
JUnit NetBeans Example

1. Introduction

In this post I will introduce the basics of writing and running JUnit unit tests in NetBeans IDE. Testing an application is an integral part of the development cycle, and writing and maintaining unit tests can help ensure that the individual methods in your source code work correctly. The IDE’s support for JUnit testing framework allows developers to quickly create JUnit tests cases.

As of this writing, the latest NetBeans beta version is 8.1, using Java 7 version or above.

2. Set it up

The NetBeans IDE is pretty much straightforward to use. You have tons of developer friendly options and shortcuts. My favourite feature is the plugins repository. There are a lot of useful plugins available and the repository keeps on growing. We won’t be dealing with that right now, so let’s just focus on creating a JUnit Test case.

2.1 New Java Project

Create a new project by clicking on File > New Project > Java > Java Application. This will bring up the screen as below.

Figure. 1.0 New Java Application Project
Figure. 1.0 New Java Application Project

This will be our project for this example. A complete source is available for download at the end of this post.

3. Source

3.1 Java Implementation source code

Here is our implementation source code. We introduced 3 methods that we can tests. 1st method is the preProcessing of the messages class that returns a new Envelope object, 2nd is just to get the consolidated list of messages, and 3rd to postProcess the messages. We use annotation based schematics in our test case using @Test to tag a method as a test case. See the implementation class below:


package netbeanssamplejunitapplication;

import com.areyes1.jgc.nb.junit.Envelope;
import com.areyes1.jgc.nb.junit.Message;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * @author alvinreyes
public class NetBeansSampleJUnitApplication {

    public Envelope preProcessMessages(List listOfMessage) {
        //  Create new message and put it in the envelop
        Envelope env = new Envelope();
        env.setMessage(new ArrayList());
        for(Message msg:listOfMessage) {
        return env;
    public List generateListOfMessages() { 
        Envelope env = new Envelope();
        env.setMessage(new ArrayList());
        env.getMessage().add(new Message("NAME1","BODY1","DESC1"));
        env.getMessage().add(new Message("NAME2","BODY2","DESC2"));
        return env.getMessage();
    public Envelope postProcessMessages(List listOfMessage) {
        //  Create new message and put it in the envelop
        Envelope env = new Envelope();
        env.setMessage(new ArrayList());
        for(Message msg:listOfMessage) {
        return env;

3.2 JUnit Test case

We created the JUnit test case by right clicking on the class > Tools > Create/Update test cases. This will bring up the following screen which will allow the developer to specify the test package, test class names and methods that will be included.

Figure 2.0 Creating new JUnit test case in NetBeans
Figure 2.0 Creating new JUnit test case in NetBeans

The option above will generate the source code similar to the one below.


package netbeanssamplejunitapplication;

import com.areyes1.jgc.nb.junit.Envelope;
import com.areyes1.jgc.nb.junit.Message;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

 * @author alvinreyes
public class NetBeansSampleJUnitApplicationTest {
    public NetBeansSampleJUnitApplicationTest() {
     * Test of preProcessMessages method, of class NetBeansSampleJUnitApplication.
    public void testPreProcessMessages() {
        List listOfMessage = new ArrayList();
        listOfMessage.add(new Message("NAME1","BODY1","DESC1"));
        listOfMessage.add(new Message("NAME2","BODY2","DESC2"));
        listOfMessage.add(new Message("NAME3","BODY3","DESC3"));
        NetBeansSampleJUnitApplication instance = new NetBeansSampleJUnitApplication();
        Envelope result = instance.preProcessMessages(listOfMessage);
        assertTrue(result.getMessage().size() > 0); //  there should be messages processed

     * Test of generateListOfMessages method, of class NetBeansSampleJUnitApplication.
    public void testGenerateListOfMessages() {
        NetBeansSampleJUnitApplication instance = new NetBeansSampleJUnitApplication();
        List result = instance.generateListOfMessages();
        assertTrue(result.size() > 0); //  there should be messages processed

     * Test of postProcessMessages method, of class NetBeansSampleJUnitApplication.
    public void testPostProcessMessages() {
        List listOfMessage = new ArrayList();
        listOfMessage.add(new Message("NAME1","BODY1","DESC1"));
        listOfMessage.add(new Message("NAME2","BODY2","DESC2"));
        listOfMessage.add(new Message("NAME3","BODY3","DESC3"));
        NetBeansSampleJUnitApplication instance = new NetBeansSampleJUnitApplication();
        Envelope expResult = new Envelope();
        Envelope result = instance.postProcessMessages(listOfMessage);
        //  We are expecting that the composition of the class changed.

4. Running the code

Running the JUnit test class above will give us the following result in NetBeans.

Figure 3.0 JUnit Test case result in NetBeans
Figure 3.0 JUnit Test case result in NetBeans

5. Download the NetBeans project

This was an example of JUnit Test case in NetBeans.

You can download the full source code of this example here: junit-netbeans-example.zip

Alvin Reyes

Alvin has an Information Technology Degree from Mapua Institute of Technology. During his studies, he was already heavily involved in a number of small to large projects where he primarily contributes by doing programming, analysis design. After graduating, he continued to do side projects on Mobile, Desktop and Web Applications.
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