
Mapping Default Values to Null Fields in Jackson

This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to handle null fields or missing values in JSON strings when mapping with default values them using the Jackson library. We will explore the significance of null fields in object mapping, the challenges they present, and the importance of default values in addressing these challenges. We will also cover different techniques and annotations provided by Jackson to configure default values and map them to null fields during serialization and deserialization.

In modern software development, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become a widely used data interchange format due to its simplicity and ease of use. When working with JSON data in Java, the Jackson library is a popular choice for parsing and generating JSON. One common challenge in JSON parsing is handling null or missing values, as these can cause issues during object mapping.

1. Introduction

1.1 Brief Overview of Jackson Library

Jackson is a high-performance JSON processing library for Java. It provides a set of powerful and flexible APIs for parsing, generating, and manipulating JSON data. Jackson supports various data binding modes, allowing seamless conversion between Java objects and JSON representations.

To work with Jackson in a Java project, you need to include the Jackson libraries as dependencies. You can do this by adding the appropriate Jackson artifacts to your project’s build configuration or by using a dependency management tool like Maven or Gradle.

1.2 Importance of Default Values in Object Mapping

Object mapping is the process of converting JSON data into Java objects or vice versa. During object mapping, null or missing values in JSON can lead to unexpected behavior or errors. Setting default values for fields helps ensure that objects have consistent and predictable values, even when JSON data is incomplete or contains null fields.

Default values serve as fallback values for fields that are not present in the JSON data or have null values. By specifying default values, you can establish a baseline state for objects, reducing the likelihood of null pointer exceptions and enabling smoother handling of missing or null fields.

2. Understanding Null Fields

2.1 Definition and Significance of Null Fields in Object Mapping

Null fields in object mapping refer to fields within JSON data that have no value assigned to them or are explicitly set to null. In the JSON format, null is used to represent the absence of a value for a particular field.

When parsing JSON data into Java objects, null fields can cause issues because Java objects require non-null values for their fields. Without proper handling, null fields can lead to NullPointerExceptions or incorrect behavior in your application.

2.2 Challenges in Handling Null Fields

2.2.1 Null Fields and JSON Deserialization

During JSON deserialization, null fields pose a challenge because Jackson needs to assign values to all fields in the target Java object. If a null field is encountered in the JSON data and no default value is specified, Jackson assigns a null value to the corresponding field in the Java object. This can result in unexpected behavior or errors when working with the object further.

2.2.2 Null Fields and JSON Serialization

In JSON serialization, null fields are typically included in the generated JSON output. This means that if a field in the Java object has a null value, the corresponding field will be present in the JSON output with the value set to null.

However, in certain cases, you may want to exclude null fields from the generated JSON output to reduce its size or for compatibility with other systems. Jackson provides options to customize the serialization behavior of null fields.

3. Introduction to Default Values

3.1 Definition and Purpose of Default Values

Default values are predefined values that are used when no explicit value is provided for a field. In the context of JSON parsing, default values serve as fallback values for fields that are missing or have null values in the JSON data.

The purpose of default values is to ensure that objects have a consistent state even when certain fields are not present in the JSON or have null values. By specifying default values, you can avoid null pointer exceptions and provide predictable behavior for your application.

Default values can be defined for individual fields or at the class level. During JSON deserialization, if a field is missing or has a null value in the JSON data, Jackson assigns the default value to that field in the target Java object.

3.2 How Default Values Help in Handling Null Fields

Default values play a crucial role in handling null fields during JSON parsing. They ensure that fields have non-null values even when the corresponding values are missing or null in the JSON data. By specifying default values, you provide a fallback value that can be used when the actual value is absent.

This helps in avoiding null pointer exceptions and ensures consistent behavior for your Java objects. Default values allow you to define a sensible baseline state for your objects, reducing the chances of unexpected errors or incorrect behavior due to missing or null fields.

4. Mapping Default Values to Null Fields

Jackson provides several annotations and configuration options to control default values and their mapping to null fields during JSON parsing.

4.1 Overview of Jackson Annotations

Jackson annotations provide a powerful mechanism for customizing the JSON parsing and generation process. These annotations can be applied at the class, field, or method level to control various aspects of JSON processing, including default values.

Some commonly used Jackson annotations for configuring default values include @JsonInclude, @JsonSetter, and @JsonGetter. These annotations allow you to specify default values, customize the handling of null fields, and control the serialization and deserialization process.

4.2 Adding Jackson Dependencies with Maven

To include Jackson in your project, you need to add the Jackson dependencies to your project’s build configuration file. The specific steps may vary depending on the build system you are using (e.g., Maven, Gradle, etc.). Here, I’ll provide instructions for two commonly used build systems: Maven and Gradle.

If you’re using Maven, you can add the Jackson dependencies by adding the following configuration to your project’s pom.xml file:




The above configuration adds the Jackson Core, Jackson Databind, and Jackson Annotations dependencies with version 2.12.3. You can adjust the version numbers if needed.

4.3 Adding Jackson Dependencies with Gradle

If you’re using Gradle, you can add the Jackson dependencies by adding the following lines to your project’s build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    // Jackson Core
    implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.12.3'

    // Jackson Databind
    implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.12.3'

    // Jackson Annotations
    implementation 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.12.3'

The above configuration adds the Jackson Core, Jackson Databind, and Jackson Annotations dependencies with version 2.12.3. Again, you can modify the version numbers as needed.

Once you’ve added the dependencies, you can start using Jackson in your project to handle JSON parsing and serialization.

4.4 @JsonSetter and @JsonGetter Annotations for Custom Handling of Null Fields

The @JsonSetter and @JsonGetter annotations allow you to customize the handling of null fields during JSON deserialization and serialization, respectively.

The @JsonSetter annotation is used to specify a custom method to be called for setting the value of a field during JSON deserialization. You can use this annotation to provide custom logic for handling null fields.

Here’s an example that demonstrates the usage of @JsonSetter to handle null fields during deserialization:

public class Person {
    private String name;

    @JsonSetter(nulls = Nulls.SKIP)
    public void setName(String name) {
        if (name != null) {
            this.name = name;

    // Getter method

In the above example, the setName method is annotated with @JsonSetter and the nulls attribute is set to Nulls.SKIP. This means that if the name field in the JSON data is null, it will be skipped and the name field in the Java object will retain its existing value.

Similarly, the @JsonGetter annotation can be used to specify a custom method for getting the value of a field during JSON serialization. This allows you to control the value that will be included in the generated JSON output for null fields.

4.5 Configuration Options in Jackson ObjectMapper

In addition to annotations, Jackson provides various configuration options that can be set on the ObjectMapper instance to control default values globally or for specific fields or classes.

To set default values globally, you can use the ObjectMapper‘s setDefaultPropertyInclusion method and pass an instance of JsonInclude.Value with the desired default value and inclusion settings.

Here’s an example that demonstrates setting a default value globally using ObjectMapper:

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonInclude.Value value = JsonInclude.Value.construct(Include.ALWAYS, Include.NON_NULL);

In the above example, the setDefaultPropertyInclusion method is used to set the default inclusion settings for all properties. The Include.ALWAYS value ensures that fields with null values will be included in the generated JSON output, and Include.NON_NULL ensures that fields with non-null values will always be included.

You can also use the @JsonInclude annotation at the class level to specify default values and inclusion settings for all fields within the class.

These examples demonstrate how annotations can be used to configure default values and custom handling logic for null fields during JSON parsing.

5. Best Practices and Considerations

In this section, we will discuss some best practices and considerations for mapping null fields to default values in JSON using Jackson.

5.1 Choosing Appropriate Default Values

When setting default values, it’s important to choose values that make sense in the context of your application. Default values should provide a reasonable fallback option and ensure that objects are in a valid state even with missing or null fields.

Consider the semantics of the fields and their expected values when choosing default values. It’s recommended to use values that are meaningful and distinguishable from actual data values to avoid confusion.

5.2 Handling Complex Object Hierarchies

When working with complex object hierarchies, where objects contain other objects as fields, you need to ensure that default values are properly configured at all levels. Pay attention to the annotations and configuration options for each field and class to ensure consistent handling of null fields throughout the hierarchy.

5.3 Performance Considerations

Default values can have an impact on performance, especially when working with large JSON data sets. It’s important to strike a balance between setting default values for all fields and excluding unnecessary fields from the generated JSON output.

Consider the performance implications of including or excluding null fields in the JSON output and choose the appropriate configuration options and annotations based on your specific requirements.

5.4 Compatibility with Other Libraries and Frameworks

If your application interacts with other libraries or frameworks that handle JSON, ensure compatibility between the default value configuration in Jackson and the expectations of those libraries or frameworks.

It’s important to verify that the default values set in Jackson align with the behavior of other components in your application to avoid any unexpected conflicts or inconsistencies.

6. Conclusion

In this guide, we have explored the importance of handling null or missing values in JSON strings when parsing them using the Jackson library. We discussed the significance of null fields in object mapping, the challenges associated with null fields, and how default values can help address these challenges.

We provided an overview of the Jackson library, introduced the concept of default values, and explained how they assist in handling null fields during JSON parsing. We explored various techniques and annotations provided by Jackson for configuring default values and mapping them to null fields.

Odysseas Mourtzoukos

Mourtzoukos Odysseas is studying to become a software engineer, at Harokopio University of Athens. Along with his studies, he is getting involved with different projects on gaming development and web applications. He is looking forward to sharing his knowledge and experience with the world.
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