has the same methods as the CollectionBase_StringTest class but with the SomeData type.

package jcg.zheng.demo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.FixMethodOrder;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters;
import org.slf4j.Logger;


public abstract class CollectionBase_POJOTest {

	Collection<SomeData> list;

	protected Logger logger;

	protected SomeData buildSomeData(int id, String name) {
		SomeData sd = new SomeData();
		return sd;

	public void Collection_add() {
		list.add(buildSomeData(1, "test"));
		assertEquals(5, list.size());"The arraylist contains the following elements: " + list);

	public void Collection_clear() {

	public void Collection_contains() {
		assertTrue(list.contains(buildSomeData(1, "Item1")));
		assertFalse(list.contains(buildSomeData(5, "Item5")));

	public void Collection_getSize() {
		assertEquals(4, list.size());

	public void Collection_isEmpty() {

	public void Collection_loop_via_for() {"Retrieving items using for loop");
		for (SomeData str : list) {"Item is: " + str);

	public void Collection_loop_via_foreach_lambda() {"Retrieving items using Java 8 Stream");
		list.forEach((item) -> {;

	public void Collection_loop_via_iterator_for() {"Retrieving items using iterator");
		for (Iterator<SomeData> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {"Item is: " +;

	public void Collection_loop_via_iterator_while() {
		Iterator<SomeData> it = list.iterator();"Retrieving items using iterator");
		while (it.hasNext()) {"Item is: " +;

	public void Collection_remove() {
		list.remove(buildSomeData(3, "Item3"));
		assertEquals(3, list.size());

	public void Collection_toArray() {
		SomeData[] simpleArray = list.toArray(new SomeData[list.size()]);"The array created after the conversion of our arraylist is: " + Arrays.toString(simpleArray));

Note: the list variable is a type of Collection<SomeData>

4.3 ListBase_StringTest

The List interface extends from the Collection interface with additional methods. In this step, I will demonstrate how to add, remove, and retrieve at a given index position for a List of String. I will also demonstrate two Collections algorithms with the sort and binarySearch methods.

package jcg.zheng.demo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

import org.junit.Test;

public abstract class ListBase_StringTest extends CollectionBase_StringTest {

	protected List<String> listItems;

	public void Collections_sort_binarySearch() {

		assertEquals("Mary", listItems.get(0));
		assertEquals("Shan", listItems.get(1));
		assertEquals("Tom", listItems.get(2));
		assertEquals("Zheng", listItems.get(3));"Sorted List");
		for (int i = 0; i < listItems.size(); i++) {"Index: " + i + " - Item: " + listItems.get(i));

		int foundTom = Collections.binarySearch(listItems, "Tom");
		assertEquals(2, foundTom);

	public void List_can_add_get_remove_via_index() {

		listItems.add(0, "Mary");
		assertEquals(1, listItems.size());

		int pos = listItems.indexOf("Mary");
		assertEquals(0, pos);

		String item0 = listItems.get(0);
		assertEquals("Mary", item0);

		listItems.set(0, "Zheng");
		assertEquals("Zheng", listItems.get(0));



	public void List_copyOf_java10() {

		List<String> copiedValues = List.copyOf(listItems);
		assertEquals(2, copiedValues.size());

	public void List_loop_via_for_get_index() {
		listItems.add("Zheng");"Retrieving items with loop using index and size list");
		for (int i = 0; i < listItems.size(); i++) {"Index: " + i + " - Item: " + listItems.get(i));

	public void List_of_java9() {
		List<String> emptyList = List.of();

		List<String> itemList = List.of("Mary", "Zheng", "Developer");
		assertEquals(3, itemList.size());


Note: the listItems variable is a type of List<String>

5. Test Classes

In this step, I will create test classes for the commonly used Collection classes. Each test class is extends from one of the three abstract test classes with its unique operations. The test method is named as {$InterfaceName}_{$MethodName}.

5.1 ArrayList_StringTest

ArrayList implements List, Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable, Collection, and RandomAccess interfaces. It is used to store dynamically sized collection of elements.

In this step, I will create an ArrayList_StringTest class which extends from ListBase_StringTest.

In the setup_list_with_4_items method, it will create an ArrayList instance and add four items. This method is also annotated with @Before annotation so it will be called for each test method.

In the ArrayList_clone method, it will clone an array list.

package jcg.zheng.demo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class ArrayList_StringTest extends ListBase_StringTest {

 public void Object_clone() {
 ArrayList<String> arrList = (ArrayList<String>) listItems;

 ArrayList<String> cloneArr = (ArrayList<String>) arrList.clone();
 assertEquals(2, cloneArr.size());

 public void setup_list_with_4_items() {
 logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

 colItems = new ArrayList<String>();

 assertEquals(1, colItems.size());
 assertEquals(2, colItems.size());
 assertEquals(3, colItems.size());
 assertEquals(4, colItems.size());

 listItems = new ArrayList<String>();
 assertEquals(4, listItems.size());



Execute mvn test -Dtest=ArrayList_StringTest


 T E S T S
Running jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest
05:19:33.334 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Retrieving items with loop using index and size list
05:19:33.377 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Index: 0 - Item: Tom
05:19:33.377 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Index: 1 - Item: Mary
05:19:33.377 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Index: 2 - Item: Shan
05:19:33.377 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Index: 3 - Item: Zheng
05:19:33.381 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Sorted List
05:19:33.383 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Index: 0 - Item: Mary
05:19:33.384 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Index: 1 - Item: Shan
05:19:33.384 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Index: 2 - Item: Tom
05:19:33.390 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Index: 3 - Item: Zheng
05:19:33.417 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - The arraycolItems contains the following elements: [Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, new Item]
05:19:33.425 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Retrieving items using for loop
05:19:33.426 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:19:33.427 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:19:33.427 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:19:33.427 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:19:33.428 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Retrieving items using Java 8 Stream
05:19:33.431 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item1
05:19:33.431 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item2
05:19:33.431 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item3
05:19:33.431 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item4
05:19:33.432 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:19:33.432 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:19:33.433 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:19:33.433 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:19:33.433 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:19:33.434 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:19:33.435 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:19:33.436 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:19:33.437 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:19:33.437 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:19:33.445 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Removing items using iterator
05:19:33.446 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:19:33.446 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:19:33.447 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:19:33.448 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:19:33.455 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - The array created after the conversion of our arraycolItems is: [Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4]
05:19:33.458 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_StringTest - default toArray(intfunction):[Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4]
Tests run: 17, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.526 sec

Results :

Tests run: 17, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  11.850 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-04T05:19:33-05:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


5.2 LinkedList_StringTest

LinkedList implements Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable, Collection, List and Queue interfaces. It models the linked-list data structure.

In this step, I will create a LinkedList_StringTest class which extends from ListBase_StringTest.

In the setup_colItem_with_4_items method, it will create a LinkedList instance and add four items. This method is also annotated with @Before annotation so it will be called for each test method.

In the DeQue_peekFirst_peekLast method, it will find the first element and last element from the DeQue interface’s methods.

In the DeQue_peek method, it will find the head element from Deque‘s method.

package jcg.zheng.demo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class LinkedList_StringTest extends ListBase_StringTest {

 public void DeQue_peekFirst_peekLast() {
 LinkedList<String> linkedLst = (LinkedList<String>) listItems;

 assertEquals("Mary", linkedLst.peekFirst());
 assertEquals("Zheng", linkedLst.peekLast());

 assertEquals("Mary", linkedLst.peek());

 public void DeQue_peek() {
 LinkedList<String> linkedLst = (LinkedList<String>) listItems;

 assertEquals("Mary", linkedLst.peek());

 public void setup_colItems_with_4_items() {
 logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

 colItems = new LinkedList<String>();

 assertEquals(1, colItems.size());
 assertEquals(2, colItems.size());
 assertEquals(3, colItems.size());
 assertEquals(4, colItems.size());

 listItems = new LinkedList<String>();
 assertEquals(4, listItems.size());


Execute mvn test -Dtest=LinkedList_StringTest


 T E S T S
Running jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest
05:22:22.802 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Retrieving items with loop using index and size list
05:22:22.865 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Index: 0 - Item: Tom
05:22:22.866 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Index: 1 - Item: Mary
05:22:22.867 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Index: 2 - Item: Shan
05:22:22.869 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Index: 3 - Item: Zheng
05:22:22.873 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Sorted List
05:22:22.875 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Index: 0 - Item: Mary
05:22:22.876 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Index: 1 - Item: Shan
05:22:22.877 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Index: 2 - Item: Tom
05:22:22.878 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Index: 3 - Item: Zheng
05:22:22.908 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - The arraycolItems contains the following elements: [Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, new Item]
05:22:22.914 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Retrieving items using for loop
05:22:22.915 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:22:22.917 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:22:22.918 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:22:22.918 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:22:22.920 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Retrieving items using Java 8 Stream
05:22:22.921 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item1
05:22:22.922 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item2
05:22:22.922 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item3
05:22:22.922 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item4
05:22:22.922 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:22:22.923 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:22:22.923 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:22:22.924 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:22:22.925 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:22:22.925 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:22:22.926 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:22:22.926 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:22:22.926 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:22:22.926 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:22:22.930 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Removing items using iterator
05:22:22.930 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:22:22.931 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:22:22.931 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:22:22.932 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:22:22.934 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - The array created after the conversion of our arraycolItems is: [Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4]
05:22:22.936 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.LinkedList_StringTest - default toArray(intfunction):[Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4]
Tests run: 18, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.726 sec

Results :

Tests run: 18, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  13.643 s

5.3 Vector_StringTestBase

Vector implements Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable, Collection, List, and RandomAccess interfaces. It implements a grow-able array of objects.

In this step, I will create a Vector_StringTest class which extends from ListBase_StringTest.

In the setup_colItems_with_4_items method, it will create a Vector instance and add four items. This method is also annotated with @Before annotation so it will be called for each test method.

In the Vector_firstElement_lastElement method, it will find the first and last elements.

package jcg.zheng.demo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.Vector;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class Vector_StringTest extends ListBase_StringTest {

	public void setup_colItems_with_4_items() {
		logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

		colItems = new Vector<String>();

		assertEquals(1, colItems.size());
		assertEquals(2, colItems.size());
		assertEquals(3, colItems.size());
		assertEquals(4, colItems.size());

		listItems = new Vector<String>();
		assertEquals(4, listItems.size());

	public void Vector_firstElement_lastElement() {
		Vector<String> vectorObj = (Vector<String>) listItems;

		assertEquals("Mary", vectorObj.firstElement());
		assertEquals("Zheng", vectorObj.lastElement());


Execute mvn test -Dtest=Vector_StringTest


 T E S T S
Running jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest
05:25:12.397 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Retrieving items with loop using index and size list
05:25:12.443 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Index: 0 - Item: Tom
05:25:12.443 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Index: 1 - Item: Mary
05:25:12.443 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Index: 2 - Item: Shan
05:25:12.443 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Index: 3 - Item: Zheng
05:25:12.447 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Sorted List
05:25:12.448 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Index: 0 - Item: Mary
05:25:12.448 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Index: 1 - Item: Shan
05:25:12.449 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Index: 2 - Item: Tom
05:25:12.449 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Index: 3 - Item: Zheng
05:25:12.488 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - The arraycolItems contains the following elements: [Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, new Item]
05:25:12.493 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Retrieving items using for loop
05:25:12.498 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:25:12.498 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:25:12.498 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:25:12.498 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:25:12.500 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Retrieving items using Java 8 Stream
05:25:12.501 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item1
05:25:12.502 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item2
05:25:12.502 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item3
05:25:12.502 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item4
05:25:12.503 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:25:12.504 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:25:12.504 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:25:12.504 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:25:12.504 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:25:12.505 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:25:12.507 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:25:12.508 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:25:12.508 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:25:12.508 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:25:12.516 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Removing items using iterator
05:25:12.517 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:25:12.517 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:25:12.518 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:25:12.518 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:25:12.522 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - The array created after the conversion of our arraycolItems is: [Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4]
05:25:12.524 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Vector_StringTest - default toArray(intfunction):[Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4]
Tests run: 17, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.518 sec

Results :

Tests run: 17, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  01:09 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-04T05:25:12-05:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


5.4 Stack_StringTest

Stack extends from Vector and implements List interface. It models the Stack data structure.

In this step, I will create a Stack_StringTest class which extends from ListBase_StringTest.

In the setup_colItems_with_4_items method, it will create a Stack instance and add four items. This method is also annotated with @Before annotation so it will be called for each test method.

In the Stack_push_pop method, it will push an element and pop an element based on first-in-last-out order.

package jcg.zheng.demo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.Stack;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class Stack_StringTest extends ListBase_StringTest {

 public void setup_colItems_with_4_items() {
 logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

 colItems = new Stack<String>();

 assertEquals(1, colItems.size());
 assertEquals(2, colItems.size());
 assertEquals(3, colItems.size());
 assertEquals(4, colItems.size());

 listItems = new Stack<String>();
 assertEquals(4, listItems.size());

 public void Stack_push_pop() {
 ((Stack<String>) listItems).push("Mary");
 String item = ((Stack<String>) listItems).pop();
 assertEquals("Mary", item);


Execute mvn test -Dtest=Stack_StringTest


 T E S T S
Running jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest
05:26:53.868 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Retrieving items with loop using index and size list
05:26:53.933 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Index: 0 - Item: Tom
05:26:53.934 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Index: 1 - Item: Mary
05:26:53.935 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Index: 2 - Item: Shan
05:26:53.936 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Index: 3 - Item: Zheng
05:26:53.939 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Sorted List
05:26:53.940 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Index: 0 - Item: Mary
05:26:53.942 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Index: 1 - Item: Shan
05:26:53.943 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Index: 2 - Item: Tom
05:26:53.943 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Index: 3 - Item: Zheng
05:26:53.973 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - The arraycolItems contains the following elements: [Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, new Item]
05:26:53.975 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Retrieving items using for loop
05:26:53.977 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:26:53.978 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:26:53.978 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:26:53.978 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:26:53.981 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Retrieving items using Java 8 Stream
05:26:53.984 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item1
05:26:53.984 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item2
05:26:53.984 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item3
05:26:53.984 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item4
05:26:53.985 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:26:53.986 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:26:53.986 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:26:53.986 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:26:53.986 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:26:53.987 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:26:53.988 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:26:53.988 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:26:53.988 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:26:53.988 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:26:53.994 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Removing items using iterator
05:26:53.995 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item1
05:26:53.996 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item2
05:26:53.996 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item3
05:26:53.996 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - Item is: Item4
05:26:53.997 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - The array created after the conversion of our arraycolItems is: [Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4]
05:26:53.999 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.Stack_StringTest - default toArray(intfunction):[Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4]
Tests run: 18, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.616 sec

Results :

Tests run: 18, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  10.761 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-04T05:26:54-05:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


5.5 ArrayList_POJOTest

In this step, I will create an ArrayList_POJOTest class which extends from CollectionBase_POJOTest.

In the setup_list_with_4_items method, it will create an ArrayList instance and add four items. This method is also annotated with @Before annotation so it will be called for each test method.

package jcg.zheng.demo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


public class ArrayList_POJOTest extends CollectionBase_POJOTest {

	public void setup_list_with_4_items() {
		logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

		list = new ArrayList<SomeData>();

		list.add(buildSomeData(1, "Item1"));
		assertEquals(1, list.size());
		list.add(buildSomeData(2, "Item2"));
		assertEquals(2, list.size());
		list.add(buildSomeData(3, "Item3"));
		assertEquals(3, list.size());
		list.add(buildSomeData(4, "Item4"));
		assertEquals(4, list.size());


Execute mvn test -Dtest=ArrayList_POJOTest


 T E S T S
Running jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest
05:28:57.110 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - The arraylist contains the following elements: [SomeData [name=Item1, id=1], SomeData [name=Item2, id=2], SomeData [name=Item3, id=3], SomeData [name=Item4, id=4], SomeData [name=test, id=1]]
05:28:57.127 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Retrieving items using for loop
05:28:57.129 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:28:57.130 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:28:57.130 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:28:57.131 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:28:57.133 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Retrieving items using Java 8 Stream
05:28:57.138 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:28:57.139 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:28:57.140 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:28:57.140 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:28:57.143 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:28:57.145 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:28:57.145 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:28:57.145 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:28:57.145 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:28:57.147 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:28:57.148 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:28:57.148 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:28:57.149 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:28:57.149 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:28:57.157 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.ArrayList_POJOTest - The array created after the conversion of our arraylist is: [SomeData [name=Item1, id=1], SomeData [name=Item2, id=2], SomeData [name=Item3, id=3], SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]]
Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.473 sec

Results :

Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  10.397 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-04T05:28:57-05:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


5.6 HashSet_POJOTest

HashSet implements the Java Set interface. Java Set interface is implemented by HashSet, Treeset and other classes. It is used to store a collection of unique elements.

In this step, I will create a HashSet_POJOTest class which extends from CollectionBase_POJOTest.

In the setup_with_4_items method, it will create a HashSet instance and add four items. This method is also annotated with @Before annotation so it will be called for each test method.

In the allow_null method, it will add a null object.

In the Set_no_duplicate method, it will show that Set does not allow any duplicate elements.

package jcg.zheng.demo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


public class HashSet_POJOTest extends CollectionBase_POJOTest {

 public void allow_null() {
 Set<SomeData> setData = new HashSet<>();
 assertEquals(1, setData.size());

 public void Set_no_duplicate() {
 Set<SomeData> setData = new HashSet<>();

 setData.add(buildSomeData(1, "Tom"));
 setData.add(buildSomeData(3, "Mary"));
 setData.add(buildSomeData(2, "Shan"));
 setData.add(buildSomeData(2, "Shan"));
 setData.add(buildSomeData(4, "Zheng"));
 assertEquals(4, setData.size());


 public void setup_with_4_items() {
 logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

 list = new HashSet<SomeData>();

 list.add(buildSomeData(1, "Item1"));
 assertEquals(1, list.size());
 list.add(buildSomeData(2, "Item2"));
 assertEquals(2, list.size());
 list.add(buildSomeData(3, "Item3"));
 assertEquals(3, list.size());
 list.add(buildSomeData(4, "Item4"));
 assertEquals(4, list.size());


Execute mvn test -Dtest=HashSet_POJOTest


 T E S T S
Running jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest
05:30:28.475 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - The arraylist contains the following elements: [SomeData [name=Item1, id=1], SomeData [name=Item2, id=2], SomeData [name=Item3, id=3], SomeData [name=Item4, id=4], SomeData [name=test, id=1]]
05:30:28.488 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Retrieving items using for loop
05:30:28.489 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:30:28.489 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:30:28.489 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:30:28.490 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:30:28.491 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Retrieving items using Java 8 Stream
05:30:28.494 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:30:28.496 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:30:28.497 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:30:28.497 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:30:28.498 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:30:28.500 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:30:28.500 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:30:28.500 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:30:28.500 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:30:28.502 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:30:28.503 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:30:28.504 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:30:28.504 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:30:28.505 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:30:28.508 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.HashSet_POJOTest - The array created after the conversion of our arraylist is: [SomeData [name=Item1, id=1], SomeData [name=Item2, id=2], SomeData [name=Item3, id=3], SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]]
Tests run: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.483 sec

Results :

Tests run: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  10.608 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-04T05:30:28-05:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


5.7 TreeSet_POJOTest

TreeSet extends from AbstractSet which implements the Java Set interface. Objects in a TreeSet are stored in a sorted and ascending order.

In this step, I will create a TreeSet_POJOTest class which extends from CollectionBase_POJOTest.

In the setup_with_4_items method, it will create a TreeSet instance and add four items. This method is also annotated with @Before annotation so it will be called for each test method.

In the Set_no_duplicate_ordered method, it will show that TreeSet orders its unique elements.

package jcg.zheng.demo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


public class TreeSet_POJOTest extends CollectionBase_POJOTest {

	public void Set_no_duplicate_ordered() {
		Set<SomeData> testSet = new TreeSet<>();

		testSet.add(buildSomeData(1, "Tom"));
		testSet.add(buildSomeData(3, "Mary"));
		testSet.add(buildSomeData(2, "Shan"));
		testSet.add(buildSomeData(2, "Shan"));
		testSet.add(buildSomeData(4, "Zheng"));
		assertEquals(4, testSet.size());"TreeSet is ordered");
		testSet.forEach(item -> {;


	public void setup_with_4_items() {
		logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

		list = new TreeSet<SomeData>();

		list.add(buildSomeData(1, "Item1"));
		assertEquals(1, list.size());
		list.add(buildSomeData(2, "Item2"));
		assertEquals(2, list.size());
		list.add(buildSomeData(3, "Item3"));
		assertEquals(3, list.size());
		list.add(buildSomeData(4, "Item4"));
		assertEquals(4, list.size());


Execute mvn test -Dtest=TreeSet_POJOTest


 T E S T S
Running jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest
05:31:47.416 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - TreeSet is ordered
05:31:47.472 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Mary, id=3]
05:31:47.472 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Shan, id=2]
05:31:47.472 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Tom, id=1]
05:31:47.473 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Zheng, id=4]
05:31:47.499 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - The arraylist contains the following elements: [SomeData [name=Item1, id=1], SomeData [name=Item2, id=2], SomeData [name=Item3, id=3], SomeData [name=Item4, id=4], SomeData [name=test, id=1]]
05:31:47.504 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Retrieving items using for loop
05:31:47.507 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:31:47.508 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:31:47.508 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:31:47.508 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:31:47.511 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Retrieving items using Java 8 Stream
05:31:47.514 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:31:47.515 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:31:47.515 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:31:47.516 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:31:47.517 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:31:47.518 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:31:47.518 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:31:47.518 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:31:47.519 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:31:47.520 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Retrieving items using iterator
05:31:47.522 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item1, id=1]
05:31:47.522 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item2, id=2]
05:31:47.523 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item3, id=3]
05:31:47.523 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - Item is: SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]
05:31:47.528 [main] INFO jcg.zheng.demo.TreeSet_POJOTest - The array created after the conversion of our arraylist is: [SomeData [name=Item1, id=1], SomeData [name=Item2, id=2], SomeData [name=Item3, id=3], SomeData [name=Item4, id=4]]
Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.489 sec

Results :

Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  11.171 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-08-04T05:31:47-05:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


6. Summary

In this article, I covered the fundamental of Java Collections framework, which is part of the core java skillset. I created several test classes to demonstrate how to add, remove, retrieve, clear, sort, and search items from a collection of objects.

Please check here for more details about the Big-O differences among these interfaces and classes in the Java collection framework.

8. Download the Source Code

This example consists of Maven project to demonstrate the Collections framework, which is part of the core java skillset.

You can download the full source code of this example here: Java Collections Tutorial

Mary Zheng

Mary has graduated from Mechanical Engineering department at ShangHai JiaoTong University. She also holds a Master degree in Computer Science from Webster University. During her studies she has been involved with a large number of projects ranging from programming and software engineering. She works as a senior Software Engineer in the telecommunications sector where she acts as a leader and works with others to design, implement, and monitor the software solution.
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