
Vaadin Custom Component Example

Suppose you need a reusable component in you web application, a component widget that you need to add in multiple places into your application, instead of code the component functionality every time, Vaadin offers in handy the possibility of create a reusable widget that you can use every time you need it, saving your time and giving you a more elegant solution than code the whole thing every time.

1. The tools

  • Java JDK 8
  • Latest Eclipse Mars
  • Vaadin 7.6.2

2. Introduction

In this example we are going to create a Vaadin widget that you can adapt to your needs. With the Vaadin plugin you have an automated way to make the widget and add it to your project ready to customize and use. Let’s get started!

3. Prerequisites

  • JDK installed
  • Eclipse Mars installed and working
  • Vaadin Plugin 7.6.2

4. Create the project

Fire up eclipse and go to the menu File -> New -> Other:

01 Create Project
01 Create Project

Choose from the list Vaadin 7 Project and hit next.

02 Vaadin project
02 Vaadin project

Name your project and hit finish:

03 Name the project
03 Name the project

Now you have a fresh Vaadin project ready to run. Let’s add the custom component to the project.

5. Create the Vaadin custom component

Right click in the project folder inside eclipse and choose New -> Other:

04 Add widget
04 Add widget

In the following pop-up window, choose from the list Vaadin Widget and hit next.

05 Create widget
05 Create widget

Now pick a name for your component and hit finish.

06 Name the widget
06 Name the widget

You are done creating the custom widget.

6. Review your project

Take a look at your project tree and note that Vaadin have created a bunch of files for you saving you to type a lot of boilerplate code, also note that Vaadin organize your project in packages with your main application in one package com.example.vaadinwidget and the custom component in other package com.example.vaadinwidget.client.mycomponent, abstracting the inner details of the widget.

07 project tree
07 project tree

All the code of the widget are in the project for you to customize if your widget is complex enough or if you need to.

Vaadin have created a client side text widget when you click on it, it changes the text of the widget and if you click 5 times, make the application fire an alert with a message.

Look at the code of the file that manage the functionality of the component, it extends com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent

package com.example.vaadinwidget;

import com.example.vaadinwidget.client.mycomponent.MyComponentClientRpc;
import com.example.vaadinwidget.client.mycomponent.MyComponentServerRpc;
import com.vaadin.shared.MouseEventDetails;
import com.example.vaadinwidget.client.mycomponent.MyComponentState;

public class MyComponent extends com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent {

    private MyComponentServerRpc rpc = new MyComponentServerRpc() {
        private int clickCount = 0;

        public void clicked(MouseEventDetails mouseDetails) {
            // nag every 5:th click using RPC
            if (++clickCount % 5 == 0) {
                        "Ok, that's enough!");
            // update shared state
            getState().text = "You have clicked " + clickCount + " times";

    public MyComponent() {

    public MyComponentState getState() {
        return (MyComponentState) super.getState();

we have clickCount that counts the mouse clicks and also we have a function clicked that capture the mouse click and when clickCount is 5 it fire an alert also modifies the widget text with getState().text = "You have clicked " + clickCount + " times";

7. Compile the widgetset

From the Vaadin button in the toolbar choose compile widgetset.

08 compile widgetset
08 compile widgetset

and after a while you widgetset is compiled using the GWT compiler shipped with the Vaadin plugin.

8. Run The project

Right click in the project folder and choose Run As -> Run on server.

09 Run Project
09 Run Project

Then choose your favorite server and hit finish.

10 Choose server
10 Choose server

9. Application output

You should have your custom component running in your application:

11 Application output
11 Application output

10. Get the source code

This was an example about Vaadin Custom Component.

You can download the Eclipse project here: VaadinWidget

Jesus Boadas

I'm a self taught programmer, I began programming back in 1991 using an IBM A10 mainframe with Pascal an Assembler IBM 360/70 emulator and Turbo C on a X86 PC, since that I work for the banking industry with emerging technologies like Fox Pro, Visual Fox Pro, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Borland C++, lately I moved out to the Airline industry, leading designing and programming in-house web applications with Flex, Actionscript, PHP, Python and Rails and in the last 7 years I focused all my work in Java, working on Linux servers using GlassFish, TomCat, Apache and MySql.
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