Core Java

Java Cannot Find Symbol Error

Hello. In this tutorial, we will talk about cannot find symbol errors in Java and their significance.

1. Introduction

The “Cannot Find Symbol” error is common in programming languages, particularly in Java. It occurs when the compiler or interpreter encounters a reference to a symbol (such as a variable, method, or class) that it cannot find in the current scope or the imported libraries. The significance of the “Cannot Find Symbol” error lies in its ability to indicate issues in the code that prevent the compiler or interpreter from resolving the symbol reference. This error message is crucial in identifying and resolving programming mistakes because it points out the exact location where the symbol is being used incorrectly or is missing.

Here are a few common scenarios where the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in Java can occur:

  • Misspelled identifier: If you mistype the name of a variable, method, or class, the compiler will not be able to find it in the current scope and will produce this error.
  • Incorrect scope: Symbols have different scopes within a program. If you reference a symbol outside of its scope, the compiler will generate the “Cannot Find Symbol” error.
  • Missing import statement: If you use a class from a library that is not imported or the import statement is missing, the compiler will not be able to find the symbol and will report the error.
  • Missing or incorrect classpath: In Java, if you are using external libraries or classes from other packages, you need to ensure that the classpath is set up correctly. If the compiler cannot locate the required classes, it will result in the “Cannot Find Symbol” error.
  • Missing Import Statement: When using a class from a library or another package, it’s necessary to import it into the current code file. If the import statement is missing or incorrect, the compiler won’t be able to find the required symbol, resulting in the “Cannot Find Symbol” error.

The significance of this error is that it helps developers identify and fix issues in their code. By indicating the precise location of the problem, it enables programmers to go directly to the source of the error and correct it. Without this error message, locating such issues would be more challenging and time-consuming. When encountering a “Cannot Find Symbol” error in Java, it is essential to carefully review the code and verify the spelling, scope, and import statements. Additionally, checking the classpath or any external dependencies can help resolve the error.

1.1 Impact of the Error on Program Execution and Compilation

The “Cannot Find Symbol” error has different impacts on program execution and compilation:

  • Compilation Impact:
    • The “Cannot Find Symbol” error is a compilation error, meaning it occurs during the compilation process when the code is converted into executable instructions.
    • When this error is encountered, the compiler will halt the compilation process and display an error message indicating the symbol that cannot be found.
    • The presence of this error prevents the successful compilation of the code into an executable program.
  • Program Execution Impact:
    • Since the “Cannot Find Symbol” error occurs during compilation, the program execution does not take place. The executable program is not generated.
    • When the code contains this error, the compilation process fails, and the resulting program is not created or updated.
    • As a result, the program cannot be executed or run because the necessary symbol(s) are missing or cannot be resolved.

Overall, the impact of the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in Java is mainly felt during the compilation phase. It prevents the successful compilation of the code and halts the generation of the executable program. Consequently, the program cannot be executed until the error is resolved by fixing the symbol reference issues in the code.

1.2 Identify the root cause

1.2.1 Misspelled or undefined variable names

The root cause of the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in the context of misspelled or undefined variable names is primarily related to referencing variables that are either misspelled or have not been declared or defined in the code. Here’s an example to illustrate this:

Sample code

int myVariable = 42;
System.out.println(myVarible); // Misspelled variable name

In the given example, the variable myVariable is declared and assigned a value of 42. However, when attempting to print the variable using System.out.println(), there is a misspelling in the variable name. It is written as myVariable instead of myVariable. Consequently, the compiler is unable to find the symbol myVariable because it has not been declared or defined, resulting in a “Cannot Find Symbol” error.

1.2.2 Incorrect Import Statements

The root cause of the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in Java related to incorrect import statements is when the code attempts to use a class or symbol from a library or package without the proper import statement or with an incorrect import statement. Here’s an example to illustrate this:

Sample code

import java.util.Arraylist; // Incorrect import statement

public class MyClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<String> myList = new ArrayList<>();

In the given example, the code intends to use the ArrayList class from the java.util package. However, the import statement is incorrect, as Arraylist is misspelled with a lowercase “l” instead of an uppercase “L”. This leads to a “Cannot Find Symbol” error because the compiler cannot find the symbol Arraylist due to the incorrect import statement.

The root cause in this scenario is the incorrect import statement, which prevents the compiler from locating the necessary class or symbol. To resolve this error, the import statement should be corrected to import java.util.ArrayList; with the proper capitalization and spelling.

1.2.3 Inaccessible Methods or Classes

The root cause of the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in Java related to inaccessible methods or classes is when the code attempts to access a method or class that is not accessible due to its access modifier or visibility scope. Here’s an example to illustrate this:

Sample code

class MyClass {
    private void myMethod() {

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyClass obj = new MyClass();
        obj.myMethod(); // Cannot access private method

In the given example, the class MyClass has a private method myMethod(). However, in the Main class, an attempt is made to access the myMethod() using an instance of MyClass. This results in a “Cannot Find Symbol” error because the method myMethod() is not accessible from the Main class due to its private access modifier.

The root cause in this scenario is the inaccessible method or class, which occurs when the code tries to access a method or class with a more restrictive access modifier than the one used in the access attempt. In this case, changing the access modifier of myMethod() to a more permissive one, such as public or protected, would resolve the error.

1.2.4 Scoping issues

The root cause of the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in Java related to scoping issues is when a symbol, such as a variable, method, or class, is referenced outside of its scope. Scoping refers to the visibility and accessibility of symbols within different parts of the code. Here’s an example to illustrate this:

Sample code

public class MyClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 5;
        if (x > 0) {
            int y = 10;
        System.out.println(y); // Cannot Find Symbol error

In the given example, the variable y is declared and assigned a value of 10 within the scope of the if statement. When trying to print y outside of the if statement, a “Cannot Find Symbol” error occurs because y is not accessible outside of its scope.

The root cause in this scenario is the scoping issue, where the symbol y is referenced outside of its declared scope. The scope of y is limited to the if statement block, and it cannot be accessed outside of that block. Therefore, the error occurs when trying to access y outside of its scope.

To resolve this error, you would need to ensure that you reference symbols within their appropriate scopes. In this case, moving the System.out.println(y); statement inside the if statement block would resolve the error.

1.3 Troubleshooting strategies

When encountering a “Cannot Find Symbol” error in Java, here are some troubleshooting strategies to help identify and resolve the issue:

  • Check for typos: Carefully review the code for any typos in variable names, method names, or class names. Ensure that the symbol being referenced is spelled correctly and matches its declaration.
  • Verify symbol declaration and scope: Ensure that the symbol (variable, method, or class) has been declared or defined in the appropriate scope. Check if the symbol is accessible from the current location in the code. For example, if a variable is defined inside a method, it cannot be accessed outside of that method.
  • Review import statements: If the error is related to a missing symbol from a library or package, double-check the import statements. Make sure the necessary classes or packages are imported correctly. Verify the spelling, capitalization, and correctness of the import statements.
  • Confirm classpath and external dependencies: If the error involves external libraries or classes from other packages, ensure that the classpath is set up correctly. Verify that the required dependencies are properly included and accessible by the compiler.
  • Look for missing or incorrect import statements: If the error is related to a missing class or symbol from another package, check if the appropriate import statement is present. If not, add the necessary import statement for the class or package.
  • Use fully qualified names: If the symbol is from another package and the import statement is not resolving it correctly, you can try using the fully qualified name of the symbol instead. Replace the symbol reference with the full package name followed by the symbol name (e.g., java.util.ArrayList instead of ArrayList).
  • Clean and rebuild: If you’re using an integrated development environment (IDE), try performing a clean and rebuild of the project. This can help refresh the compiled files and resolve any potential build-related issues.
  • Consult documentation and resources: Refer to language documentation, forums, or online resources specific to your programming language or framework. These resources may provide insights into common causes of the “Cannot Find Symbol” error and offer solutions or tips for troubleshooting.

By following these strategies, you can systematically identify and resolve the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in your code. Remember to carefully review your code, check for scope and visibility issues, and verify import statements and dependencies.

1.4 Best practices to prevent “Cannot Find Symbol” errors in Java

  • Use meaningful and consistent naming: Choose descriptive names for variables, methods, and classes. Ensure that the names are consistent throughout the codebase to minimize the chances of misspelling or confusion.
  • Follow proper scoping: Declare variables, methods, and classes in the appropriate scope, ensuring they are accessible where needed and not leaked outside their intended scope.
  • Double-check import statements: Review import statements to ensure the correct classes and packages are imported. Pay attention to spelling, capitalization, and correctness to avoid missing symbols.
  • Organize dependencies and classpath: Maintain a well-organized structure for external dependencies and packages. Ensure that the classpath is correctly configured to include all necessary libraries and packages.
  • Regularly clean and rebuild: Perform regular clean and rebuild processes, especially in integrated development environments (IDEs), to refresh compiled files and detect any build-related issues early on.
  • Use version control: Utilize version control systems (e.g., Git) to track changes in your codebase. This allows you to revert to previous working versions if errors occur after modifications.
  • Practice code review: Engage in code reviews with colleagues or peers to catch errors, including symbol-related issues. A fresh set of eyes can often spot mistakes that might have been overlooked.
  • Consult language documentation: Refer to the official documentation of the programming language you are using to understand proper syntax, scoping rules, and best practices. Familiarize yourself with the language-specific guidelines to write cleaner and error-free code.

By following these best practices, you can minimize the occurrence of “Cannot Find Symbol” errors and improve the overall quality and maintainability of your codebase.

That concludes this tutorial, and I hope that it provided you with the information you were seeking. Enjoy your learning journey, and don’t forget to share!

2. Conclusion

In conclusion, the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in Java is a common compilation error in Java that occurs when the compiler cannot locate a symbol (variable, method, or class) referenced in the code. This error can have various root causes, including misspelled or undefined symbol names, incorrect import statements, inaccessible methods or classes, and scoping issues.

To troubleshoot and resolve “Cannot Find Symbol” errors, developers should employ strategies such as checking for typos, verifying symbol declaration and scope, reviewing import statements, confirming classpath and external dependencies, addressing scoping issues, and using fully qualified names when necessary. Additionally, performing a clean and rebuild, consulting documentation and resources, and following best practices can help prevent these errors from occurring in the first place.

By understanding the causes and implementing appropriate troubleshooting techniques, developers can effectively address “Cannot Find Symbol” errors, ensuring the successful compilation and execution of their Java programs. With diligent code review, adherence to best practices, and continuous learning, developers can minimize such errors and write more robust and error-free Java code.


An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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