
Java EE 6 Decorators advanced usage

The example we’ll use is a Social media feed processor.

So I have created an interface:

public interface SocialFeedProcessor {
    Feed process(String feed);

and provided 2 implementations, twitter and google+

public class TwitterFeedProcessor implements SocialFeedProcessor{
    public Feed process(String feed) {

  System.out.println("processing this twitter feed");

  // processing logics

  return new Feed(feed);
public class GooglePlusFeedProcessor implements SocialFeedProcessor {
    public Feed process(String feed) {

  System.out.println("processing this google+ feed");

  // processing logics

  return new Feed(feed);

I’ll annotate these 2 beans by a custom Qualifier as described here

@java.lang.annotation.Target({FIELD, PARAMETER, TYPE})
public @interface FeedProcessor {

and I annotate my 2 processors with it.

public class TwitterFeedProcessor implements SocialFeedProcessor{
    public Feed process(String feed) {

  System.out.println("processing this twitter feed");

  // processing logics

  return new Feed(feed);
public class GooglePlusFeedProcessor implements SocialFeedProcessor {
    public Feed process(String feed) {

  System.out.println("processing this google+ feed");

  // processing logics

  return new Feed(feed);

Nothing really special, but now when we write our decorator we use the power of CDI to only decorate the classes with the @FeedProcessor annotation.

public class SocialFeedDecorator implements SocialFeedProcessor {
    private @FeedProcessor SocialFeedProcessor processor;
    public Feed process(String feed) {

  System.out.println("our decorator is decorating");

  return processor.process(feed);

the only thing that is left is registering our decorator in our beans.xml


By using the annotation, we automatically decorate all our implementations of the SocialfeedProcessor with this decorator. When we add an extra implementation of the SocialFeedProcessor without the annotation, the bean will not be decorated.

Related Article:

Reference: Java EE6 Decorators, advanced usage from our JCG partner Jelle Victoor at Styled Ideas Blog

Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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