Core Java

Java Print Example

1. Introduction

Java print, Java println and Java System.out.println method is a convenient method found both within the and class and is used to display a text on the console. The text is passed as a parameter to this method in the form of a String. After printing the text on the console, it places the cursor at the end of the text. The most common function call is “System.out.println”. The next printing takes place from there. It has various overloaded forms as shown below:

 public void print(boolean b)
 public void print(char c) 
 public void print(int i) 
 public void print(long l) 
 public void print(float f) 
 public void print(double d) 
 public void print(char[] s) 
 public void print(String s) 
 public void print(Object obj) 

Note: print() and java system.out.println() method under the PrintStream class is used to print bytes to the output stream whereas the print() method within the PrintWriter class is used to display the characters to the output stream. In this tutorial, we will refer to the print() method belonging to the PrintWriter class for all our examples and descriptions.

2. print Method in Java

Table displaying the details of the various overloaded forms of the print() method.

Method SyntaxDescriptionParameters
public void print(boolean b) Prints a boolean value. The string produced by String.valueOf(boolean) is translated into bytes according to the platform’s default character encoding, and these bytes are written in exactly the manner of the write(int) method. b – The boolean to be printed
public void print(char c)Prints a character. The character is translated into one or more bytes according to the platform’s default character encoding, and these bytes are written in exactly the manner of the write(int) method. c – The char to be printed
public void print(int i)Prints an integer. The string produced by String.valueOf(int) is translated into bytes according to the platform’s default character encoding, and these bytes are written in exactly the manner of the write(int) method. i – The int to be printed
public void print(long l)Prints a long integer. The string produced by String.valueOf(long) is translated into bytes according to the platform’s default character encoding, and these bytes are written in exactly the manner of the write(int) method. l – The long to be printed
public void print(float f)Prints a floating-point number. The string produced by String.valueOf(float) is translated into bytes according to the platform’s default character encoding, and these bytes are written in exactly the manner of the write(int) method. f – The float to be printed
public void print(double d)Prints a double-precision floating-point number. The string produced by String.valueOf(double) is translated into bytes according to the platform’s default character encoding, and these bytes are written in exactly the manner of the write(int) method. d – The double to be printed
public void print(char[] s)Prints an array of characters. The characters are converted into bytes according to the platform’s default character encoding, and these bytes are written in exactly the manner of the write(int) method. s – The array of chars to be printed

public void print(String s)Prints a string. If the argument is null then the string "null" is printed. Otherwise, the string’s characters are converted into bytes according to the platform’s default character encoding, and these bytes are written in exactly the manner of the write(int) method. s – The String to be printed
public void print(Object obj)Prints an object. The string produced by the String.valueOf(Object) method is translated into bytes according to the platform’s default character encoding, and these bytes are written in exactly the manner of the write(int) method. obj – The Object to be printed

2.1 Java print Example

The following example shows the usage of different forms of the print() method.

    public class PrintDemo {
       public static void main(String[] args)
		boolean b=true;
		char c='i';
		int i=30;
		long l=20000L;
		float f = 23.45f;
		double d = 200.34;
		char[] name= {'S','A','M'};
		String str="Carl Jackson";
	        Object obj = new Object();
	     //print a boolean value
	     //print a character value
	    //print an integer value
	    //print an long value
	    //print a float value
	    //print a double value
	    //print a character array
	    //print a String
	    //print an object

After running the above code in any IDE of your choice you’ll receive the following output:


truei302000023.45200.34SAMCarl Jacksonjava.lang.Object@2ff4acd0

As we can see in the above output for the given code, the output for each print statement is printed just after the previous output and there is no blank space between the two outputs for two consecutive print statements.

3. Introduction to println method and difference with the print method in Java

The java system.out.println() method is another convenient method within the PrintWriter class which is used for displaying text on the console. The only difference between print() and java System.out.println() method is that the latter positions the cursor onto the next line after printing the desired text while the former method leaves the cursor on the same line. The different overloaded forms of java System.out.println() method are as follows:

public void println()
public void println(boolean x)
public void println(char x)
public void println(int x)
public void println(long x)
public void println(float x)
public void println(double x)
public void println(char[] x)
public void println(String x)
public void println(Object x)

3.1 System.out.println() Method in Java

Table displaying the details of the various overloaded forms of System.out,println() method in Java.

public void println()Terminates the current line by writing the line separator string. The line separator string is defined by the system property line. separator, and is not necessarily a single newline character (‘\n’).
public void println(boolean x)Prints a boolean and then terminate the line. This method behaves as though it invokes print(boolean) and then println(). x – The boolean to be printed
public void println(char x)Prints a character and then terminate the line. This method behaves as though it invokes print(char) and then println(). x – The char to be printed.
public void println(int x)Prints an integer and then terminate the line. This method behaves as though it invokes print(int) and then println(). x – The int to be printed.
public void println(long x)Prints a long and then terminate the line. This method behaves as though it invokes print(long) and then println(). x – a The long to be printed.
public void println(float x)Prints a float and then terminate the line. This method behaves as though it invokes print(float) and then println(). x – The float to be printed.
public void println(double x)Prints a double and then terminate the line. This method behaves as though it invokes print(double) and then println(). x – The double to be printed.
public void println(char[] x)Print an array of characters and then terminate the line. This method behaves as though it invokes print(char[]) and then println(). x – an array of chars to print.
public void println(String x)Prints a String and then terminate the line. This method behaves as though it invokes print(String) and then println(). x – The String to be printed.
public void println(Object x)Prints an Object and then terminate the line. This method calls at first String.valueOf(x) to get the printed object’s string value, then behaves as though it invokes print(String) and then println(). x – The Object to be printed.

3.2 Java System.out.println Example

The following example shows the usage of different forms of the java System.out.println() method.

class PrintlnDemo {
  public static void main(String[] args)
	   boolean b=false;
	   char ch='C';
	   int i=20;
	   long l= 2000L;
	   float f=20.34f;
	   double d=20.23;
	   char[] name= {'S','A','M'};
	   String str="Carl Jackson";
	   Object obj = new Object();
	    // using simple println() method 
	    // printing boolean value
	   // printing char value
	   // printing int value
	   // printing long value
	   // printing float value
	   // printing double value
	   // printing char array value
	   // printing String value
	   // printing Object value

After running the above code in any IDE of your choice you’ll receive the following output:


Carl Jackson

In the above output, we can see that output generated from each of the println() method ends with a new line i.e. the output for the next statement is printed in a new line.

4. Introduction to Printf() method

The printf() method is a convenience method under the PrintWriter class to write a formatted string to the writer object using the specified format string and arguments. If automatic flushing is enabled, calls to this method will flush the output buffer. printf() provides string formatting similar to the printf function in C. The different overloaded forms of printf() method are as follows:

  • public PrintWriter printf(String format, Object… args)
  • public PrintWriter printf(Locale l, String format,Object… args)

4.1 printf() method in Java

Table displaying the details of the various overloaded forms of printf() method.

Syntax Description Parameters ReturnsThrows
public PrintWriter printf(String format, Object… args)A convenience method to writing a formatted string to this writer using the specified format string and arguments. If automatic flushing is enabled, calls to this method will flush the output buffer. An invocation of this method of the form out.printf(format, args)
behaves in the same way as the invocation out.format(format, args)
format – A format string as described in Format string syntax.
args – Arguments referenced by the format specifiers in the format string. If there are more arguments than format specifiers, the extra arguments are ignored. The number of arguments is variable and may be zero. The maximum number of arguments is limited by the maximum dimension of a Java array as defined by The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification
. The behavior on a null argument depends on the conversion.
This writerIllegalFormatException – If a format string contains an illegal syntax, a format specifier that is incompatible with the given arguments, insufficient arguments are given the format string or other illegal conditions. For the specification of all possible formatting errors, see the Details section of the formatter class specification.
NullPointerException – If the format
 is null
public PrintWriter printf(Locale l, String format, Object… args)A convenience method to writing a formatted string to this writer using the specified format string and arguments. If automatic flushing is enabled, calls to this method will flush the output buffer. An invocation of this method of the form out.printf(l, format, args)
behaves in the same way as the invocation
out.format(l, format, args)
l – The locale to apply during formatting. If l
 is null then no localization is applied.
format – A format string as described in Format string syntax.
args – Arguments referenced by the format specifiers in the format string. If there are more arguments than format specifiers, the extra arguments are ignored. The number of arguments is variable and may be zero. The maximum number of arguments is limited by the maximum dimension of a Java array as defined by The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification
. The behavior on a null argument depends on the conversion
This writerIllegalFormatException – If a format string contains an illegal syntax, a format specifier that is incompatible with the given arguments, insufficient arguments are given the format string or other illegal conditions. For the specification of all possible formatting errors, see the Details section of the formatter class specification.
NullPointerException – If the format
 is null

4.2 Java printf Example

The following example shows the usage of different forms of the printf() method.

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;

public class PrintfDemo {

	public static void main(String[] args)
		// Number Formatting
		int x = 10;
		System.out.printf("Formatted output is: %d %d%n", x, -x);
		// Precision formatting
		float y = 2.28f;
		System.out.printf("Precision formatting upto 4 decimal places %.4f\n",y);
		float z = 3.147293165f;
		System.out.printf("Precision formatting upto 2 decimal places %.2f\n",z);
		// Filling with Zeroes
		System.out.printf("'%05.2f'%n", 2.28);
		System.out.printf("'%010.2f'%n", 2.28);
		System.out.printf("'%010.2f'%n", -2.28);
		System.out.printf("'%010.2f'%n", 1234567.89);
		System.out.printf("'%010.2f'%n", -1234567.89);
		// Right and Left alignment
		System.out.printf("'%10.2f'%n", 2.28);
		System.out.printf("'%-10.2f'%n", 2.28);
		// Using comma and locale
		System.out.printf(Locale.US, "%,d %n", 5000);
		// String formatting
		System.out.printf("%s %s!%n","Hello","World");
		// Uppercase
		System.out.printf("%s %S!%n","Hello","World");
		// Boolean Formatting
		System.out.printf("%b%n", false);
		System.out.printf("%b%n", 0.5);
		System.out.printf("%b%n", "false");
		// Time Formatting
		Date date = new Date();
		System.out.printf("%tT%n", date);
		System.out.printf("H : %tH, M: %tM, S: %tS%n",date,date,date);
		System.out.printf("%1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS %1$Tp GMT %1$tz  %n", date);
		//  Date Formatting
		System.out.printf("%s %tB %<te, %<tY", "Current date: ", date);
		System.out.printf("%1$td.%1$tm.%1$ty %n", date);
		System.out.printf("%s %tb %<te, %<ty", "Current date: ", date);


Formatted output is: 10 -10
Precision formatting upto 4 decimal places 2.2800
Precision formatting upto 2 decimal places 3.15
'      2.28'
'2.28      '
Hello World!
Hello WORLD!
H : 16, M: 21, S: 20
16:21:20 PM GMT +0530  
Current date:  March 17, 202017.03.20 
Current date:  Mar 17, 20

5. Conclusion

java print

In this article, we saw the usage of the following Java methods print, println and printf from the PrintStream class. We also saw their differences with each other and how they can be used in different situations for printing different types of outputs to the console.

6. References

7. Download the source code

That was a Java print Example.

You can download the full source code of this example here: Java Print Example

Gaurav Verma

I am Gaurav Verma from Kolkata, India. I have done Bachelors of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering from Narula Institute of Technology under West Bengal University of Technology. I joined NIIT LTD. as a Technical Trainer in 2007 and trained students pursuing GNIIT and Bsc.IT curriculum as well as modular courses in various technologies like Java, .Net and Open Source technologies. I have been a very enthusiastic Java programmer and take lot of interest in programming through Java language and also develop Standalone and web applications using Java technologies. My favourite pass time are Solving Puzzles, Sudoku, watching documentaries etc.
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