Core Java

The Vector API in Java 19

Hello. In this tutorial, we will take a look at the Vector API in Java 19.

1. Introduction

The Vector API aims to enable efficient parallelization of computations on arrays and vectors, leveraging hardware capabilities such as SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations. This API allows developers to write vectorized code that can take advantage of modern processors with SIMD support.

The Vector API introduces new classes and methods to perform vectorized operations on arrays, including arithmetic operations, element-wise operations, reductions, and more. By using the Vector API, developers can write code that is both concise and efficient, benefiting from improved performance on supported hardware.

1.1 Scalars, Vectors, and Parallelism

In Java, scalars and vectors are fundamental concepts used in various areas of programming, including parallelism. Let’s take a closer look at each of these concepts and their relationship to parallelism in Java.

Scalars refer to single values or variables that hold a single piece of data, such as an integer, float, or boolean.Vectors represent a collection of values or elements grouped as a single entity.Parallelism in Java refers to the ability to execute code concurrently on multiple threads or processors.
In Java, scalar variables are used to store and manipulate individual data elements.Vectors can be represented using arrays, ArrayLists, or other collection classes.Java provides mechanisms like threads, the Executor framework, and parallel streams to achieve parallelism.
Scalars are typically used for simple calculations or operations that do not involve multiple values or elements.Vector operations involve performing computations or transformations on multiple elements simultaneously.By leveraging parallelism, you can perform computations on vectors or collections of data in parallel.

Java provides libraries and frameworks that facilitate parallel programming, such as the Fork/Join framework, which enables the decomposition of tasks into smaller subtasks that can be executed in parallel. Additionally, Java 8 introduced the Stream API, which includes parallel stream operations for processing collections in parallel.

When working with scalars and vectors in Java, you can utilize parallelism to process collections of data more efficiently, taking advantage of the available hardware resources. However, it’s important to consider thread safety and synchronization when dealing with shared data structures in parallel code to avoid potential race conditions or data inconsistencies.

1.2 Practical use-cases of Vector API in Java

  • Scientific Computing: The Vector API is well-suited for scientific computations involving large datasets, such as numerical simulations, data analysis, and machine learning algorithms.
  • Image and Signal Processing: Applications that require manipulating images or processing digital signals can benefit from the Vector API’s enhanced performance for pixel-level operations and signal transformations.
  • Financial Calculations: Financial applications dealing with complex mathematical calculations, such as risk analysis, option pricing, and portfolio optimization, can leverage the Vector API to improve computational efficiency.
  • Data Analytics: Vectorization can accelerate data analytics tasks, such as aggregations, filtering, and transformations, enabling faster processing of large datasets in data warehouses or data streaming scenarios.
  • Simulation and Gaming: Game development and simulation software can utilize the Vector API for physics simulations, particle systems, collision detection, and other computationally intensive tasks.
  • Data Compression: Vectorization can improve the performance of data compression algorithms like Huffman coding, Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW), and run-length encoding, enabling faster compression and decompression operations.
  • Genome Sequencing: Computational biology applications, including genome sequencing and sequence alignment, can leverage the Vector API for faster analysis and processing of genetic data.

2. The Vector API

The Vector API in Java is designed to enable efficient and concise parallelization of computations on arrays and vectors, utilizing hardware capabilities such as SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations. It provides a set of classes and methods to perform vectorized operations on arrays, allowing developers to write code that takes advantage of modern processors and achieves better performance.

The Vector API introduces the following classes:

  • VectorSpecies<T>: This class represents the vectorization characteristics for a specific element type T. It provides information about the vector length, element type, and other properties related to vector operations.
  • VectorMask<T>: This class represents a mask that controls the execution of vector operations on specific elements of a vector. It allows conditional execution based on the mask values.
  • VectorShape: This enum class represents different vector shapes, such as VECTOR_2D, VECTOR_3D, and VECTOR_4D, which correspond to 2D, 3D, and 4D vectors, respectively.

The Vector API provides methods for performing a wide range of vectorized operations, including arithmetic operations, element-wise operations, reductions, and conversions. Here’s a simple example that demonstrates the usage of the Vector API:


import jdk.incubator.vector.*;

public class VectorExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a vector species for float values
        VectorSpecies species = FloatVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;

        // Create input arrays
        float[] array1 = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f};
        float[] array2 = {5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f};
        float[] result = new float[4];

        // Perform vectorized addition
        try (FloatVector vec1 = FloatVector.fromArray(species, array1, 0);
             FloatVector vec2 = FloatVector.fromArray(species, array2, 0);
             FloatVector resVec = vec1.add(vec2)) {
            // Store the result back to the result array
            resVec.intoArray(result, 0);

            // Print the result
            for (float value : result) {

// Output

In this example, we create a vector species for Float values using FloatVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED. We then define two input arrays, array1 and array2, and create a result array to store the output of the vectorized addition operation.

Inside the try block, we use the FloatVector.fromArray() method to create vector instances from the input arrays. We then perform the vectorized addition using the add() method, which adds the corresponding elements of vec1 and vec2 and returns a new vector.

Finally, we use the intoArray() method to store the result vector’s elements in the result array, and we print the values of the result array.

2.1 Computations with Vector API in Java

The Vector API in Java enables efficient and parallel computations on arrays and vectors using SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations. The API provides a set of methods for performing various vectorized computations. Here are some examples of computations you can perform using the Vector API:

  • Arithmetic Operations
    • Addition: vector1.add(vector2)
    • Subtraction: vector1.sub(vector2)
    • Multiplication: vector1.mul(vector2)
    • Division: vector1.div(vector2)
  • Element-Wise Operations
    • Absolute value: vector.abs()
    • Negation: vector.neg()
    • Square Root: vector.sqrt()
    • Exponential: vector.exp()
    • Logarithm: vector.log()
  • Reductions
    • The Sum of Elements: vector.reduce(VectorOperators.ADD)
    • Minimum Element: vector.reduce(VectorOperators.MIN)
    • Maximum Element: vector.reduce(VectorOperators.MAX)
    • Average: vector.reduce(VectorOperators.ADD).mul(1.0 / vector.length())
  • Conversions and Loading/Storing
    • Convert to different data types: vector.reinterpretCast(newType)
    • Load data from an array: Vector.fromArray(species, array, index)
    • Store data in an array: vector.intoArray(array, index)

It’s important to note that the Vector API is designed to work with specific vector lengths supported by the hardware. To utilize the Vector API effectively, you need to create vectors using the appropriate vector species for your data type and vector length.

Here’s an example that demonstrates the vectorized computation of the sum of two arrays:


import jdk.incubator.vector.*;

public class VectorComputationExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a vector species for float values
        VectorSpecies species = FloatVector.SPECIES_PREFERRED;

        // Input arrays
        float[] array1 = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f};
        float[] array2 = {5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f};

        // Create vector instances from input arrays
        try (FloatVector vec1 = FloatVector.fromArray(species, array1, 0);
             FloatVector vec2 = FloatVector.fromArray(species, array2, 0);
             FloatVector sumVec = vec1.add(vec2)) {
            // Store the result back to an array
            sumVec.intoArray(array1, 0);

            // Print the result
            for (float value : array1) {

// Output

In this example, we create a vector species for Float values. We then define two input arrays, array1 and array2, and create vector instances vec1 and vec2 using the Vector API. We perform the vectorized addition using the add() method, which adds the corresponding elements of vec1 and vec2 and returns a new vector sumVec. Finally, we store the result back to array1 using the intoArray() method and print the values.

The Vector API allows you to efficiently perform computations on arrays and vectors, leveraging parallelism and SIMD operations for improved performance. You can explore the available methods and operations in the Vector API documentation to perform various computations based on your specific requirements.

2.2 Caveats Associated With Vector API in Java

When using the Vector API in Java, there are some caveats and considerations to keep in mind:

  • Vector Length: The Vector API operates on fixed-length vectors, which means the length of the vectors must match the vectorization characteristics of the underlying hardware. It’s important to ensure that the data being processed aligns with the expected vector length to achieve optimal performance.
  • Data Alignment: Vector operations often require data to be aligned in memory to ensure efficient processing. In some cases, unaligned data can result in performance penalties or even cause exceptions. It’s recommended to align data properly to ensure optimal vectorization.
  • Supported Types: The Vector API supports a limited set of data types, typically primitive numeric types like byte, short, int, long, float, and double. Complex data structures or non-numeric types may require additional conversion or adaptation before using vector operations.
  • Vectorization Overhead: Vectorization can provide significant performance improvements for certain computations, but it comes with some overhead. Vectorized operations often involve additional memory access or data shuffling to process elements in parallel. In some cases, the overhead may outweigh the benefits, especially for smaller problem sizes or operations with irregular access patterns.
  • Platform Dependency: The Vector API is an incubator module in the Java platform, which means it is subject to changes and may have platform-specific behavior. It’s important to ensure compatibility with the specific JDK version and check for any updates or changes in the API.
  • Runtime Support: Verify hardware compatibility for vector operations.
  • Code Readability and Maintainability: Balance performance gains with maintainability.

Analyze, benchmark, and weigh trade-offs to determine if vectorization outweighs caveats.

3. Conclusion

The Vector API in Java provides a powerful mechanism for performing vectorized computations on fixed-length vectors. It leverages hardware capabilities for parallelism and SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations to achieve significant performance improvements for certain types of computations.

3.1 Benefits

In conclusion, the Vector API offers several benefits:

  • Enhanced Performance: By exploiting parallelism and SIMD instructions, the Vector API can deliver substantial performance gains for computationally intensive tasks. It enables processing multiple data elements simultaneously, reducing the number of instructions and improving overall efficiency.
  • Simplified Programming: The Vector API introduces a high-level abstraction for vector operations, allowing developers to express computations more concisely and intuitively. It encapsulates complex low-level details, such as loop unrolling and data shuffling, making it easier to write vectorized code.
  • Hardware Optimization: The Vector API is designed to take advantage of hardware features specific to vectorization. It optimizes memory access patterns, aligns data properly, and utilizes vectorized instructions supported by modern CPUs. This ensures efficient utilization of hardware resources and maximizes performance gains.
  • Portability and Compatibility: The Vector API is built as part of the Java standard library, providing a portable solution for vectorized computations across different platforms. It is designed to be compatible with various hardware architectures, allowing developers to write vectorized code without worrying about platform-specific optimizations.

3.2 Limitations

However, there are also some considerations and limitations associated with the Vector API:

  • Hardware Dependency: The effectiveness of the Vector API heavily relies on hardware support for vectorization. While modern CPUs generally offer vectorization capabilities, not all platforms or architectures may provide optimized support. It is important to ensure the target hardware supports the necessary features.
  • Vector Length and Data Alignment: The Vector API operates on fixed-length vectors, requiring data to align with the expected vector length. Inefficient alignment or mismatched vector lengths can result in performance penalties. Developers need to ensure proper alignment and compatibility with the underlying hardware.
  • Limited Data Types: The Vector API supports a specific set of data types, primarily focused on primitive numeric types. Complex data structures or non-numeric types may require additional conversions or adaptations before utilizing vector operations.
  • Code Readability and Maintainability: Vectorized code can be more complex and less readable compared to scalar code. It involves explicit handling of vector operations, loop unrolling, and masking. Balancing performance optimizations with code maintainability and readability is crucial, particularly when the performance gains may not justify the increased complexity.
  • Platform-Specific Behavior: As an incubator module, the Vector API is subject to changes and platform-specific behavior. It is essential to ensure compatibility with the specific JDK version and be aware of any updates or modifications to the API.

In summary, the Vector API in Java provides a powerful toolset for achieving high-performance vectorized computations. It offers enhanced performance, simplified programming, and hardware optimization. However, developers should be mindful of hardware dependencies, vector length and alignment, limited data types, code complexity, and platform-specific behavior when utilizing the Vector API in their applications.

4. Download the Files

This was a tutorial to understand the Vector API in Java.

You can download the files of this example here: The Vector API in Java 19


An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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