Core Java

Online Java Compiler – What options are there

In this tutorial, we will discuss what is an online Java compiler, that offers the ability to develop programs online, compile them, execute them, and finally, download them.

In case you don’t have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your local machine, online compilers can help you overcome this situation by providing a text editor and an online compiler.

Online Java Compiler

Moreover, online compilers can be useful when you don’t have the required permissions to install Java on a local machine and you do want to quickly execute a Java application. However, notice that an online compiler is not able to match the capabilities of an IDE, but is able to support a subset of an IDE’s operations.

In the rest of this tutorial, we will discuss a number of existing online Java compilers and their characteristics.

1. is an online compiler and IDE for C, C++, and Java. Codiva uses Java 8 compiler and supports running up to 5 minutes, unlike others that support only a few seconds of execution time.

  • Codiva supports multiple files
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Compiles as you type, and has autocompleted suggestions
  • Supports running interactive programs

2. Ideone

Ideone is an online compiler and debugging tool which allows you to compile source code and execute it online. Alongside Java, Ideone also supports a large number of programming languages. Ideone imposes the following rules about the online compilation:

  • Duration of compilation: 10 seconds.
  • Duration of execution: 5 seconds for logged in users and 15 seconds for registered users.
  • Total memory usage: 256 MB.

Ideone also provides the following capabilities:

  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Stdin input parameters.
  • Source code download.

3. JDoodle

JDoodle provides an easy way to compile and execute Java code online. JDoodle contains a very attractive interface that offers the following features for execution:

  • Command Line arguments.
  • Stdin input parameters.
  • Source code download.
  • Auto completion.

4. Compile Java

Compile Java is a fast and functional online Java compiler that always runs the latest version of Java. Compile Java automatically splits multiple public classes to separate files.

Compile Java is able to provide the following features:

  • Optional command-line arguments.
  • Download compiled source files (.java, .class, .jar).
  • Online download link.
  • Syntax highlighting.

5. RexTester

RexTester provides a simple interface to compile and execute Java code that also offers the following features:

  • Stdin input parameters.
  • Source code download.

6. is an online Java compiler that always runs the latest version of Java. The features of this compiler are as below:

  • In browser IDE
  • Realtime integration
  • github integration
  • supports 50+ languages
  • has API & plugins
  • code sharing

7. is an online java editor and compiler. It has the following features:

  • supports 20+ languages
  • github & gist integration
  • task scheduling
  • real-time collaboration
  • saving & sharing code

8. onlineGDB 

onlineGDB is an online java compiler that has the below features:

  • supports 15 languages
  • compilation and execution
  • support for debugging
  • code beautification

9. Summary

This was a tutorial about the below Java online compilers.

  • IdeOne
  • JDoodle
  • Compile Java
  • RexTester
  • onlineGDB

The summary of the comparison of the online java compilers is presented below:

NameAuto SuggestionExecution SpeedCode DownloadUser Login
Compile JavaNoHighYesNo

Last updated on Jan. 25th, 2022

Sotirios-Efstathios Maneas

Sotirios-Efstathios (Stathis) Maneas is a PhD student at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto. His main interests include distributed systems, storage systems, file systems, and operating systems.
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