
JFileChooser Swing Example

The JFileChooser Component is used to create a cross platform directory explorer that can be used for a Java Desktop Application. For this blog post, I’ll showcase the how to use the component and call it from a Java class.

1. Import the necessary objects

We need to import the following objects on your java class.

import java.io.File;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

2. Create a new JFileChooser Object

Create the new JFileChooser Object and set the default directory

JFileChooser jFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
jFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("/User/alvinreyes"));

3. Show the file explorer dialog

Call the showOpenDialog method to show the jfilechooser. It needs a component on where to run to, so we need to add the JFrame object here.

int result = jFileChooser.showOpenDialog(new JFrame());

4. Add code to check the selected file

We need to add this code so that we can pick up the selected file by the user

if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
		    File selectedFile = jFileChooser.getSelectedFile();
		    System.out.println("Selected file: " + selectedFile.getAbsolutePath());

5. Launch the Java class

You will see the following screen as shown:

Figure 1. Launch Java
Figure 1. Launch Java

5. Code snippet


package com.jgc.areyes.main;

import java.io.File;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class SampleJFileChooser {

	public SampleJFileChooser(){
		JFileChooser jFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
		jFileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("/User/alvinreyes"));
		int result = jFileChooser.showOpenDialog(new JFrame());
		if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
		    File selectedFile = jFileChooser.getSelectedFile();
		    System.out.println("Selected file: " + selectedFile.getAbsolutePath());
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		new SampleJFileChooser();

6. Download the Eclipse project of this tutorial:

This was an example of JFileChooser.

You can download the full source code of this example here : jfilechooser-sample.zip

Alvin Reyes

Alvin has an Information Technology Degree from Mapua Institute of Technology. During his studies, he was already heavily involved in a number of small to large projects where he primarily contributes by doing programming, analysis design. After graduating, he continued to do side projects on Mobile, Desktop and Web Applications.
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