Core Java

Metadata Garbage Collection Threshold in Java

In Java, Metadata garbage collection (GC) is the process of automatically reclaiming memory that is no longer in use by a Java program, making it available for future allocations. Garbage collection is a fundamental feature of the Java programming language. In this article, we will delve into the concept of the Metadata Garbage Collection (GC) Threshold in Java, exploring what it is, why it’s essential, and how it affects Java applications. We will also look at how we can leverage some JVM metadata parameters to fine-tune the performance of Java applications.

1. What is Metadata?

Metadata in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) refers to various forms of data and information associated with Java classes, objects, and runtime execution stored in various memory areas within the JVM. The storage locations for different types of metadata can vary and are managed by the JVM to ensure the proper functioning of Java programs.

Object Metadata is stored in a heap and contains associated information about the object’s type, size, and other attributes. Class Metadata contains information about Java classes, such as their names, methods, fields, inheritance hierarchies, and annotations, and is stored in Metaspace (Modern JVM’s in Java 8 and later). Class metadata includes details required for loading, linking, and execution of classes.

2. Metadata Garbage Collection (GC) Threshold

In Java, objects are allocated memory on the heap, and each object carries some overhead in the form of metadata. The JVM needs this metadata to track and manage objects, including their type, size, and other characteristics. Over time, as objects are created and destroyed, metadata can accumulate and consume a significant portion of the heap memory.

Metadata GC Threshold refers to the point at which Java’s garbage collector decides to reclaim memory occupied by metadata structures associated with objects. It is the point at which the JVM determines that the metadata overhead has reached a certain level and that It is worthwhile to trigger a metadata garbage collection cycle to reclaim memory previously occupied by metadata that is no longer needed.

2.1 Why is the Metadata GC Threshold Important?

Understanding and managing Metadata GC thresholds is crucial for optimizing the performance and memory usage of Java applications. Failing to do so can lead to several issues listed below:

  • Increased Memory Usage: If the metadata overhead is not managed efficiently, it can lead to excessive memory consumption. This can result in more frequent garbage collection cycles and potential OutOfMemoryErrors.
  • Performance Degradation: Frequent Metadata garbage collection can introduce performance overhead, causing your application to pause or slow down during collection cycles. This can lead to poor user experiences.
  • Inefficient Resource Utilization: If the JVM triggers Metadata garbage collection too frequently, it can waste CPU cycles and slow down your application.

3. PermGen and Metaspace

PermGen (Permanent Generation) and Metaspace are two different memory areas in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that store metadata and class-related information. They serve similar purposes but operate differently.

3.1 PermGen (Permanent Generation)

PermGen was used in Java versions up to Java 7. The PermGen space stored class metadata and had a fixed-size memory area that contained the runtime representation of classes that were a part of the overall heap memory. PermGen had a fixed size, which meant that if too many classes or classloaders were created, it could lead to OutOfMemoryError. Developers often needed to manually adjust the PermGen size using the JVM command-line option – -XX:MaxPermSize.

3.2 Metaspace

Metaspace replaced PermGen in Java 8 and later versions. Metaspace is a memory area separate from the Java heap, responsible for storing class metadata, method code, and static variables. However, unlike PermGen, Metaspace is not of a fixed size and can dynamically grow or shrink as needed by a Java application. This makes it more flexible and eliminates the need for manually tuning memory sizes.

4. JVM Parameters for Metaspace Optimization

Setting JVM (Java Virtual Machine) parameters for metadata involves configuring the JVM to optimize its performance and resource usage when dealing with metadata operations in a Java application. This section explores some essential JVM parameters used to tune metadata operations and optimize the Metaspace.

4.1 Tunning Metaspace

Let’s take a look at some of the JVM parameters to tune Metaspace.

4.1.1 -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=size

-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize parameter defines the maximum size of the Metaspace. Increasing this value allows the JVM to store more class metadata, which can be beneficial for applications with extensive classloading requirements. The following example shows how to set the maximum metadata size to 512 MB.


4.1.2 -XX:MetaspaceSize=size

-XX:MetaspaceSize parameter sets the initial size of the Metaspace. Specifying this value can help the JVM allocate the right amount of memory from the start, reducing memory allocation overhead. The following example sets the initial size of the Metaspace to 256 MB.


4.1.3 -XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio and -XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio

-XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio and -XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio parameters define the minimum and maximum Metaspace free space ratios. Adjusting these values can help control Metaspace memory reclamation behavior. For example:

-XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio=50

4.1.4 -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize

-XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize: In addition to Metaspace, Java 8 introduced compressed class pointers. This parameter controls the maximum size of the compressed class space. Increasing it can help when dealing with a large number of classes. For example:


4.1.5 -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers

The -XX:+UseCompressedClassPointers JVM option is used to enable or disable the use of compressed class pointers in the Metaspace. Compressed pointers reduce extra memory usage when the JVM loads and manages class metadata. This is particularly beneficial when an application loads a large number of classes. Note that this feature is specific to certain versions of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). To enable compressed class pointers, you would use the following JVM option:


4.1.6 -XX:+UseCompressedOops

The -XX:+UseCompressedOops option flag is used to enable compressed object pointers in Java heap. When enabled, the JVM uses compressed object pointers to reduce extra memory usage in the Java heap. This option is useful for Java applications running on 64-bit architectures because it helps save memory, especially when dealing with a large number of objects.

By enabling compressed object pointers, the memory consumption of object references is reduced, allowing Java applications to use memory more efficiently.

5. Conclusion

In this article, we discussed what Metadata Garbage Collection (GC) threshold is in Java and why it is important to understand it. We also learned about PermGen and Metaspace and looked at ways of adjusting various JVM parameters to fine-tune Metaspace to meet the specific requirements of Java applications.

In conclusion, understanding and configuring the Metadata GC Threshold in Java is crucial for managing memory resources efficiently, especially in Java applications with extensive metadata operations.

Omozegie Aziegbe

Omos holds a Master degree in Information Engineering with Network Management from the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. Omos is currently a freelance web/application developer who is currently focused on developing Java enterprise applications with the Jakarta EE framework.
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