for loop
Check for Palindrome Number with for loop
In this example we shall show you how to check if a palindrome number exists in an array, using a for loop. A palindrome number is a number that is equal to its reverse number. To check if a palindrome number exists in an array, using a for loop one should perform the following steps:
- Create an array of the numbers to be checked. The numbers of the example are int numbers.
- Loop through the array of the numbers to check if a palindrome number exists.
- For every number in the array, reverse it and check if it is equal to its reverse number,
as described in the code snippet below.
package com.javacodegeeks.snippets.basics; public class CheckForPalindromeNumberWithForLoop { public static void main(String[] args) { // numbers to check int numbers[] = new int[]{ 252, 54, 99, 1233, 66, 9876 }; // loop through the given numbers for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { int numberToCheck = numbers[i]; int numberInReverse = 0; int temp = 0; // a number is a palindrome if the number is equal to it's reversed number // reverse the number while (numberToCheck > 0) { temp = numberToCheck % 10; numberToCheck = numberToCheck / 10; numberInReverse = numberInReverse * 10 + temp; } if (numbers[i] == numberInReverse) { System.out.println(numbers[i] + " is a palindrome"); } else { System.out.println(numbers[i] + " is NOT a palindrome"); } } } }
252 is a palindrome
54 is NOT a palindrome
99 is a palindrome
1233 is NOT a palindrome
66 is a palindrome
9876 is NOT a palindrome
This was an example of how to check if a palindrome number exists in an array, using a for loop in Java.