Core Java

SLF4J – Using Parameterized Logging

Logging is an essential aspect of software development that helps developers understand the behavior of their applications and detect issues. SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java) is a widely used logging framework in the Java ecosystem that serves as an abstraction layer for various logging frameworks such as SLF4J simple logger, Logback, or log4j. In this blog post, we will explore what parameterized logging is, why it matters, and how to implement it using SLF4J.

1. Introducing SLF4J

SLF4J is a tool for Java developers that provides a flexible way to handle and configure logging in Java applications. SLF4J provides a simple way to log messages in a way that is independent of the underlying logging implementation allowing developers to choose their logging implementation at runtime.

SLF4J serves as a link between your application code and the actual logging framework you want to use, such as Logback, Log4j, or java.util.logging.

2. What is Parameterized Logging?

Parameterized logging is a method used to enhance the maintainability of log statements. Parameterized logging allows developers to use placeholders in log messages and pass the actual values as separate arguments. SLF4J, when combined with an underlying logging implementation like Logback or Log4j, provides built-in support for parameterized logging.

2.1 Why Use Parameterized Logging?

The following are some of the reasons a developer might want to use parameterized logging in their applications:

  • Readability: Parameterized logging makes log statements more readable. It separates the log message template from the actual values, making it easier to understand.
  • Performance: Traditional string concatenation or conversion to string before logging can be inefficient. With parameterized logging, string concatenation or conversion only occurs when necessary, saving CPU cycles.
  • Localization: For applications with international audiences, parameterized logging makes it easier to support different languages. Developers can change log message templates without modifying the code that generates the log message.

To understand parameterized logging, let’s consider a simple example:

public class SimpleLogger {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleLogger.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String username = "john";

        // Traditional logging without parameterization"User " + username + " logged in.");

        // Parameterized logging with SLF4J"User {} logged in.", username);


In the first approach, we use the traditional logging approach without parameterization, while in the second approach, we use the {} placeholder to indicate where the value of username should be inserted. SLF4J takes care of formatting the log message, improving code readability and performance.

3. Implementing Parameterized Logging with SLF4J

To implement parameterized logging using SLF4, First, we need to add SLF4J API and a Logging implementation of our choice to our Project.

3.1 Add SLF4J and a Logging Implementation to the Project

Let’s begin by incorporating SLF4J and a logging backend in our project’s dependencies. In this example, the logger implementation we will be including is Logback. Using Maven, add the following dependencies to the pom.xml file

        <!-- SLF4J API -->
        <!-- Logging implementation (Logback in this case) -->

3.2 Create a Logger Instance

To create a logger instance, We use the LoggerFactory class in our Java class named and create a logger instance named logger. This logger can be used to log messages at different log levels (info, error, debug, warn) using various logging methods (info(), error(), etc.).

public class SimpleLogger {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleLogger.class);

    //rest of the code goes in here

Note that we declare the logger instance as a static final field. Declaring the logger as a static final field is usually recommended for performance reasons.

4. Use Parameterized Logging

Parameterized logging with SLF4J offers a solution to the problems associated with string concatenation. It allows developers to log messages with placeholders and pass parameters separately.

To use parameterized logging, we use SLF4J logging methods that accept a message template and variable arguments. The commonly used methods for parameterized logging are info(), error(), warn(), and debug().

4.1 Logging Single Parameter

We use {} as placeholders in log message templates. We can log only one parameter like this:

public class SimpleLogger {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleLogger.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String username = "john";

        // Parameterized logging with only one parameter"User {} logged in.", username);


The result produced when executing the above code will be:

16:46:39.451 [main] INFO com.jcg.simplelogger.SimpleLogger - User john logged in.

4.2 Logging Multiple Parameters

To log multiple parameters using SLF4J, we can use the parameterized logging approach used in logging only one parameter, which involves placeholders {} in the log message template. We provide the values for these placeholders as arguments after the log message template in the order they appear.

Here’s an example of how to log multiple parameters:

public class SimpleLogger {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleLogger.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String username = "john";
        int userId = 123;
        LocalTime currentTime =;

        // logging multiple parameters"User {} with User ID {} logged in at {}", username, userId, currentTime);
        if (userId > 100) {
            logger.warn("User ID {} is greater than 100.", userId);
        } else {
            logger.debug("User ID {} is within acceptable range.", userId);


In this example, we have three parameters (username, userId, and currentTime) that we want to include in our log message. We use {} as placeholders in the log message template and provide the values for these placeholders as arguments after the log message template in the order they appear.

When we run the code, the output log message will be:

17:05:43.075 [main] INFO com.jcg.simplelogger.SimpleLogger - User john with User ID 123 logged in at 17:05:43.062951
17:05:43.103 [main] WARN com.jcg.simplelogger.SimpleLogger - User ID 123 is greater than 100.

5. Parameterized Logging Including Exception Logging

Java programmers can use parameterized logging with exception logging in Java applications to make logs more informative and helpful in debugging issues.

5.1 Exception Logging

Exception logging is the practice of including information about errors in log messages. This information includes the exception message, stack trace, and any message that can help diagnose the issue. Exception logging is crucial for debugging application code as it provides a record of what went wrong and where it occurred.

5.2 Example: Parameterized Logging with Exception Logging

SLF4J allows developers to achieve parameterized logging with exception logging easily. Below is an example of using SLF4J:

public class ExceptionLoggingExample {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExceptionLoggingExample.class);  
    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        try {
           int result = divide(10, 0);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("An error occurred while dividing {} by {} : {}", 10, 0, e.getMessage(), e);

    public static int divide(int value_1, int value_2) {
        if (value_2 == 0) {
            throw new ArithmeticException("Division by zero is not allowed.");
        return value_1 / value_2;

In the above example, Inside the main method, we divide the number 10 by 0 which throws an exception to demonstrate exception logging. In the catch block, we use parameterized logging with the error method of the logger. The message string contains placeholders {} that will be replaced with the actual values provided as arguments in the same order. We also include the exception stack trace by passing e as the last argument.

When we run this code, it will generate a log message like:

20:06:53.222 [main] ERROR com.jcg.exceptionloggingexample.ExceptionLoggingExample - An error occurred while dividing 10 by 0 : Division by zero is not allowed.
java.lang.ArithmeticException: Division by zero is not allowed.
	at com.jcg.exceptionloggingexample.ExceptionLoggingExample.divide(
	at com.jcg.exceptionloggingexample.ExceptionLoggingExample.main(

6. Best Practices for Parameterized Logging

Consider the following best practices to make the most of parameterized logging with SLF4J:

  • Use the Appropriate Logging Level: Choose the correct logging level (e.g., INFO, DEBUG, ERROR) based on the nature of the log message.
  • Avoid Complex Logic in Log Messages: Keep log messages simple and avoid including complex logic.
  • Avoid Logging Sensitive Data: Be cautious when logging sensitive information like passwords or personal data.
  • Configure Logging Levels Appropriately: In production environments, configure logging levels to control the amount of log data generated. Use a proper log rotation strategy to manage log file sizes.
  • Leverage SLF4J Markers: SLF4J supports markers, which can be used to classify and filter log messages. Markers provide additional context and can help in log analysis.

7. Conclusion

Parameterized logging with SLF4J is a valuable technique that enhances code readability while providing flexibility. Combining parameterized logging with exception logging, Java programmers can create more maintainable logging systems that are essential for troubleshooting their applications.

8. Download The Source Code

This was an example of Parameterized Logging with SLF4J.

You can download the full source code of this example here: Parameterized Logging with SLF4J

Omozegie Aziegbe

Omos holds a Master degree in Information Engineering with Network Management from the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. Omos is currently a freelance web/application developer who is currently focused on developing Java enterprise applications with the Jakarta EE framework.
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