Core Java

Java Arrays & Collections Sort Methods

Sorting in Java is a crucial aspect of programming, systematically enabling the organization of data. Let us delve into understanding Arrays.sort() and Collections.sort() methods to organize the data in a collection.

1. Java Sorting Methods: Arrays.sort() and Collections.sort()

In Java, sorting is a common operation performed on arrays and collections. Two primary methods are used for sorting: Arrays.sort() and Collections.sort().

1.1 Arrays.sort()

The Arrays.sort() method is used to sort arrays of primitive types and objects. It sorts the elements of the array in ascending order using a variation of the quicksort algorithm or mergesort algorithm, depending on the data type and array size i.e. –

  • Quicksort:
    • Quicksort is often preferred when average-case performance is crucial.
    • It performs exceptionally well on average and is often the fastest sorting algorithm for random data.
    • It is efficient for large datasets.
    • Situations where space complexity is a concern, as Quicksort generally requires less additional memory compared to Mergesort.
  • Mergesort:
    • Mergesort is preferred when a stable sorting algorithm with consistent performance across different datasets is required.
    • It guarantees a worst-case time complexity of O(n log n) and is generally slower than Quicksort for average-case scenarios but has better worst-case performance.
    • It is suitable for situations where data is stored in external storage and cannot be accommodated in memory.
    • Situations where stability in sorting (preservation of the order of equal elements) is necessary.

For primitive types like integers or doubles, Arrays.sort() directly sorts the array elements. For objects, it relies on the compareTo() method or a custom comparator provided by the programmer to determine the order.

// Sorting an array of integers
int[] numbers = {5, 2, 7, 1, 9};


1.1.1 Use cases

  • Sorting Arrays of Primitive Types: When you need to sort arrays of primitive types like integers, doubles, or chars, Arrays.sort() provides a convenient and efficient solution.
  • Sorting Arrays of Objects: If you have an array of objects that implement the Comparable interface or provide a custom comparator, Arrays.sort() is handy for sorting them based on defined criteria.
  • Performance-Critical Applications: In performance-sensitive scenarios where you need to sort large arrays efficiently, Arrays.sort() can provide better performance due to its optimized implementations of sorting algorithms like quicksort or mergesort.

1.2 Collections.sort()

The Collections.sort() method is used to sort collections such as lists, sets, and queues. Unlike Arrays.sort(), which works directly on arrays, Collections.sort() operates on objects that implement the List interface. Similar to Arrays.sort(), Collections.sort() also sorts elements in ascending order. It utilizes the compareTo() method or a custom comparator to establish the order.

// Sorting a list of strings
List names = new ArrayList();


1.2.1 Use cases

  • Sorting Lists and Collections: When working with collections like ArrayList, LinkedList, or HashSet, Collections.sort() allows you to sort their elements easily without the need to convert them to arrays first.
  • Maintaining Relative Order: If you require stable sorting, meaning the relative order of equal elements should be preserved after sorting, Collections.sort() ensures stability, making it suitable for scenarios where maintaining relative order is crucial.
  • Flexibility with Data Structures: Since Collections.sort() operates on collections rather than arrays, it provides flexibility in choosing data structures based on the requirements of your application, allowing you to use dynamic collections with ease.

Both Arrays.sort() and Collections.sort() methods provide efficient and convenient ways to sort data in Java, catering to different data structures and use cases.

2. Code Example

Here’s a Java code example demonstrating the usage of Arrays.sort() and Collections.sort() methods:

package com.jcg.example;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class SortingExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Sorting an array of integers using Arrays.sort()
        int[] numbers = {5, 2, 7, 1, 9};
        System.out.println("Sorted array using Arrays.sort(): " + Arrays.toString(numbers));

        // Sorting a list of strings using Collections.sort()
        List names = new ArrayList();
        System.out.println("Sorted list using Collections.sort(): " + names);

The code demonstrates sorting an array of integers using Arrays.sort() and sorting a list of strings using Collections.sort(). It then prints out the sorted array and list to the IDE console.

Sorted array using Arrays.sort(): [1, 2, 5, 7, 9]
Sorted list using Collections.sort(): [Alice, Bob, Charlie]

3. Comparison of Arrays.sort() and Collections.sort()

Data StructuresOperates on arraysOperates on collections (e.g., lists)
ElementsPrimitive types and objectsObjects only
StabilityMay or may not be stable depending on the implementationStable – maintains the relative order of equal elements
Time ComplexityTypically O(n log n) for arrays of objectsInternally converts collection to array and then sorts (O(n log n))
Space ComplexityO(log n) auxiliary space for arrays of objectsO(n) auxiliary space for collections (due to conversion to an array)

4. Conclusion

Arrays.sort() is tailored for sorting arrays of primitive types and objects efficiently, utilizing sorting algorithms such as quicksort or mergesort. On the other hand, Collections.sort() is designed to work with collections like lists, ensuring stability in sorting and leveraging the internal conversion to arrays for efficient sorting. Understanding the nuances of these sorting methods empowers developers to choose the most suitable approach based on the data structures and requirements of their applications, ultimately leading to optimized performance and reliable sorting outcomes.


An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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