Synchronous Queue example to execute commands
private BlockingQueue workQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue(); private Map commandQueueMap = new ConcurrentHashMap(); public SynchronousQueue addCommand(Command command) { SynchronousQueue queue = new SynchronousQueue(); commandQueueMap.put(command, queue); workQueue.offer(command); return queue; } public Object call() throws Exception { try { Command command = workQueue.take(); Result result = command.execute(); SynchronousQueue queue = commandQueueMap.get(command); queue.offer(result); return null; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new WorkException(e); } }
Now the consumer can safely poll with timeout on its request to have its Command executed.
Command command; SynchronousQueue queue = commandRunner.addCommand(command); Result result = queue.poll(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES); if (result == null) { throw new CommandTooLongException(command); } else { return result; }
Related Article:
Reference: Java Concurrency Part 5 – Blocking Queues from our JCG partners at the Carfey Software blog