
Wanted but Not Invoked in Mockito

Hello. In this tutorial, we will talk about Mockito in Java testing and explore the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error.

1. Introduction

Mockito is a popular Java framework used for creating mock objects in unit testing. It allows developers to simulate the behavior of dependencies or collaborators of the code being tested. Mock objects are placeholders that mimic the behavior of real objects, enabling isolated testing of individual components without relying on the actual dependencies.

Here’s an explanation of the concept of Mockito and its importance in creating reliable and maintainable unit tests:

  • Mock Objects: In unit testing, it’s essential to isolate the code under test from its dependencies to focus on testing the specific behavior of the unit. Mockito helps achieve this by allowing the creation of mock objects, which mimic the behavior of real objects but can be easily controlled and verified during testing.
  • Dependency Simulation: Mockito provides a simple and expressive API to create mock objects. It allows you to define the behavior of these mocks, such as return values, exceptions, or void method invocations, enabling you to simulate different scenarios and edge cases in your tests. By simulating dependencies, you can control the input and ensure that your code behaves correctly in various situations.
  • Test Fidelity: Unit tests need to be reliable and trustworthy. Mockito helps in creating reliable tests by allowing you to define the exact behavior of dependencies in a controlled manner. This ensures that the test results are consistent, reproducible, and not affected by external factors. By specifying the behavior of mock objects, you can eliminate the variability introduced by real dependencies, making your tests more reliable.
  • Code Isolation: One of the key principles of unit testing is isolating the code under test from its dependencies. Mockito enables this isolation by providing a way to replace real dependencies with mock objects. This isolation allows you to test individual units of code independently, regardless of the availability or state of the actual dependencies. It also helps in localizing and identifying issues within the tested code without being obscured by external factors.
  • Readable and Maintainable Tests: Mockito promotes writing clean and readable tests. It’s fluent API and expressive syntax make the test code more self-explanatory and easier to understand. The ability to define the expected behavior of mocks using simple method calls enhances the readability of the test cases. This readability helps in maintaining the tests over time, making it easier to update and modify them as the codebase evolves.
  • Behavior Verification: Mockito allows you to verify interactions between the code under test and its dependencies. This means you can verify if certain methods were called, with specific arguments, and in the desired order. This capability helps in ensuring that the code under test correctly interacts with its dependencies, making it easier to identify potential issues and bugs.

Overall, Mockito plays a crucial role in creating reliable and maintainable unit tests by providing the means to simulate dependencies, isolate the code under test, define expected behaviors, and verify interactions. By leveraging Mockito, developers can write focused and robust tests, leading to more reliable software and easier maintenance in the long run.

1.1 “Wanted but Not Invoked” in Mockito

The “Wanted but Not Invoked” error is an error message that Mockito provides when a method invocation on a mock object was expected but did not occur during the test execution. It is a common error that indicates a mismatch between the expected behavior and the actual behavior of the code under test.

Here’s an overview of the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error in Mockito and its significance:

  • Error Message: When using Mockito’s verification feature, you can specify the expected method invocations on mock objects. If the expected method call does not occur during the test execution, Mockito raises the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error. The error message typically includes information about the expected method call, the number of times it was expected to be invoked, and the actual invocations that occurred.
  • Significance: The “Wanted but Not Invoked” error is significant because it helps identify whether the code under test is correctly interacting with its dependencies. It ensures that the expected method invocations on mock objects are being triggered, validating the correct behavior of the tested code. When this error occurs, it indicates a potential issue in the code that needs to be addressed, such as missing method calls or incorrect interaction patterns.
  • Debugging and Fixing: The “Wanted but Not Invoked” error helps in the debugging process by pinpointing the specific method call that was expected but not invoked. By examining the error message and the corresponding test code, developers can identify the root cause of the error and determine why the expected invocation did not occur. This allows them to fix the issue by making the necessary adjustments to the code or the test expectations.
  • Enhancing Test Reliability: The “Wanted but Not Invoked” error promotes the reliability of unit tests. It ensures that the code under test correctly interacts with its dependencies as intended, preventing unnoticed changes or regressions. By verifying the expected invocations, Mockito helps catch situations where a method call was mistakenly removed or a new invocation was missed, thus maintaining the accuracy and integrity of the test suite.
  • Maintainable Test Suite: Resolving the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error helps maintain the test suite over time. As the codebase evolves, test cases may require updates to accommodate changes in the behavior of the tested code. By addressing the missing invocations, developers can adapt the test expectations to reflect the updated requirements, ensuring that the tests remain relevant and effective.

Overall, the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error in Mockito serves as a crucial mechanism for verifying the correct interaction between the code under test and its dependencies. It aids in debugging, enhancing test reliability, and maintaining a robust and accurate test suite, ultimately contributing to the overall quality and confidence in the software being developed.

2. Mockito Basics

Mockito is a powerful and widely used Java framework for creating mock objects in unit testing. It provides a simple and expressive API that allows developers to simulate the behavior of dependencies or collaborators of the code being tested. Mockito helps isolate the code under test from its dependencies, enabling focused and reliable testing of individual components.

Here’s a brief introduction to Mockito and its role in creating mock objects for testing:

  • Mock Objects: In unit testing, it is often necessary to isolate the code under test from its dependencies to ensure accurate and focused testing. Mockito allows the creation of mock objects, which are placeholders that mimic the behavior of real objects but can be easily controlled and verified during testing. These mock objects serve as substitutes for real dependencies, enabling developers to test individual units in isolation.
  • Behavior Simulation: Mockito provides a straightforward API for creating mock objects and defining their behavior. Developers can specify the return values, exceptions, or void method invocations of these mocks, allowing them to simulate different scenarios and edge cases in their tests. By simulating the dependencies, Mockito allows developers to control the input and ensure that the code under test behaves correctly in various situations.
  • Dependency Isolation: One of the key principles of unit testing is isolating the code under test from its dependencies. Mockito enables this isolation by replacing real dependencies with mock objects. By doing so, developers can test individual units of code independently, regardless of the availability or state of the actual dependencies. This isolation helps localize and identify issues within the tested code without being obscured by external factors.
  • Verification and Validation: Mockito offers powerful verification capabilities to ensure that the code under test correctly interacts with its dependencies. Developers can use Mockito’s verification features to verify if certain methods were called, with specific arguments, and in the desired order. This capability helps in validating the behavior of the tested code and ensuring that it correctly interacts with its dependencies.
  • Simplified Test Setup: Mockito simplifies the setup of unit tests by reducing the complexity associated with creating and managing mock objects. Its expressive and intuitive API allows developers to define the behavior of mock objects using simple method calls, making the test setup more readable and maintainable. This simplicity contributes to writing clean and efficient test code.

Overall, Mockito plays a vital role in unit testing by providing a flexible and user-friendly framework for creating mock objects. It helps in isolating dependencies, simulating behaviors, and verifying interactions, thereby enabling the creation of reliable and maintainable unit tests. Mockito’s intuitive API and powerful features make it a popular choice among developers for creating mock objects and improving the effectiveness of their tests.

2.1 Mock Objects, Stubbing, and Verification Concepts

In Mockito, three key concepts are mock objects, stubbing, and verification. Let’s explore each of these concepts:

  • Mock Objects: In unit testing, mock objects are placeholders or simulated versions of real objects. They mimic the behavior of real dependencies or collaborators of the code under test. Mockito allows the creation of mock objects, which can be easily controlled and verified during testing. These mock objects serve as substitutes for real dependencies, enabling developers to test individual units of code in isolation. By using mock objects, the dependencies’ behavior can be simulated and controlled, ensuring accurate and focused testing.
  • Stubbing: Stubbing refers to the process of defining the behavior of a mock object. Mockito provides a straightforward API to specify the return values, exceptions, or void method invocations of mock objects. With stubbing, developers can simulate different scenarios and edge cases in their tests. For example, developers can define what a mock object should return when a specific method is called with certain arguments. By stubbing the mock objects, developers can control the input and ensure that the code under test behaves correctly in various situations.
  • Verification: Verification in Mockito refers to the process of checking if certain methods were called on mock objects and verifying their interactions. Developers can use Mockito’s verification features to validate the behavior of the tested code. Mockito allows verifying if a method was called, how many times it was called, and with what arguments. It also provides the ability to verify the order of method invocations. By using verification, developers can ensure that the code under test correctly interacts with its dependencies according to the expected behavior.

Here’s a summary of the flow when using mock objects, stubbing, and verification in Mockito:

  • Create a mock object that represents a dependency of the code under test.
  • Stub the mock object’s behavior by specifying the return values, exceptions, or void method invocations using Mockito’s API.
  • Execute the code under test, which interacts with the mock object.
  • Use Mockito’s verification features to verify if specific methods on the mock object were called, with what arguments, and in the desired order.

By combining these concepts, Mockito provides a flexible and powerful framework for creating mock objects, defining their behavior, and verifying their interactions. This enables developers to write reliable and maintainable unit tests for their Java code.

2.2 Mockito’s syntax and usage

Mockito provides a simple and intuitive syntax for writing unit tests. Let’s have an overview of its syntax and usage:

  • Mock Creation: Mockito allows creating mock objects using the Mockito.mock() method or by using annotations such as @Mock. For example:
    List<String> mockList = Mockito.mock(List.class);
  • Stubbing: Stubbing refers to defining the behavior of mock objects. Mockito provides the when() method to specify the return values or exceptions for method invocations on mock objects. For example:
  • Verifying Method Calls: Mockito allows verifying if specific methods were called on mock objects using the verify() method. You can specify the number of invocations, arguments, and order of method calls to be verified. For example:
    verify(mockList, times(2)).get(anyInt());
  • Argument Matchers: Mockito provides argument matchers to specify flexible matching for method arguments. You can use matchers like any(), eq(), isNull(), etc., to define the expected behavior of mock objects. For example:
  • Mockito Annotations: Mockito supports annotations like @Mock, @InjectMocks, and @Captor to simplify the creation and injection of mock objects. For example:
    public class MyTest {
        private List<String> mockList;
        private MyService myService;
        // Test methods
  • Mockito Spy: Mockito provides a feature called “spy” to create a partial mock of a real object. It allows you to stub specific methods while calling the real implementation for others. For example:
    List<String> spyList = Mockito.spy(new ArrayList<>());
    when(spyList.size()).thenReturn(10); // Stubbed behavior
    spyList.add("item"); // Real implementation
  • Mockito BDD Syntax: Mockito supports the BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) style of writing tests using the given(), will(), and should() methods. This syntax improves the readability of the tests. For example:
    willThrow(new RuntimeException()).given(mockList).clear();

3. Understanding the “Wanted but Not Invoked” Error

The “Wanted but Not Invoked” error message in Mockito indicates that a method invocation on a mock object was expected but did not occur during the execution of a test. This error typically includes information about the expected method call, the number of times it was expected to be invoked, and the actual invocations that occurred.

Several scenarios can trigger the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error:

  • Missing Method Invocation: If a method on a mock object was expected to be called, but it was not invoked at all during the test execution, the error will be raised. This can happen when there is a bug in the code under test or when a certain execution path is not triggered.
  • Incorrect Method Invocation: The error can occur if the method was invoked but with different arguments than what was expected. Mockito compares the actual method invocations with the expected invocations based on the method name, arguments, and order. If they don’t match, the error will be raised.
  • Incorrect Order of Method Invocations: Mockito allows verifying the order of method invocations on mock objects using the InOrder API. If the expected order is not followed during the test execution, the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error will be raised.
  • Wrong Mock Object: If the method invocation was expected on a different mock object than the one being verified, the error will occur. This can happen when there are multiple mock objects involved, and the wrong object is being verified.
  • Wrong Test Configuration: In some cases, the error may occur due to incorrect test configuration or setup. This can include issues with test doubles, mocking, or incorrect usage of Mockito’s verification features.

To resolve the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error, you need to investigate the cause of the missing or incorrect method invocation. Review the test code, verify that the expected method invocations are correctly defined, and ensure that the code under test is interacting with the mock objects as expected. Debugging and examining the error message can help identify the root cause and allow you to fix the issue in your test or code.

4. Troubleshooting “Wanted but Not Invoked”

Common causes for the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error in Mockito and strategies to address them:

  • Missing Method Invocation: This error can occur when a method on a mock object was expected to be called but was not invoked during the test execution. To address this, review the test code and ensure that the method is properly invoked in the appropriate test scenario. Check for any conditional statements or code paths that may prevent the method from being called. Additionally, verify that the test setup and configuration are correctly initializing and injecting the mock object.
  • Incorrect Method Invocation: The error can occur if the method was invoked, but with different arguments than expected. Mockito compares the actual method invocations with the expected invocations based on the method name, arguments, and order. To address this, carefully review the expected method invocation and ensure that the arguments match the actual invocation in the test code. Adjust the test expectations or stubbing if necessary to align with the actual method invocations.
  • Incorrect Order of Method Invocations: Mockito allows verifying the order of method invocations on mock objects using the InOrder API. If the expected order is not followed during the test execution, the error will be raised. To address this, review the order of method invocations in the test code and ensure that they match the expected order. Adjust the test code or the order of the method invocations in the test to align with the expected order.
  • Wrong Mock Object: If the method invocation was expected on a different mock object than the one being verified, the error will occur. This can happen when there are multiple mock objects involved, and the wrong object is being verified. To address this, double-check the correct mock object being used for verification. Review the test code and make sure the correct mock object is being invoked and verified.
  • Wrong Test Configuration: The error may occur due to incorrect test configuration or setup. This can include issues with test doubles, mocking, or incorrect usage of Mockito’s verification features. To address this, carefully review the test configuration and setup. Ensure that the mock objects are properly initialized, injected, and used in the test. Verify that the test doubles are correctly configured and that Mockito’s verification features are used appropriately.

By addressing these common causes and following proper testing practices, you can resolve the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error and ensure accurate and reliable unit tests.

4.1 Issues related to Method Invocations, Incorrect Stubbing, or Incorrect Verification Calls

When writing unit tests using Mockito, it’s crucial to be aware of and address common issues related to method invocations, stubbing, and verification calls. These issues can lead to the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error or result in inaccurate test results. By understanding these issues and following best practices, you can enhance the effectiveness and reliability of your tests.

  • Missing Method Invocations: This issue occurs when a method on a mock object was expected to be called, but it was not invoked during the test execution. It could be due to a bug in the code under test or a missing code path that should trigger the method invocation. It’s important to review the test code and ensure that the method is properly invoked in the relevant test scenario. Verify the correctness of conditional statements or code paths that may prevent the method from being called. Additionally, check the test setup and configuration to ensure the mock object is correctly initialized and injected.
  • Incorrect Method Invocations: This issue arises when a method on a mock object was invoked but with different arguments than what was expected. Mockito compares the actual method invocations with the expected invocations based on the method name, arguments, and order. To address this, carefully review the expected method invocation and ensure that the arguments match the actual invocation in the test code. Adjust the test expectations or stubbing if necessary to align with the actual method invocations.
  • Incorrect Stubbing: This issue occurs when the behavior of a mock object is not properly defined or stubbed. It can result in unexpected method invocations or incorrect return values. To resolve this, double-check the stubbing of the mock object and verify that the desired behavior is correctly defined. Ensure that the method stubs are set up before the code under test is executed.
  • Incorrect Verification Calls: This issue arises when the verification calls in the test code do not accurately match the actual method invocations on the mock objects. It can happen if the verification calls have incorrect method names, arguments, or orders. To address this, carefully review the verification calls and ensure they match the expected method invocations. Double-check the method names, arguments, and order in the verification calls to accurately reflect the behavior of the code under test.

5. Mockito Verification Techniques

Mockito provides powerful verification capabilities that allow you to verify the interactions between your code under test and the mock objects. These verification capabilities help ensure that the code behaves correctly and interacts with its dependencies as expected. Here’s an overview of Mockito’s verification capabilities:

  • Method Invocation Verification: Mockito allows you to verify if a specific method was called on a mock object. You can specify the exact method, along with any required arguments, that you expect to be invoked during the test. Mockito provides various verification methods, such as verify(), verifyZeroInteractions(), and verifyNoMoreInteractions(), to perform different types of verification.
  • Verification of Invocation Count: Mockito enables you to verify the number of times a method was called on a mock object. You can specify the expected number of invocations, such as once, twice, at least once, or a specific number of times. The verify() method accepts an additional argument to specify the expected invocation count.
  • Verification of Invocation Order: Mockito allows you to verify the order of method invocations on mock objects using the InOrder API. You can define a specific order of method calls and use the InOrder object to verify that the mock object’s methods were called in the expected sequence.
  • Verification with Specific Arguments: Mockito provides the flexibility to verify method invocations with specific arguments. You can define the expected arguments using matchers or specific values, allowing you to verify that the method was called with the correct parameters.
  • Verification Ignoring Some Invocations: Mockito allows you to ignore specific invocations when performing verification. You can use the ignoreStubs() or ignoreInvocations() methods to exclude certain method calls from verification, focusing only on the relevant interactions.
  • Verification Timeout: Mockito supports verifying method invocations within a specific timeout period. This is useful when dealing with asynchronous or time-sensitive code. The verify() method accepts an additional timeout argument, ensuring that the verification completes within the specified time frame.

By utilizing Mockito’s verification capabilities, you can validate the interactions between your code under test and the mock objects, ensuring the expected behavior and correct dependencies usage. These verification features contribute to creating reliable and robust unit tests.

5.1 Different Verification Methods

When writing unit tests with Mockito, one of the essential aspects is verifying the interactions between the code under test and its dependencies. Mockito provides several verification methods to facilitate this process and ensure the correct behavior of the tested code.

5.1.1 verify Method

The verify method is a fundamental verification method in Mockito. It allows you to explicitly verify if a specific method was called on a mock object. You can specify the expected method and its arguments, and Mockito will check if the invocation matches the expectations. This method is useful when you want to ensure that a particular method was invoked during the test execution. Example

Here’s an example of using the verify method in Mockito.

Sample code snippet

import org.mockito.Mockito;

// Create a mock object
MyClass myMock = Mockito.mock(MyClass.class);

// Call a method on the mock object

// Verify that the method was called exactly once

In the example above, we first create a mock object of the MyClass class using Mockito.mock(). Then, we call the doSomething() method on the mock object. Finally, we use the verify method to check that the doSomething() method was called exactly once on the mock object.

If the verification fails, Mockito will throw an exception indicating the failure, which can help you identify and fix any issues with the expected method invocations in your test.

You can also combine the verify method with other methods and matchers to perform more specific verifications, such as verifying the method with specific arguments or verifying the number of invocations.

5.1.2 verifyZeroInteractions Method

Another verification method provided by Mockito is verifyZeroInteractions. This method allows you to verify that none of the methods on a mock object were invoked. It ensures that there were no unintended interactions with the mock object and helps identify potential issues where unnecessary or unexpected method invocations occur. Example

Here’s an example of using the verifyZeroInteractions method in Mockito.

Sample code snippet

import org.mockito.Mockito;

// Create a mock object
MyClass myMock = Mockito.mock(MyClass.class);

// Perform some test operations on the mock object

// Verify that no interactions occurred on the mock object

In the example above, we create a mock object of the MyClass class using Mockito.mock(). After performing some test operations on the mock object, we use the verifyZeroInteractions method to check that no interactions, such as method calls, occurred on the mock object.

If any interactions are found, Mockito will throw an exception indicating the failure. This helps ensure that the code under test does not unintentionally interact with the mock object, ensuring that the test remains focused and isolated.

The verifyZeroInteractions method is useful for verifying that specific interactions did not occur, providing confidence in the expected behavior and dependencies of the code under test.

5.1.3 verifyNoMoreInteractions Method

Additionally, Mockito offers the verifyNoMoreInteractions method. This method allows you to verify that no further method invocations occurred on a mock object beyond the expected interactions. It helps ensure that all necessary interactions were completed and prevents unintended additional method calls that may affect the test outcomes.

By using these verification methods appropriately in your unit tests, you can verify the expected interactions between the code under test and its dependencies. These methods contribute to creating thorough and reliable tests, validating the correct behavior of your code, and detecting any unexpected or missing invocations. Example

Here’s an example of using the verifyNoMoreInteractions method in Mockito.

Sample code snippet

import org.mockito.Mockito;

// Create a mock object
MyClass myMock = Mockito.mock(MyClass.class);

// Perform some test operations on the mock object

// Verify that no more interactions occurred on the mock object

In the example above, we create a mock object of the MyClass class using Mockito.mock(). After performing some test operations on the mock object, we use the verifyNoMoreInteractions method to check that no more interactions, such as method calls, occurred on the mock object beyond the previous verification points.

If any additional interactions are found, Mockito will throw an exception indicating the failure. This helps ensure that the code under test does not have any unexpected or undesired interactions with the mock object after the intended verification points.

The verifyNoMoreInteractions method is useful for asserting that all the necessary interactions with the mock object have been verified and that there are no additional unexpected interactions. It helps ensure the completeness of the test and prevents unwanted dependencies from affecting the test outcome.

6. Best Practices to Avoid “Wanted but Not Invoked”

When writing unit tests with Mockito, it’s important to avoid the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error, which occurs when expected method invocations on mock objects are not detected during testing. To help prevent this error and ensure accurate verification of method invocations, it is recommended to follow certain best practices.

  • Ensure thorough test coverage: Create comprehensive test cases that cover all possible code paths and scenarios. This helps minimize the chances of missing method invocations during testing.
  • Follow the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern: Separate the test setup, the execution of the code under test, and the verification of expected method invocations. This helps maintain clarity and reduces the likelihood of missing invocations.
  • Review and update test expectations: Regularly review and update the expected method invocations in your tests to align with any changes in the code under test. As the code evolves, ensure that your test expectations accurately reflect the updated behavior.
  • Use descriptive test case and method names: Provide clear and descriptive names for your test cases and methods. This helps in understanding the purpose and expected behavior of the test, reducing the chances of overlooking or misinterpreting expected method invocations.
  • Avoid unnecessary verifications: Only verify the method invocations that are essential to the test case. Avoid excessive verification calls, as they can clutter the test code and increase the chances of missing actual invocations.
  • Use specific verification modes: Mockito provides different verification modes such as “times,” “atLeastOnce,” and “never.” Choose the appropriate mode based on the expected behavior of the code under test to ensure accurate verification of method invocations.
  • Keep tests focused and isolated: Design tests that are focused on testing a single unit of code and isolate them from external dependencies. This reduces the complexity of the test scenarios and minimizes the chances of missing or incorrect method invocations.
  • Regularly review and refactor tests: Continuously review and refactor your tests to improve their clarity, maintainability, and reliability. Refactoring can help identify and fix issues related to missing or incorrect method invocations.
  • Utilize code review and pair programming: Engage in code reviews and pair programming sessions with colleagues to gain additional perspectives and identify potential issues related to method invocations. Collaborative efforts can help catch mistakes and improve the quality of the tests.

That concludes this tutorial, and I hope that it provided you with the information you were seeking. Enjoy your learning journey, and don’t forget to share!

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error message in Mockito is a valuable indicator that helps identify potential issues in unit tests. It typically occurs when a method on a mock object was expected to be called but was not invoked during the test execution.

Understanding the common causes for this error, such as missing method invocations, incorrect method invocations, incorrect order of invocations, wrong mock object, and wrong test configuration, is crucial in effectively addressing and resolving the error.

To avoid the “Wanted but Not Invoked” error, it is essential to follow best practices such as:

  • Reviewing the test code and ensuring that the method is properly invoked in the relevant test scenario.
  • Checking for conditional statements or code paths that may prevent the method from being called.
  • Verifying the correctness of the expected method invocations and ensuring that the arguments match the actual invocations in the test code.
  • Double-check the stubbing of the mock object to ensure the desired behavior is correctly defined.
  • Ensuring that the verification calls accurately match the actual method invocations on the mock objects.
  • Reviewing the test configuration and setup, including the initialization and injection of mock objects, to ensure correctness.

By following these best practices, developers can enhance the accuracy and reliability of their unit tests, leading to improved code quality and easier identification of issues within the tested code. The “Wanted but Not Invoked” error can be effectively managed, allowing for more robust and thorough testing processes.


An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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