The JavaFX Media API
This is an article about the JavaFX Media API. JavaFX supports playing audio and video through the JavaFX Media API. HTTP live streaming of static media files and live feeds are also supported.
A number of media formats are supported, including AAC, AIFF, WAV, and MP3. FLV containing VP6 video and MP3 audio and MPEG-4 multimedia container with H.264/AVC video formats are also supported.
The support for a specific media format is platform dependent. Some media playback features and formats do not require any addition installations; some require third-party software to be installed.
The following table shows an overview of the whole article:
Table Of Contents
The following examples use Java SE 7 and JavaFX 2.2.
1. Introduction
The Media API consists of the following classes:
- AudioClip
- Media
- MediaPlayer
- MediaView
- MediaErrorEvent
- MediaException
AudioClip is used to play a short audio clip with minimal latency. Typically, this is useful for sound effects, which are usually short audio clips.
Use the Media, MediaPlayer, and MediaView classes for playing audios and videos of longer length.
The Media
and MediaPlayer
classes are used to play audios as well as videos. An instance of the Media
class represents a media resource, which could be an audio or video. It provides the information about the media, for example, the duration of the media.
An instance of the MediaPlayer
class provides controls for playing a media.
An instance of the MediaView
class provides the view of a media being played by a MediaPlayer
. A MediaView
is used for viewing a video.
Several things can go wrong when you attempt to play a media, for example, the media format may not be supported or the media content may be corrupt.
An instance of the MediaException class represents a specific type of media error that may occur during media playback. When a media-related error occurs, a MediaErrorEvent is generated. You can handle the error by adding an appropriate event handler to the
media objects.
2. Playing Audio Clips
2.1 The Code
import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.Slider; import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import; import javafx.stage.Stage; public class FxMediaExample1 extends Application { private AudioClip audioClip; public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void init() { // Create an AudioClip, which loads the audio data synchronously final URL resource = getClass().getResource("Test.mp3"); audioClip = new AudioClip(resource.toExternalForm()); } @Override public void start(Stage stage) { // Create the Buttons Button playButton = new Button("Play"); Button stopButton = new Button("Stop"); // Create the Sliders final Slider cycleSlider = new Slider(1, 5, 1); cycleSlider.setMajorTickUnit(1); cycleSlider.setShowTickLabels(true); final Slider volumeSlider = new Slider(0.0, 1.0, 0.5); volumeSlider.setMajorTickUnit(0.1); volumeSlider.setShowTickLabels(true); final Slider rateSlider = new Slider(0, 8, 4); rateSlider.setMajorTickUnit(1); rateSlider.setShowTickLabels(true); final Slider balanceSlider = new Slider(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0); balanceSlider.setMajorTickUnit(0.2); balanceSlider.setShowTickLabels(true); final Slider panSlider = new Slider(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0); panSlider.setMajorTickUnit(0.2); panSlider.setShowTickLabels(true); final Slider prioritySlider = new Slider(0.0, 10.0, 0.0); prioritySlider.setMajorTickUnit(1); prioritySlider.setShowTickLabels(true); // Create the Event Handlers for the Button playButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) {; } }); stopButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { audioClip.stop(); } }); // Bind the Properties audioClip.cycleCountProperty().bind(cycleSlider.valueProperty()); audioClip.volumeProperty().bind(volumeSlider.valueProperty()); audioClip.rateProperty().bind(rateSlider.valueProperty()); audioClip.balanceProperty().bind(balanceSlider.valueProperty()); audioClip.panProperty().bind(panSlider.valueProperty()); audioClip.priorityProperty().bind(prioritySlider.valueProperty()); // Create the GridPane GridPane sliderPane = new GridPane(); // Set horizontal and vertical Spacing sliderPane.setHgap(5); sliderPane.setVgap(10); // Add the details to the GridPane sliderPane.addRow(0, new Label("CycleCount:"), cycleSlider); sliderPane.addRow(1, new Label("Volume:"), volumeSlider); sliderPane.addRow(2, new Label("Rate:"), rateSlider); sliderPane.addRow(3, new Label("Balance:"), balanceSlider); sliderPane.addRow(4, new Label("Pan:"), panSlider); sliderPane.addRow(5, new Label("Priority:"), prioritySlider); // Create the HBox HBox buttonBox = new HBox(5, playButton, stopButton); VBox root = new VBox(5,sliderPane, buttonBox); // Set the Sie of the VBox root.setPrefWidth(300); root.setPrefHeight(350); // Set the Style-properties of the HBox root.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10;" + "-fx-border-style: solid inside;" + "-fx-border-width: 2;" + "-fx-border-insets: 5;" + "-fx-border-radius: 5;" + "-fx-border-color: blue;"); // Create the Scene Scene scene = new Scene(root); // Add the scene to the Stage stage.setScene(scene); // Set the title of the Stage stage.setTitle("An AucioClip Example"); // Display the Stage; } }
An instance of the AudioClip
class is used to play a short audio clip with minimal latency. Typically, this is useful for playing short audio clips, for example, a beep sound when the user makes an error or producing short sound effects in gaming applications.
The AudioClip
class provides only one constructor that takes a URL in string form, which is the URL of the audio source. The audio clip is immediately loaded into memory in raw, uncompressed form. This is the reason why you should not use this class for long-playing audio clips.
The source URL could use the HTTP, file, and JAR protocols. This means that you can play an audio clip from the Internet, the local file system, and a JAR file.
The following snippet of code creates an AudioClip
// Create an AudioClip, which loads the audio data synchronously final URL resource = getClass().getResource("Test.mp3"); audioClip = new AudioClip(resource.toExternalForm());
When an AudioClip
object is created, the audio data are loaded into the memory and they are ready to be played immediately. Use the play()
method to play the audio and the stop()
method to stop the playback:
/ Create the Event Handlers for the Button playButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) {; } }); stopButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { audioClip.stop(); } });
The AudioClip
class supports setting some audio properties when the clip is played:
- cycleCount
- volume
- rate
- balance
- pan
- priority
All of the above properties, except the cycleCount
, can be set on the AudioClip
class. Subsequent calls to the play()
method will use them as defaults. The play()
method may also override the defaults for a specific playback. The cycleCount
property must be specified on the AudioClip
and all subsequent playbacks will use the same value. The cycleCount
specifies the number of times the clip is played when the play()
method is called. It defaults to 1, which plays the clip only once.
The volume
specifies the relative volume of the playback. The valid range is 0.0 to 1.0. A value of 0.0 represented muted, whereas 1.0 represents full volume.
The rate
specifies the relative speed at which the audio is played. The valid range is 0.125 to 8.0. A value of 0.125 means the clip is played eight times slower, and the value of 8.0 means the clip will play eight times faster. The rate
affects the playtime and the pitch. The default rate is 1.0, which plays the clip at the normal rate
The balance
specifies the relative volume for the left and right channels. The valid range is -1.0 to 1.0. A value of -1.0 sets the playback in the left channel at normal volume and mutes the right channel. A value of 1.0 sets the playback in the right channel at normal volume and mutes the left channel. The default value is 0.0, which sets the playback in both channels at normal volume.
The pan
specifies distribution of the clip between the left and right channels. The valid range is -1.0 to 1.0. A value of -1.0 shifts the clip entirely to the left channel. A value of 1.0 shifts the clip entirely to the right channel. The default value is 0.0, which plays the clip normally. Setting the value for pan
for a mono clip has the same effect of setting the balance. You should change the default for this property only for audio clips using stereo sound.
The priority
specifies the priority of the clip relative to other clips. It is used only when the number of playing clips exceeds the system limits. The playing clips with the lower priority will be stopped. It can be set to any integer. The default priority is set to zero.
The play()
method is overloaded. It has three versions:
- void play()
- void play(double volume)
- void play(double volume, double balance, double rate, double pan,int priority)
The no-args version of the method uses all of the properties set on the AudioClip
. The other two versions can override the specified properties for a specific playback.
Suppose the volume for the AudioClip
is set to 1.0. Calling play()
will play the clip at the volume 1.0 and calling play(0.20)
will play the clip at volume 0.20, leaving the volume property for the AudioClip
unchanged at 1.0. That is, the play()
with parameters allows you to override the AudioClip
properties on a per-playback basis.
The AudioClip
class contains an isPlaying()
method to check if the clip is still playing. It returns true is the clip is playing. Otherwise, it returns false.
2.2 The GUI
A simple Audio Player Example:
3. Playing Media
3.1 The Code
import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import; import; import; import; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.stage.Stage; public class FxMediaExample2 extends Application { public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void start(Stage stage) { // Locate the media content in the CLASSPATH URL mediaUrl = getClass().getResource("Test.mp4"); String mediaStringUrl = mediaUrl.toExternalForm(); // Create a Media Media media = new Media(mediaStringUrl); // Create a Media Player final MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(media); // Automatically begin the playback player.setAutoPlay(true); // Create a 400X300 MediaView MediaView mediaView = new MediaView(player); mediaView.setFitWidth(400); mediaView.setFitHeight(300); mediaView.setSmooth(true); // Create the DropShadow effect DropShadow dropshadow = new DropShadow(); dropshadow.setOffsetY(5.0); dropshadow.setOffsetX(5.0); dropshadow.setColor(Color.WHITE); mediaView.setEffect(dropshadow); // Create the Buttons Button playButton = new Button("Play"); Button stopButton = new Button("Stop"); // Create the Event Handlers for the Button playButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { if (player.getStatus() == Status.PLAYING) { player.stop();; } else {; } } }); stopButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { player.stop(); } }); // Create the HBox HBox controlBox = new HBox(5, playButton, stopButton); // Create the VBox VBox root = new VBox(5,mediaView,controlBox); // Set the Style-properties of the HBox root.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10;" + "-fx-border-style: solid inside;" + "-fx-border-width: 2;" + "-fx-border-insets: 5;" + "-fx-border-radius: 5;" + "-fx-border-color: blue;"); // Create the Scene Scene scene = new Scene(root); // Add the scene to the Stage stage.setScene(scene); // Set the title of the Stage stage.setTitle("A simple Media Example"); // Display the Stage; } }
JavaFX provides a unified API to work with audio and videos. You use the same classes to work with both. The Media API internally treats them as two different types of media that is transparent to the API users.
The Media API contains three core classes to play back media:
- Media
- MediaPlayer
- MediaView
3.2 Creating a Media Object
An instance of the Media
class represents a media resource, which could be an audio or a video. It provides the information related to the media, for example, the duration, metadata, data, and so forth.
If the media is a video, it provides the width and height of the video. A Media
object is immutable. It is created by supplying a string which contains the path of the media resource, as in the following code:
// Locate the media content in the CLASSPATH URL mediaUrl = getClass().getResource("Test.mp4"); String mediaStringUrl = mediaUrl.toExternalForm(); // Create a Media Media media = new Media(mediaStringUrl);
The Media
class contains the following properties, which are read-only:
- duration
- width
- height
- error
- onError
The duration
specifies the duration of the media in seconds. It is a Duration object. If the duration is unknown, it is Duration.UNKNOWN
The width
and height
give the width and height of the source media in pixels, respectively. If the media does not have width and height, they are set as zero.
The error
and onError
properties are related. The error
property represents the MediaException
that occurs during the loading of the media. The onError
is a Runnable object that you can set to get notified when an error occurs. The run()
method of the Runnable
is called when an error occurs.
3.3 Creating a MediaPlayer Object
A MediaPlayer
provides the controls, for example, play, pause, stop, seek, play speed, volume adjustment, for playing the media. The MediaPlayer
provides only one constructor that takes a Media
object as an argument:
// Create a Media Player final MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(media);
You can get the reference of the media from the MediaPlayer
using the getMedia()
method of the MediaPlayer
Like the Media
class, the MediaPlayer
class also contains error
and onError
properties to report errors. When an error occurs on the MediaPlayer
, the same error is also reported on the Media
3.4 Creating a MediaView Node
A MediaView
is a Node. It provides the view of a media being played by a MediaPlayer
. Note that an audio clip does not have visuals. If you try creating a MediaView
for an audio content, it would be empty. To watch a video, you create a MediaView
and add it to a Scene Graph.
The MediaView
class provides two constructors:
one no-args constructor and one that takes a MediaPlayer
as an argument:
- public MediaView()
- public MediaView(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer)
The no-args constructor creates a MediaView
that is attached to any MediaPlayer
. You will need to set a MediaPlayer
using the setter for the mediaPlayer
// Create a 400X300 MediaView MediaView mediaView = new MediaView(); mediaView.setMediaPlayer(player); mediaView.setFitWidth(400); mediaView.setFitHeight(300);
The other constructor lets you specify a MediaPlayer
for the MediaView
// Create a 400X300 MediaView MediaView mediaView = new MediaView(player); mediaView.setFitWidth(400); mediaView.setFitHeight(300);
3.5 Customizing the MediaView
If the media has a view (e.g., a video), you can customize the size, area, and quality of the video using the following properties:
- fitHeight
- fitWidth
- preserveRatio
- smooth
- viewport
- x
- y
The fitWidth
and fitHeight
properties specify the resized width and height of the video, respectively. By default, they are zero, which means that the original width and height of the media will be used.
mediaView.setfitWidth(400); mediaView.setFitHeight(300);
The preserveRatio
property specifies whether to preserve the aspect ratio of the media while resizing. By default, it is false.
The smooth
property specifies the quality of the filtering algorithm to be used in resizing the video. The default value is platform dependent. If it is set to true, a better-quality filtering algorithm is used.
A viewport
is a rectangular region to view part of a graphic. The viewport
, x
, and y
properties together let you specify the rectangular area in the video that will be shown in the MediaView
A MediaView
is a Node
. Therefore, to give a better visual experience to the audience, you can also apply effects and transformations to the MediaView
3.6 Combining Media, MediaPlayer, and MediaView
The content of a media can be used simultaneously by multiple Media
objects. However, one Media
object can be associated with only one media content in its lifetime.
A Media
object can be associated with multiple MediaPlayer
objects. However, a MediaPlayer
is associated with only one Media
in its lifetime.
A MediaView
may optionally be associated with a MediaPlayer
. Of course, a MediaView
that is not associated with a MediaPlayer
does not have any visuals. The MediaPlayer
for a MediaView
can be changed.
Changing the MediaPlayer
for a MediaView
is similar to changing the channel on a television. The view for the MediaView
is provided by its current MediaPlayer
. You can associate the same MediaPlayer
with multiple MediaViews:
Different MediaViews may display different parts of the same media during the playback.
3.7 The GUI
The following image shows the GUI of the MediaPlayer
4. Handling Playback Errors
4.1 The Code
import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.TextArea; import javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.stage.Stage; public class FxMediaExample3 extends Application { // Create the Area for Logging private TextArea messageArea = new TextArea(); public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void start(Stage stage) { // Locate the media content in the CLASSPATH URL mediaUrl = getClass().getResource("Test.mp4"); String mediaStringUrl = mediaUrl.toExternalForm(); // Create a Media final Media media = new Media(mediaStringUrl); // Create a Media Player final MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(media); // Automatically begin the playback player.setAutoPlay(true); // Create a 400X300 MediaView final MediaView mediaView = new MediaView(player); mediaView.setFitWidth(400); mediaView.setFitHeight(300); mediaView.setSmooth(true); // Create the DropShadow effect DropShadow dropshadow = new DropShadow(); dropshadow.setOffsetY(5.0); dropshadow.setOffsetX(5.0); dropshadow.setColor(Color.WHITE); mediaView.setEffect(dropshadow); // Create the Buttons Button playButton = new Button("Play"); Button stopButton = new Button("Stop"); // Create the Event Handlers for the Button playButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { if (player.getStatus() == Status.PLAYING) { player.stop();; } else {; } } }); stopButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { player.stop(); } }); // Create Handlers for handling Errors player.setOnError(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Handle asynchronous error in Player object. printMessage(player.getError()); } }); media.setOnError(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Handle asynchronous error in Media object. printMessage(media.getError()); } }); mediaView.setOnError(new EventHandler <MediaErrorEvent>() { public void handle(MediaErrorEvent event) { // Handle asynchronous error in MediaView. printMessage(event.getMediaError()); } }); // Create the HBox HBox controlBox = new HBox(5, playButton, stopButton); // Create the VBox VBox root = new VBox(5,mediaView,controlBox,messageArea); // Set the Style-properties of the HBox root.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10;" + "-fx-border-style: solid inside;" + "-fx-border-width: 2;" + "-fx-border-insets: 5;" + "-fx-border-radius: 5;" + "-fx-border-color: blue;"); // Create the Scene Scene scene = new Scene(root); // Add the scene to the Stage stage.setScene(scene); // Set the title of the Stage stage.setTitle("Handling Media Errors"); // Display the Stage; } private void printMessage(MediaException error) { MediaException.Type errorType = error.getType(); String errorMessage = error.getMessage(); messageArea.appendText("\n" + "Type:" + errorType + ", error mesage:" + errorMessage); } }
An instance of the MediaException
class, which inherits from the RuntimeException class, represents a media error that may occur in a Media
, MediaPlayer
, and MediaView
playback may fail for a number of reasons. The API users should be able to identify specific errors. The MediaException
class defines a static enum MediaException.Type
whose constants identify the type of error. The MediaException
class contains a getType()
method that returns one of the constants of the MediaException.Type
The constants in the MediaException.Type
enum are listed below:
error type indicates that the media is corrupted or invalid.
error type indicates that the media is inaccessible. However, the media may exist.
error type indicates that that media does not exist or it is unavailable.
error type indicates that the media has not been specified.
error type indicates that the media is not supported by the platform.
error type indicates that the operation performed on the media is not supported by the platform.
error type indicates an unrecoverable error that has halted the playback.
error type indicates a playback error that does not fall into any other described categories.
error type indicates that an unknown error has occurred.
The Media
and MediaPlayer
classes contain an error property that is a MediaException
. All three classes contain an onError
property, which is an event handler that is invoked when an error occurs. The types of the onError properties in these classes are not consistent.
It is a Runnable
for the Media
and MediaPlayer
classes and the MediaErrorEvent
for the MediaView
The following snippet of code shows how to handle errors on a Media
, MediaPlayer
, and MediaView
// Create Handlers for handling Errors player.setOnError(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Handle asynchronous error in Player object. printMessage(player.getError()); } }); media.setOnError(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Handle asynchronous error in Media object. printMessage(media.getError()); } }); mediaView.setOnError(new EventHandler <MediaErrorEvent>() { public void handle(MediaErrorEvent event) { // Handle asynchronous error in MediaView. printMessage(event.getMediaError()); } });
error handlers are invoked on the JavaFX Application Thread. Therefore, it is safe to update the Scene Graph from the handlers.
It is recommended that you enclose the creation of the Media
, MediaPlayer
, and MediaView
objects in a try-catch block and handle the exception appropriately. The onError
handlers for these objects are involved after the objects are created. If an error occurs during the creation of these objects, those handlers will not be available.
4.2 The GUI
The following GUI shows a MediaPlayer
with Error Handling:
5. State Transitions of the MediaPlayer
5.1 The Code
import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.TextArea; import javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.stage.Stage; public class FxMediaExample4 extends Application { // Create the Area for Logging private TextArea messageArea = new TextArea(); public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void start(Stage stage) { // Locate the media content in the CLASSPATH URL mediaUrl = getClass().getResource("Test.mp4"); String mediaStringUrl = mediaUrl.toExternalForm(); // Create a Media final Media media = new Media(mediaStringUrl); // Create a Media Player final MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(media); // Automatically begin the playback player.setAutoPlay(true); // Create a 400X300 MediaView final MediaView mediaView = new MediaView(player); mediaView.setFitWidth(400); mediaView.setFitHeight(300); mediaView.setSmooth(true); // Create the DropShadow effect DropShadow dropshadow = new DropShadow(); dropshadow.setOffsetY(5.0); dropshadow.setOffsetX(5.0); dropshadow.setColor(Color.WHITE); mediaView.setEffect(dropshadow); // Create the Buttons Button playButton = new Button("Play"); Button stopButton = new Button("Stop"); // Create the Event Handlers for the Button playButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { if (player.getStatus() == Status.PLAYING) { player.stop();; } else {; } } }); stopButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { player.stop(); } }); // Create Handlers for handling Errors player.setOnError(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Handle asynchronous error in Player object. printMessage(player.getError()); } }); media.setOnError(new Runnable() { public void run() { // Handle asynchronous error in Media object. printMessage(media.getError()); } }); mediaView.setOnError(new EventHandler <MediaErrorEvent>() { public void handle(MediaErrorEvent event) { // Handle asynchronous error in MediaView. printMessage(event.getMediaError()); } }); // Add a ChangeListener to the player player.statusProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<MediaPlayer.Status>() { // Log the Message public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends MediaPlayer.Status> ov, final MediaPlayer.Status oldStatus, final MediaPlayer.Status newStatus) { messageArea.appendText("\nStatus changed from " + oldStatus + " to " + newStatus); } }); // Add a Handler for PLAYING status player.setOnPlaying(new Runnable() { public void run() { messageArea.appendText("\nPlaying now"); } }); // Add a Handler for STOPPED status player.setOnStopped(new Runnable() { public void run() { messageArea.appendText("\nStopped now"); } }); // Create the HBox HBox controlBox = new HBox(5, playButton, stopButton); // Create the VBox VBox root = new VBox(5,mediaView,controlBox,messageArea); // Set the Style-properties of the HBox root.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10;" + "-fx-border-style: solid inside;" + "-fx-border-width: 2;" + "-fx-border-insets: 5;" + "-fx-border-radius: 5;" + "-fx-border-color: blue;"); // Create the Scene Scene scene = new Scene(root); // Add the scene to the Stage stage.setScene(scene); // Set the title of the Stage stage.setTitle("A State Transition Example"); // Display the Stage; } private void printMessage(MediaException error) { MediaException.Type errorType = error.getType(); String errorMessage = error.getMessage(); messageArea.appendText("\n" + "Type:" + errorType + ", error mesage:" + errorMessage); } }
A MediaPlayer
always has a status. The current status of a MediaPlayer
is indicated by the read-only status
property. The status changes when an action is performed on the MediaPlayer
. It cannot be set directly. The status of a MediaPlayer
is defined by one of the eight constants in the MediaPlayer.Status
The MediaPlayer
transitions from one status to another when one of the following methods is called:
- play()
- pause()
- stop()
- dispose()
When a MediaPlayer
is created, its status is UNKNOWN
. Once the media is prerolled and it is ready to be played, the MediaPlayer
transitions from UNKNOWN
. Once the MediaPlayer
exits the UNKNOWN
status, it cannot reenter it in its lifetime.
The MediaPlayer
transitions to the PLAYING
status when the play()
method is called. This status indicates that the media is playing. Note if the autoPlay
property is set to true, the MediaPlayer
may enter the PLAYING
status without calling the play()
method explicitly after it is created.
When the MediaPlayer
is playing, it may enter the STALLED
status if it does not have enough data in its buffer to play. This status indicates that the MediaPlayer
is buffering data. When enough data are buffered, it goes back to the PLAYING
When a MediaPlayer
is stalled, calling the pause()
and stop()
methods, it transitions to the PAUSED
status, respectively. In that case, the buffering continues. However, the MediaPlayer
does not transition to the PLAYING
status once enough data are buffered. Rather, it stays in the PAUSED
Calling the paused()
method transitions the MediaPlayer
to the PAUSED
status. Calling the stop()
method transitions the MediaPlayer
to the STOPPED
In cases of an unrecoverable error, the MediaPlayer
transitions to the HALTED
terminal status. This status indicates that the MediaPlayer
cannot be used again. You must create a new MediaPlayer
if you want to play the media again.
The dispose()
method frees all of the resources associated with the MediaPlayer
. However, the Media
object used by the
can still be used. Calling the dispose()
method transitions the MediaPlayer
to the terminal status DISPOSED
It is common to display the status of the MediaPlayer
in an application. Add a ChangeListener to the status
property to listen for any status changes.
Typically, you will be interested in receiving a notification when the status of the MediaPlayer
changes. There are two ways to get the notifications:
- By adding a ChangeListener to the status property
- By setting status change handlers
The first method is suitable if you are interested in listening for any type of status change. The following snippet of code shows this method:
// Add a ChangeListener to the player player.statusProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<MediaPlayer.Status>() { // Log the Message public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends MediaPlayer.Status> ov, final MediaPlayer.Status oldStatus, final MediaPlayer.Status newStatus) { messageArea.appendText("\nStatus changed from " + oldStatus + " to " + newStatus); } });
The second method is suitable if you are interested in handling a specific type of status change. The MediaPlayer
class contains the following properties that can be set to Runnable
- onReady
- onPlaying
- onRepeat
- onStalled
- onPaused
- onStopped
- onHalted
The run()
method of the Runnable
object is called when the MediaPlayer
enters into the specific status.
For example, the run()
method of the onPlaying
handler is called when the player enters the PLAYING
The following snippet of code shows how to set handlers for a specific type of status change:
// Add a Handler for PLAYING status player.setOnPlaying(new Runnable() { public void run() { messageArea.appendText("\nPlaying now"); } }); // Add a Handler for STOPPED status player.setOnStopped(new Runnable() { public void run() { messageArea.appendText("\nStopped now"); } });
5.2 The GUI
The following GUI shows a MediaPlayer
with State Transitions:
6. Controlling Media Properties
6.1 The Code
import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener; import javafx.beans.Observable; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.Slider; import javafx.scene.control.TextArea; import javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow; import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import; import; import; import; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.stage.Stage; public class FxMediaExample5 extends Application { // Create the Area for Logging private TextArea messageArea = new TextArea(); public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void start(Stage stage) { // Create the Sliders final Slider cycleSlider = new Slider(1, 5, 1); cycleSlider.setMajorTickUnit(1); cycleSlider.setShowTickLabels(true); final Slider volumeSlider = new Slider(0.0, 1.0, 0.5); volumeSlider.setMajorTickUnit(0.1); volumeSlider.setShowTickLabels(true); final Slider rateSlider = new Slider(0, 8, 4); rateSlider.setMajorTickUnit(1); rateSlider.setShowTickLabels(true); final Slider balanceSlider = new Slider(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0); balanceSlider.setMajorTickUnit(0.2); balanceSlider.setShowTickLabels(true); // Locate the media content in the CLASSPATH URL mediaUrl = getClass().getResource("Test.mp4"); String mediaStringUrl = mediaUrl.toExternalForm(); // Create a Media final Media media = new Media(mediaStringUrl); // Create a Media Player final MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(media); // Automatically begin the playback player.setAutoPlay(true); // Create a 400X300 MediaView final MediaView mediaView = new MediaView(player); mediaView.setFitWidth(400); mediaView.setFitHeight(300); mediaView.setSmooth(true); // Create the DropShadow effect DropShadow dropshadow = new DropShadow(); dropshadow.setOffsetY(5.0); dropshadow.setOffsetX(5.0); dropshadow.setColor(Color.WHITE); mediaView.setEffect(dropshadow); // Create the Buttons Button playButton = new Button("Play"); Button stopButton = new Button("Stop"); // Create the Event Handlers for the Button playButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { if (player.getStatus() == Status.PLAYING) { player.stop();; } else {; } } }); stopButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { player.stop(); } }); // Create the Listener for the Sliders cycleSlider.valueProperty().addListener(new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable ov) { if (cycleSlider.isValueChanging()) { messageArea.appendText("\nCycle Count changed to: " + (int)cycleSlider.getValue()); player.setCycleCount((int)cycleSlider.getValue()); } } }); volumeSlider.valueProperty().addListener(new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable ov) { if (volumeSlider.isValueChanging()) { messageArea.appendText("\nVolume changed to: " + volumeSlider.getValue()); player.setVolume(volumeSlider.getValue()); } } }); rateSlider.valueProperty().addListener(new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable ov) { if (rateSlider.isValueChanging()) { messageArea.appendText("\nRate changed to: " + rateSlider.getValue()); player.setRate(rateSlider.getValue()); } } }); balanceSlider.valueProperty().addListener(new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable ov) { if (balanceSlider.isValueChanging()) { messageArea.appendText("\nBalance changed to: " + balanceSlider.getValue()); player.setVolume(balanceSlider.getValue()); } } }); // Add Handlers for End and Repeat player.setOnEndOfMedia(new Runnable() { public void run() { messageArea.appendText("\nEnd of media !"); } }); player.setOnRepeat(new Runnable() { public void run() { messageArea.appendText("\nRepeating media !"); } }); // Create the GridPane GridPane sliderPane = new GridPane(); // Set horizontal and vertical Spacing sliderPane.setHgap(5); sliderPane.setVgap(10); // Add the details to the GridPane sliderPane.addRow(0, new Label("CycleCount:"), cycleSlider); sliderPane.addRow(1, new Label("Volume:"), volumeSlider); sliderPane.addRow(2, new Label("Rate:"), rateSlider); sliderPane.addRow(3, new Label("Balance:"), balanceSlider); // Create the HBox HBox controlBox = new HBox(5, playButton, stopButton); // Create the VBox VBox root = new VBox(5,mediaView,controlBox,sliderPane,messageArea); // Set the Style-properties of the HBox root.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10;" + "-fx-border-style: solid inside;" + "-fx-border-width: 2;" + "-fx-border-insets: 5;" + "-fx-border-radius: 5;" + "-fx-border-color: blue;"); // Create the Scene Scene scene = new Scene(root); // Add the scene to the Stage stage.setScene(scene); // Set the title of the Stage stage.setTitle("A Media Properties Example"); // Display the Stage; } }
6.2 Repeating Media Playback
A media can be played repeatedly for a specified number of times or even indefinitely. The cycleCount
property specifies the number of times a playback will be repeated. By default, it is set to 1. Set it to MediaPlayer.INDEFINITE
to repeat the playback indefinitely until the player is paused or stopped. The readonly currentCount
property is set to the number of completed playback cycles. It is set to 0 when the media is playing the first cycle. At the end of the first cycle, it is set to 1; it is incremented to 2 at the end of second cycle, and so on.
The following code would set a playback cycle of four times:
// The playback should repeat 4 times player.setCycleCount(4);
You can receive a notification when the end of media for a cycle in playback is reached. Set a Runnable
for the onEndOfMedia
property of the MediaPlayer
class to get the notification. Note that if a playback continues for four cycles, the end of media notification will be sent four times.
// Add Handlers for End and Repeat player.setOnEndOfMedia(new Runnable() { public void run() { messageArea.appendText("\nEnd of media !"); } });
You can add an onRepeat
event handler that is called when the end of media for a playback cycle is reached and the playback is going to repeat. It is called after the onEndOfMedia
event handler:
player.setOnRepeat(new Runnable() { public void run() { messageArea.appendText("\nRepeating media !"); } });
6.3 Controlling the Playback Rate
The rate
property of the MediaPlayer
specifies the rate of the playback. The valid range is 0.0 to 8.0. For example, a rate of 2.0 plays the media two times faster than the normal rate. The default value is 1.0, which plays the media at the normal rate. The read-only currentRate
property is the current rate of playback.
The following code would set the rate at three times the normal rate:
6.4 Controlling the Playback Volume
Three properties in the MediaPlayer
class control the volume of the audio in the media:
- volume
- mute
- balance
The volume
specifies the volume of the audio. The range is 0.0 to 1.0. A value of 0.0 makes the audio inaudible, whereas a value of 1.0 plays it at full volume. The default value is 1.0.
The mute
specifies whether the audio is produced by the MediaPlayer
. By default, its value is false and the audio is produced. Setting it to true does not produce audio. Note that setting the mute property does not affect the volume property.
Suppose the volume is set to 1.0 and the muted is set to true. There is no audio
being produced. When the mute is set to false, the audio will use the volume property that is 1.0 and it will play at full volume. The following code would set the volume at half:
player.setVolumne(0.5); player.setMute(true)
The balance
specifies the relative volume for the left and right channels. The valid range is -1.0 to 1.0. A value of -1.0 sets the playback in the left channel at normal volume and mutes the right channel. A value of 1.0 sets the playback in the right channel at normal volume and mutes the left channel. The default value is 0.0, which sets the playback in both channels at normal volume.
6.5 The GUI
The following GUI shows a MediaPlayer
with Properties:
7. Tracking Media Time
7.1 The Code
import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import; import; import; import; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.util.Duration; public class FxMediaExample6 extends Application { public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void start(Stage stage) { // Locate the media content in the CLASSPATH URL mediaUrl = getClass().getResource("Test.mp4"); String mediaStringUrl = mediaUrl.toExternalForm(); // Create a Media final Media media = new Media(mediaStringUrl); // Create a Media Player final MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(media); // Automatically begin the playback player.setAutoPlay(true); // Set the Times of the Player player.setStartTime(Duration.minutes(1)); player.setStopTime(Duration.minutes(2)); // Create a 400X300 MediaView final MediaView mediaView = new MediaView(player); mediaView.setFitWidth(400); mediaView.setFitHeight(300); mediaView.setSmooth(true); // Create the DropShadow effect DropShadow dropshadow = new DropShadow(); dropshadow.setOffsetY(5.0); dropshadow.setOffsetX(5.0); dropshadow.setColor(Color.WHITE); mediaView.setEffect(dropshadow); // Create the Buttons Button playButton = new Button("Play"); Button stopButton = new Button("Stop"); // Create the Event Handlers for the Button playButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { if (player.getStatus() == Status.PLAYING) { player.stop();; } else {; } } }); stopButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { player.stop(); } }); // Create the HBox HBox controlBox = new HBox(5, playButton, stopButton); // Create the VBox VBox root = new VBox(5,mediaView,controlBox); // Set the Style-properties of the HBox root.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10;" + "-fx-border-style: solid inside;" + "-fx-border-width: 2;" + "-fx-border-insets: 5;" + "-fx-border-radius: 5;" + "-fx-border-color: blue;"); // Create the Scene Scene scene = new Scene(root); // Add the scene to the Stage stage.setScene(scene); // Set the title of the Stage stage.setTitle("A Tracking Media Example"); // Display the Stage; } }
Displaying the media duration and the elapsed time for a playback are important feedback for the audience. A good understanding of these duration types is important in developing a good media playback dashboard.
Different types of Duration
can be associated with a media:
- The current duration of a media playing media
- The duration of the media playback
- The duration of the media play for one cycle
- The start offset time
- The end offset time
- onStopped
- onHalted
By default, a media plays for its original duration. For example, if the duration of the media is 30 minutes, the media will play for 30 minutes in one cycle. The MediaPlayer
lets you specify the length of the playback, which can be anywhere in the Duration
of the media. For example, for each playback cycle, you can specify that only the middle 10 minutes (11th to 12th) of the media should be played. The length of the media playback is specified by the following two properties of the MediaPlayer
- startTime
- stopTime
Both properties are of the Duration
type. The startTime
and stopTime
are the time offsets where the media should start and stop playing for each cycle, respectively. By default, the startTime is set to Duration.ZERO
and the stopTime
is set to the duration of the media.
The following snippet of code sets these properties, so the media will be played from the first minute to the second minute:
// Set the Times of the Player player.setStartTime(Duration.minutes(1)); player.setStopTime(Duration.minutes(2));
7.2 The GUI
The following GUI shows a MediaPlayer
with Time Tracking:
8. Marking Positions in the Media
8.1 The Code
import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.collections.ObservableMap; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.TextArea; import javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import; import; import; import; import; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javafx.util.Duration; import javafx.util.Pair; public class FxMediaExample7 extends Application { // Create the Area for Logging private TextArea messageArea = new TextArea(); public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void start(Stage stage) { // Locate the media content in the CLASSPATH URL mediaUrl = getClass().getResource("Test.mp4"); String mediaStringUrl = mediaUrl.toExternalForm(); // Create a Media final Media media = new Media(mediaStringUrl); // Create the Markers ObservableMap<String, Duration> markers = media.getMarkers(); markers.put("START", Duration.ZERO); markers.put("INTERVAL", media.getDuration().divide(2.0)); markers.put("END", media.getDuration()); // Create a Media Player final MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(media); // Automatically begin the playback player.setAutoPlay(true); // Create a 400X300 MediaView final MediaView mediaView = new MediaView(player); mediaView.setFitWidth(400); mediaView.setFitHeight(300); mediaView.setSmooth(true); // Create the DropShadow effect DropShadow dropshadow = new DropShadow(); dropshadow.setOffsetY(5.0); dropshadow.setOffsetX(5.0); dropshadow.setColor(Color.WHITE); // Set the Effect on the MediaView mediaView.setEffect(dropshadow); // Create the Buttons Button playButton = new Button("Play"); Button stopButton = new Button("Stop"); // Create the Event Handlers for the Button playButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { if (player.getStatus() == Status.PLAYING) { player.stop();; } else {; } } }); stopButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { player.stop(); } }); // Add a marker event handler player.setOnMarker(new EventHandler <MediaMarkerEvent>() { public void handle(MediaMarkerEvent event) { Pair<String, Duration> marker = event.getMarker(); String markerText = marker.getKey(); Duration markerTime = marker.getValue(); messageArea.appendText("\nReached the marker " + markerText + " at " + markerTime); } }); // Create the HBox HBox controlBox = new HBox(5, playButton, stopButton); // Create the VBox VBox root = new VBox(5,mediaView,controlBox,messageArea); // Set the Style-properties of the HBox root.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10;" + "-fx-border-style: solid inside;" + "-fx-border-width: 2;" + "-fx-border-insets: 5;" + "-fx-border-radius: 5;" + "-fx-border-color: blue;"); // Create the Scene Scene scene = new Scene(root); // Add the scene to the Stage stage.setScene(scene); // Set the title of the Stage stage.setTitle("A Markers Example"); // Display the Stage; } }
You can associate markers with specific point on the media timeline. Markers are simply text that are useful in a number of ways. You can use them to insert advertisements.
For example, you can insert a URL as the marker text. When the marker is reached, you can pause playing the media and play another media. Note that playing another media involves creating new Media
and MediaPlayer
objects. You can reuse a MediaView
. When you are playing the advertisement video, associate the MediaView
with the new MediaPlayer
. When the advertisement playback is finished, associate the MediaView back to the main MediaPlayer
The Media
class contains a getMarkers()
method that returns an ObservableMap. You need to add the (key, value) pairs in the map to add markers.
The following snippet of code adds three markers to a media:
// Create the Markers ObservableMap<String, Duration> markers = media.getMarkers(); markers.put("START", Duration.ZERO); markers.put("INTERVAL", media.getDuration().divide(2.0)); markers.put("END", media.getDuration());
The MediaPlayer
fires a MediaMarkerEvent when a marker is reached. You can register a handler for this event in the onMarker
property of the MediaPlayer
The following snippet of code shows how to handle the MediaMarkerEvent
. The getMarker()
method of the event returns a Pair whose key and value are the marker text and marker duration, respectively.
// Add a marker event handler player.setOnMarker(new EventHandler <MediaMarkerEvent>() { public void handle(MediaMarkerEvent event) { Pair<String, Duration> marker = event.getMarker(); String markerText = marker.getKey(); Duration markerTime = marker.getValue(); messageArea.appendText("\nReached the marker " + markerText + " at " + markerTime); } });
8.2 The GUI
The following GUI shows a MediaPlayer
with Markers:
9. Showing Media Metadata
9.1 The Code
import; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.collections.ObservableMap; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.event.EventHandler; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.TextArea; import javafx.scene.effect.DropShadow; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import; import; import; import; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.stage.Stage; public class FxMediaExample8 extends Application { // Create the Area for Logging private TextArea messageArea = new TextArea(); public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void start(Stage stage) { // Locate the media content in the CLASSPATH URL mediaUrl = getClass().getResource("Test.mp3"); String mediaStringUrl = mediaUrl.toExternalForm(); // Create a Media final Media media = new Media(mediaStringUrl); // Create a Media Player final MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(media); // Automatically begin the playback player.setAutoPlay(false); // Create a 400X300 MediaView final MediaView mediaView = new MediaView(player); mediaView.setFitWidth(400); mediaView.setFitHeight(300); mediaView.setSmooth(true); // Create the DropShadow effect DropShadow dropshadow = new DropShadow(); dropshadow.setOffsetY(5.0); dropshadow.setOffsetX(5.0); dropshadow.setColor(Color.WHITE); mediaView.setEffect(dropshadow); // Create the Buttons Button playButton = new Button("Play"); Button stopButton = new Button("Stop"); // Create the Event Handlers for the Button playButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { if (player.getStatus() == Status.PLAYING) { player.stop();; } else {; } } }); stopButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler <ActionEvent>() { public void handle(ActionEvent event) { player.stop(); } }); // Display the metadata data on the console player.setOnReady(new Runnable() { public void run() { ObservableMap<String, Object> metadata = media.getMetadata(); for(String key : metadata.keySet()) { messageArea.appendText("\n" + key + " = " + metadata.get(key)); } } }); // Create the HBox HBox controlBox = new HBox(5, playButton, stopButton); // Create the VBox VBox root = new VBox(5,mediaView,controlBox,messageArea); // Set the Style-properties of the HBox root.setStyle("-fx-padding: 10;" + "-fx-border-style: solid inside;" + "-fx-border-width: 2;" + "-fx-border-insets: 5;" + "-fx-border-radius: 5;" + "-fx-border-color: blue;"); // Create the Scene Scene scene = new Scene(root); // Add the scene to the Stage stage.setScene(scene); // Set the title of the Stage stage.setTitle("A Metadata Example"); // Display the Stage; } }
Some metadata may be embedded into a media that describe the media. Typically, the metadata contains the title, artist name, album name, genre, year, and so forth.
The following snippet of code displays the metadata for the media when the MediaPlayer
enters the READY
status. Do not try reading the metadata just after creating the Media
object, as the metadata may not be available.
// Display the metadata data on the console player.setOnReady(new Runnable() { public void run() { ObservableMap<String, Object> metadata = media.getMetadata(); for(String key : metadata.keySet()) { messageArea.appendText("\n" + key + " = " + metadata.get(key)); } } });
You cannot be sure whether there are metadata in a media or the type of metadata a media may contain. In your application, you can just look for the title, artist, album, and year. Alternatively, you could read all of the metadata and display them in a two-column table. Sometimes the metadata may contain an embedded image of the artist. You would need to check the class name of the value in the map to use the
9.2 The GUI
The following GUI shows a MediaPlayer
with Metadata:
10. Download Java Source Code
This was an example of
You can download the full source code of this example here:
Hello, how can i use a slider to show the media progress following this tuto please?