Core Java

Naming Conventions for Java Interfaces

In Java, which is all about objects and their interactions, we often use interfaces to set rules and keep things organized. Using the right names for these interfaces is super important. It makes our code neat, easy to take care of, and simple for others to understand. By sticking to Java interface naming conventions, we can improve how clear and user-friendly our code is for fellow developers. In this article, we’ll explore some best practices for naming interfaces in Java.

1. Follow the Java Naming Conventions

Follow the usual rules for naming things in Java. When naming your interfaces, use camelCase, which means starting with a capital letter. If your interface represents a concept or a service, try using names that are nouns or groups of nouns.

// Good: CamelCase and follows naming conventions
public interface PaymentGateway {
    // interface methods...

// Avoid: Incorrect naming conventions
public interface payment_gateway {
    // interface methods...

2. Use Descriptive and Clear Names

When you give a name to your interfaces, go for words that explain what the interface is all about. Try to use short names that say a lot, giving a quick idea of what the interface is meant to do. Generally, a good interface name should quickly tell developers what it is all about, for example, if your interface represents a data provider, consider naming it DataProvider rather than something more ambiguous.

// Good: Descriptive name
public interface DataProvider {
    // interface methods...

// Avoid: Generic name
public interface Processor {
    // interface methods...

The first example using DataProvider is clearer and quickly tells us what it does, unlike the unclear Processor in the second example.

3. Use Nouns for Interfaces

Interfaces represent contracts or blueprints for classes, so it’s a good idea to use names that are nouns. This makes it easier to come up with names that are easy to understand and explain themselves.

// Preferred
public interface Logger {
    void log(String message);
    void close();

// Avoided
public interface Logging {
    void log(String message);
    void close();

4. Suffix ‘able’ for Adjective Interfaces

When an interface represents an ability or capability, adding ‘able‘ at the end of words can make it easier to understand and clearly express what the interface is meant for.

For example:

// Preferred
public interface Runnable {
    void run();

// Avoided
public interface Run {
    void execute();

The Comparable, Runnable and Callable interfaces are good examples of features that suffix ‘able‘ for adjective interfaces.

5. Be Consistent Across the Codebase

Consistency is key to maintaining a clean and readable codebase. If your project already has a certain way of naming things, keep using it. Using the same style makes it easier for developers to work together and makes it less confusing when reading the code.

// Good: Consistent with existing naming convention
public interface UserService {
    // interface methods...

// Avoid: Inconsistent naming convention
public interface User_Service {
    // interface methods...

6. Avoid Acronyms and Abbreviations

Even though making names shorter might seem like a good idea to be brief, it can cause confusion. Avoid using acronyms or abbreviations unless they are widely recognized.

// Good: Descriptive name without abbreviations
public interface ConfigurationLoader {
    // interface methods...

// Avoid: Unnecessary abbreviation
public interface ConfigLoader {
    // interface methods...

7. Prefix ‘I’ Not Required

Unlike certain coding languages that insist on starting interfaces with the ‘I’ prefix, Java typically doesn’t demand it. While some programmers might decide to add ‘I’ at the beginning, many Java projects prefer a neater style without it. For example, if you have an interface representing a car, it could be named simply as Car rather than ICar.

// Preferred
public interface Car {
    void start();
    void stop();

// Avoided
public interface ICar {
    void start();
    void stop();

8. Use Plural Forms for Collections

If your interface represents a collection or a group of related functionalities, consider using a plural form for the name. This makes it clear that the interface is designed to handle multiple instances.

// Good: Plural form for a collection
public interface Users {
    // interface methods...

// Avoid: Singular form for a collection
public interface User {
    // interface methods...

9. Conclusion

Choosing the right names for your interfaces is a crucial aspect of writing maintainable and readable Java code. By following these naming conventions and best practices, you contribute to a codebase that is more accessible to other developers and ensures consistency across your project.

In conclusion, there aren’t strict rules for naming interfaces in Java, but sticking to these helpful tips can really make our code easier to understand, manage, and work on with others. Whether it’s skipping unnecessary beginnings in names, picking names that make sense, or keeping things consistent, these suggestions make our code easier to read and understand. By following these ideas, we can make interfaces that work well as clear agreements for creating classes, resulting in more manageable Java programs.

Omozegie Aziegbe

Omos holds a Master degree in Information Engineering with Network Management from the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. Omos is currently a freelance web/application developer who is currently focused on developing Java enterprise applications with the Jakarta EE framework.
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