
Modernizing Deprecated jdbcTemplate Methods in Spring Boot 2.4.X and Beyond

The queryForObject() method in Spring’s JdbcTemplate executes a SQL query and returns a single object, typically used when expecting a single result. On the other hand, the query() method returns a list of objects for a given SQL query. Let us delve into understanding these methods and the replacement of these methods in Spring Boot.

1. Understanding permitAll() and anonymous() in Spring Security

In Spring Boot 2.4.X and above, certain JDBC operations like jdbcTemplate.queryForObject and jdbcTemplate.query have been deprecated. Before diving into replacements, let’s understand the deprecation rationale. Spring continually evolves to embrace newer Java features and improve developer experience. Deprecating certain methods indicates a shift towards more efficient, safer, and expressive alternatives.

1.1 Deprecated Methods

The jdbcTemplate.queryForObject method is deprecated due to its limitations in handling nullable results and non-existent records, leading to potential NullPointerExceptions. Similarly, jdbcTemplate.query lacks type-safety and readability for mapping query results.

1.2 Replacement Strategies

In Spring Boot 2.4.X and above, developers have multiple replacement options, including NamedParameterJdbcTemplate, RowMapper, and JdbcTemplate’s lambda-based methods.

2. NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

NamedParameterJdbcTemplate offers a cleaner and safer approach by using named parameters instead of conventional ? placeholders. This enhances readability and reduces error-prone parameter ordering issues.

Named parameters provide a more intuitive way to specify parameters in SQL queries, especially for complex queries with multiple parameters. Instead of relying on the order of parameters, developers can use descriptive names, making queries more self-explanatory.

NamedParameterJdbcTemplate also supports dynamic queries with varying sets of parameters. This flexibility is particularly useful when constructing dynamic SQL queries based on user input or business logic.

2.1 Snippet

// Create an instance of NamedParameterJdbcTemplate using a DataSource
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource);

// Define the SQL query with named parameter ':username'
String sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username";

// Create a parameter map containing the parameter name 'username' and its value
Map<String, Object> paramMap = Collections.singletonMap("username", username);

// Execute the SQL query using queryForObject method, passing the SQL query, parameter map,
// and a RowMapper implementation (UserRowMapper) to map the result set to a User object
User user = namedJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, paramMap, new UserRowMapper());

In this code:

  • NamedParameterJdbcTemplate: An instance of NamedParameterJdbcTemplate is created using a DataSource. This class provides methods for executing SQL queries with named parameters.
  • SQL Query: A SQL query string is defined with a named parameter :username. Named parameters start with : and are placeholders for dynamic values.
  • Parameter Map: A parameter map is created using Collections.singletonMap, containing the named parameter username and its corresponding value.
  • Query Execution: The SQL query is executed using the queryForObject method of NamedParameterJdbcTemplate. The method takes the SQL query, parameter map, and a RowMapper implementation (UserRowMapper) as arguments. It executes the query, binds the parameters, retrieves the result set, and maps the result set to a User object using the provided RowMapper.

This code snippet demonstrates how NamedParameterJdbcTemplate simplifies JDBC operations by allowing parameterized queries with named parameters, enhancing readability, and reducing the risk of SQL injection attacks.

3. RowMapper Interface

RowMapper facilitates customized object mapping for each row returned by a query. Implementing RowMapper allows precise control over how result sets are converted into Java objects, providing flexibility and type safety.

RowMapper is particularly useful when dealing with complex data structures or when the default mapping provided by Spring’s JdbcTemplate is insufficient. By implementing the RowMapper interface, developers can define their mapping logic, tailored to the specific requirements of their application.

RowMapper promotes the separation of concerns by encapsulating the mapping logic within dedicated mapper classes. This improves code organization and maintainability, making it easier to understand and modify the mapping behavior as needed.

Furthermore, RowMapper supports mapping multiple result sets returned by stored procedures or complex queries, allowing developers to handle diverse data structures efficiently.

3.1 Snippet

public class UserRowMapper implements RowMapper<User> {
    public User mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
        // Create a new User object
        User user = new User();
        // Set the id field of the User object using data from the ResultSet
        // Set the username field of the User object using data from the ResultSet
        // Map other fields of the User object as needed
        // Return the populated User object
        return user;

In this code:

  • UserRowMapper Class: This is a custom implementation of the RowMapper interface, which is used to map rows of a ResultSet to instances of the User class.
  • mapRow Method: This method is overridden from the RowMapper interface. It takes a ResultSet object and the current row number as parameters and returns an instance of the User class.
  • Populating User Object: Inside the mapRow method, a new instance of the User class is created. Data from the ResultSet is retrieved using appropriate getter methods (e.g., getLong, getString) and used to populate the fields of the User object.
  • Return: The populated User object is returned at the end of the method.

This implementation of the RowMapper interface defines the mapping logic for converting rows of a ResultSet into instances of the User class. It encapsulates the mapping logic in a separate class, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

4. Lambda-based Methods

Spring Boot 2.4.X introduces lambda-based methods in JdbcTemplate, enhancing code conciseness and readability. These methods leverage Java 8’s functional features to simplify JDBC operations.

Lambda-based methods provide a more concise syntax for defining RowMappers and PreparedStatementSetters, making JDBC code more expressive and easier to understand. By encapsulating mapping logic directly within method calls, lambda expressions eliminate the need for separate mapper classes, reducing code clutter and promoting code locality.

Additionally, lambda-based methods facilitate the inline definition of mapping logic, allowing developers to define mapping behavior directly where it’s needed. This improves code readability by providing a clear, contextual view of how result sets are mapped to Java objects, without the need to navigate to separate mapper classes.

Moreover, lambda-based methods offer improved type inference, allowing developers to write more concise code without sacrificing type safety. This enhances code maintainability by reducing the likelihood of type-related errors and making it easier to refactor code.

4.1 Snippet

// Execute a SQL query using JdbcTemplate's query method
List<User> users = jdbcTemplate.query(
    // SQL query string
    "SELECT * FROM users",
    // Lambda expression defining the RowMapper logic
    (rs, rowNum) -> {
        // Create a new User object
        User user = new User();
        // Set the id field of the User object using data from the ResultSet
        // Set the username field of the User object using data from the ResultSet
        // Map other fields of the User object as needed
        // Return the populated User object
        return user;

In this code:

  • JdbcTemplate: The jdbcTemplate object is used to execute SQL queries in Spring JDBC.
  • query Method: The query method is invoked on the jdbcTemplate object to execute a SQL query. It takes the SQL query string and a RowMapper implementation as arguments.
  • Lambda Expression: Instead of passing a separate RowMapper implementation, a lambda expression is used to define the mapping logic inline. The lambda expression takes a ResultSet and the current row number as parameters and returns an instance of the User class.
  • Mapping Logic: Inside the lambda expression, a new instance of the User class is created and populated with data from the ResultSet using appropriate getter methods. This defines how each row of the ResultSet is mapped to an instance of the User class.
  • Return: The list of User objects mapped from the ResultSet is returned at the end of the lambda expression.

This usage of lambda-based methods in JdbcTemplate simplifies JDBC operations by eliminating the need for separate RowMapper implementations, resulting in cleaner and more concise code.

5. PreparedStatementCreatorFactory

For more complex queries requiring dynamic parameters, PreparedStatementCreatorFactory offers a robust solution. It allows the creation PreparedStatementCreators with named parameters, improving query construction flexibility.

PreparedStatementCreatorFactory is particularly useful when dealing with dynamic SQL queries or scenarios where parameter types need to be explicitly specified. By providing a convenient way to define parameterized queries, PreparedStatementCreatorFactory streamlines query construction and enhances code readability.

One of the key advantages of PreparedStatementCreatorFactory is its support for named parameters, which simplifies parameter binding and reduces the likelihood of errors caused by parameter ordering issues. This makes PreparedStatementCreatorFactory well-suited for scenarios where query parameters are determined dynamically or come from external sources.

Additionally, PreparedStatementCreatorFactory supports advanced features such as returning generated keys, enabling seamless integration with database operations that require retrieval of auto-generated keys.

5.1 Snippet

// Create an instance of PreparedStatementCreatorFactory with SQL query template
PreparedStatementCreatorFactory factory = new PreparedStatementCreatorFactory(
    "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?",
    // Specify parameter types (VARCHAR in this case)
    new int[] {Types.VARCHAR}

// Optionally set whether to return generated keys

// Create a PreparedStatementCreator with parameter values
PreparedStatementCreator psc = factory.newPreparedStatementCreator(Collections.singletonList(username));

// Execute the query using JdbcTemplate's queryForObject method
// Pass the PreparedStatementCreator and a RowMapper implementation to map the result
User user = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(psc, new UserRowMapper());

In this code:

  • PreparedStatementCreatorFactory: An instance of PreparedStatementCreatorFactory is created with a SQL query template and parameter types.
  • Set Return Generated Keys: The setReturnGeneratedKeys method is optionally called to specify whether the generated keys should be returned.
  • PreparedStatementCreator: A PreparedStatementCreator is created using the factory’s newPreparedStatementCreator method, passing parameter values as a list.
  • JdbcTemplate: The jdbcTemplate object is used to execute the SQL query.
  • queryForObject Method: The queryForObject method of JdbcTemplate is used to execute the query and map the result to a single object. It takes the PreparedStatementCreator and a RowMapper implementation (UserRowMapper) as arguments.

This usage of PreparedStatementCreatorFactory simplifies the creation of parameterized queries in Spring JDBC and provides additional flexibility, such as returning generated keys.

6. Technique Comparison

  • Supports named parameters for improved readability.
  • Allows dynamic query construction.
  • Enhances code clarity.
  • May require additional setup.
  • More verbose than lambda-based methods.
RowMapper Interface
  • Customizable mapping logic for each row.
  • Encapsulates mapping logic in a separate class.
  • Promotes code reusability and maintainability.
  • Requires defining a separate class for mapping logic.
  • May increase code verbosity.
Lambda-based Methods
  • Concise syntax for defining mapping logic inline.
  • Eliminates the need for separate RowMapper implementations.
  • Improves code readability and reduces boilerplate.
  • May be less familiar to developers not experienced with Java 8 features.
  • Can be less suitable for complex mapping logic.
  • Allows dynamic query construction with named parameters.
  • Provides additional flexibility, such as returning generated keys.
  • Requires more setup compared to simpler methods.
  • May be overkill for simple queries.

7. Conclusion

In Spring Boot 2.4.X and above, deprecated jdbcTemplate.queryForObject and jdbcTemplate.query methods are replaced with more robust alternatives like NamedParameterJdbcTemplate, RowMapper, and lambda-based methods. By embracing these modern approaches, developers can enhance code quality, readability, and maintainability in JDBC operations.


An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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