Core Java

How to Download and Install Java 16

In this article, we will explain how to Download and Install Java 16.

1. Introduction

Oracle released JDK 16 on March 16, 2021. Let’s see how to download and install Java 16 (Oracle JDK 16).

2. Download Oracle JDK 16

In this step, I will download the installer from the Oracle website. First, open a web browser and navigate to Select the desired file based on the operating system. For this step, I chose the Windows 64 installer and accepted the license agreement.

java 16 download
Figure 1 Download the installer

After clicking the “Download jdk-16.0.1_windows-x64_bin.exe” button, you should find the installer file at the Downloads folder.

java 16 download - jdk 16
Figure 2 Downloaded JDK 16 Installer

3. Install Oracle JDK 16

In this step, I will install Oracle JDK 16 by clicking jdk-16.0.1_windows-x64_bin.exe. It will launch the following Setup dialog.

java 16 download - setup step
Figure 3 Install JDK 16 Setup Step

Click the “Next” button. You may click the “Change” button to change the installation folder location.

java 16 download - change destination folder step
Figure 4 Install JDK 16 Change Destination Folder Step

Click the “Next” button, it will display the following confirmation dialog in the end.

Figure 5 Install JDK 16 Complete Step

Click the “Close” button to complete the installation processes.

3.1 Verify Installation

In this step, I will verify the installation by checking the java -version command’s output.

java -version

C:\Users\Zheng>java -version
java version "16.0.1" 2021-04-20
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 16.0.1+9-24)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.0.1+9-24, mixed mode, sharing)


The above output confirms that the JDK 16 is installed successfully.

4. Install JDK via Docker

Oracle has not released the JDK 16 docker image yet, but there are other JDK 16 docker image available from DockerHub. In this step, I will get the adoptopenjdk/openjdk16 image and install it in a Docker container.

docker pull adoptopenjdk/openjdk16

C:\MaryZheng\DockerImages>docker pull adoptopenjdk/openjdk16
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from adoptopenjdk/openjdk16
c549ccf8d472: Pull complete                                                                                             e5d238d336d9: Pull complete                                                                                             274767321e8f: Pull complete                                                                                             Digest: sha256:0848d89e17bb1266d187629f934ce325c24af1cdca816f2d25c7ea2bf2c3105e
Status: Downloaded newer image for adoptopenjdk/openjdk16:latest

docker run adoptopenjdk/openjdk16

C:\MaryZheng\DockerImages>docker run adoptopenjdk/openjdk16
Jul 07, 2021 11:36:35 AM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$1 run
INFO: Created user preferences directory.
|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 16.0.1
|  For an introduction type: /help intro


As you seen in the output, JDK16 is available in a Docker container.

5. New Features of Java 16

Oracle website outlines a list of new features in Java 16. You can also check our article about Java 16 New Features.

Mary Zheng

Mary has graduated from Mechanical Engineering department at ShangHai JiaoTong University. She also holds a Master degree in Computer Science from Webster University. During her studies she has been involved with a large number of projects ranging from programming and software engineering. She works as a senior Software Engineer in the telecommunications sector where she acts as a leader and works with others to design, implement, and monitor the software solution.
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