Core Java

How to Install Java on Linux Mint

In this article, we will explain how to install Java on Linux Mint.

1. Introduction

Java is the most popular programming language of all due to its platform independence nature and versatile features such as OOPS, Multi-threading, Multitasking, concurrent programming, and many more. In this tutorial, we are going to see how we can install Java on the Linux Mint flavor of OS. Hence if you are having a Linux Mint version installed in your computer you could go through the following steps to install Java in it and make it ready for all types of Java programming. Java comes in 3 different editions i.e.

  • Java Standard Edition(J2SE)
  • Java Enterprise Edition(J2EE)
  • Java Micro edition(J2ME)

Moreover it is available in 2 diffferent implementations i.e.

  • Open JDK: This is the open-source implementation of Java and does not require any license to use.
  • Oracle JDK: This is the implementation of Java distributed by Oracle and requires license for its commercial use.

Before we install Java, we should also be familiar with the following two terms in context to the Java Technology :

  • Java Development Kit(JDK): It is a software having all the Java APIs that would be required to write Java code in your system.
  • Java Runtime Environment(JRE): It is a run time environment that enables us to run/execute programs written in Java successfully in our system.

2. Prerequisite

You should have a non-root user account in your Linux mint System with Sudo privileges before proceeding with the installation.

3. Steps to install Java on Linux Mint 20 Ulyana

3.1 Install Open JDK 10

Currently, Open JDK 10 is the default version of Java for Linux Mint 19. To install the same please follow the given steps:

3.1.1 Package manager index

Update the package manager index typing the following command:

sudo apt update

The following image depicts the output after running the sudo apt update command.

install java linux mint - output afetr running sudo apt update command
Fig. 1 sudo apt update

3.1.2 Install the default Open JDK on Linux Mint 19

sudo apt install default-jdk 

The following figure depicts the output after running the command sudo apt install default-jdk

install java linux mint - Output for command sudo apt install default-jdk
Figure 2. sudo apt install default-jdk

The following figure depicts the output after running the command suso apt install default-JDK

install java linux mint - Output for command sudo apt install default-jdk_1_final
Figure 3. sudo apt install default-jdk

3.1.3 Confirm the installation

java -version


openjdk version "11.0.8" 2020-07-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.8+10+post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu120.04)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.8+10-post-Ubuntu-oubuntu120.04, mixed mode, sharing)
Output for java -version
Figure 4. Output for java -version

3.2 Installing specific version of Open JDK

3.2.1 Put the version no. to install a specific version of open JDK:

sudo apt install openjdk-[version no.]-jdk

For. e.g. if you wish to install the OpenJDK version 8, which is the default LTS version of the OpenJDK, you need to run the following command:

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
Output for sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk_final
Figure 5. Output for sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk_final

3.3 Installing Oracle Java with apt

Oracle Java which is the official version of Java from Oracle can be installed by following the below steps:

3.3.1 Adding the “Linux Uprising” PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java

The following figure depicts the output after running the command sudo-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java

Output for command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java
Figure 6. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java

3.3.2 Download all the package information and apply updates and patches

sudo apt-get update

The following figure depicts the output after running the command Sudo apt update command

output afetr running sudo apt update command
Fig. 7 sudo apt update command

3.3.3 Install the Oracle Java 14 from the Oracle official website and set it as default

sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default

The following figure depicts the output after running the command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default

Output for command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default
Figure 8. sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default

The following figure depicts the output after running the command sudo apt-get-install oracle-java14-install oracle-java14-set-default

Output for command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default
Figure 9. sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default

Accept the License Agreement by clicking on the ok and yes button on the respective windows.

Oracle Java 14 License Agreement Window
Figure 10. Oracle Java 14 License Agreement Window
Oracle Java 14 License Agreement Window
Figure 11. Oracle Java 14 License Agreement Window

After accepting the License Agreement Page, finish with the rest of the installation.

The following figure depicts the output after running the command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default

Output for command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default
Figure 12. Output for command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default

The following figure depicts after running the command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default

install java linux mint - Output for command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default
Figure 13. Output for command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default

The following figure depicts the output after running the command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default

install java linux mint - Output for command sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default
Figure 14. sudo apt-get install oracle-java14-installer oracle-java14-set-default

4. Summary

In this tutorial, we understood how to install the Java development kit, both Open JDK and Oracle Java version, in Linux Mint 20 Ulyana version.

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Gaurav Verma

I am Gaurav Verma from Kolkata, India. I have done Bachelors of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering from Narula Institute of Technology under West Bengal University of Technology. I joined NIIT LTD. as a Technical Trainer in 2007 and trained students pursuing GNIIT and Bsc.IT curriculum as well as modular courses in various technologies like Java, .Net and Open Source technologies. I have been a very enthusiastic Java programmer and take lot of interest in programming through Java language and also develop Standalone and web applications using Java technologies. My favourite pass time are Solving Puzzles, Sudoku, watching documentaries etc.
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