
Logging aspect example

Once upon time I was writing a plugin for a closed-source LMS J2EE application having such dependencies that it wasn’t feasible to run it locally. During an API call, a method deep inside the application was failing but the exception didn’t contain enough information to track the cause of the problem. I therefore needed to change the method to log the value of its argument when it fails.

The AspectJ code is quite simple:

public class LoggingAspect {
   @Around("execution(private void TooQuiet3rdPartyClass.failingMethod(..))")
   public Object interceptAndLog(ProceedingJoinPoint invocation) throws Throwable {

try {

   return invocation.proceed();

} catch (Exception e) {


"THE INJECTED CODE SAYS: the method " +

invocation.getSignature().getName() + " failed for the input '" +

invocation.getArgs()[0] + "'. Original exception: " + e);

   throw e;



  • The aspect is a normal Java class with the @Aspect annotation, which is just a marker for AspectJ
  • The @Around annotation instructs AspectJ to execute the method instead of the one matched by the expression, i.e. instead of the failingMethod of the TooQuiet3rdPartyClass
  • The around advice method needs to be public, return an Object, and take a special AspectJ object carrying information about the invocation – ProceedingJoinPoint – as its argument and it may have an arbitrary name (Actually this is the minimal form of the signature, it could be more complex.)
  • We use the ProceedingJoinPoint to delegate the call to the original target (an instance of the TooQuiet3rdPartyClass) and, in the case of an exception, to get the argument’s value
  • I’ve used an @Around advice though @AfterThrowing would be simpler and more appropriate but this shows better the capabilities of AspectJ and can be nicely compared to the dynamic java proxy example above

Since I hadn’t control over the application’s environment, I couldn’t enable the load-time weaving and thus had to use AspectJ’s Ant task to weave the code at the build time, re-package the affected JAR and re-deploy it to the server.

Related Article:

Reference: Practical Introduction into Code Injection with AspectJ, Javassist, and Java Proxy from our JCG partner Jakub Holý at The Holy Java blog

Ilias Tsagklis

Ilias is a software developer turned online entrepreneur. He is co-founder and Executive Editor at Java Code Geeks.
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