Core Java

How to convert double to int in Java

In this article, we will learn how to convert a double value to an int in Java examples. We will discuss briefly two ways of converting double to integer namely typecasting and rounding and after that will see some example code for that.

1. Difference in conversion with Typecasting and Math.round()

1.1 Typecasting

Typecasting is a way to convert one type to another type in java. For example like converting double to int or vice versa.

int number = (int) 2.33; = 2

1.2 Math.round()

It’s a way to round off a number to its nearest integer value. For example

int number = (int) Math.round(2.33) = 2
int number = (int) Math.round(2.55) = 3

1.3 Differences in Typecasting and Math.round

As shown above, typecasting will convert the double value to an integer by just dropping any number after the decimal points. Whereas Math.round() converts the double value with decimal points to its nearest long value. Then we can use int within the brackets to cast it to the integer value.

2. Convert using Math.round()

Below is the example of how we can convert the double value to an integer using Math.round()

Example code using Math.Round()

public class MathRound {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int lowerRounding = (int) Math.round(3.24);
        int upperRounding = (int) Math.round(3.50);
        System.out.println("Rounding to the lower nearest integer value "+lowerRounding);
        System.out.println("Rounding to the upper nearest integer value "+upperRounding);

In the above example, we have two double values, which we convert to the integer value using the Math.round(). In the first case, we use the number 3.24 and the nearest number to that is 3. On the other hand for the second case, we have the value as 3.50 for which the nearest number is 4. The execution of the same is shown below with the output

convert double to int java - Conversion of double to integer
Conversion of double to integer using Math.round()

3. Convert using Double.intValue()

There is another way of converting the double value to an integer using method intValue() provided by the Double wrapper class. Below is the example is shown below for the same

Example code using Double.intValue()

public class DoubleIntValue {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Double firstDoubleValue = 3.24;
        Double secondDoubleValue = 3.50;
        int firstIntegerValue = firstDoubleValue.intValue();
        int secondIntegerValue = secondDoubleValue.intValue();
        System.out.println("First Integer value with double.intValue "+firstIntegerValue);
        System.out.println("Second Integer value with double.intValue "+secondIntegerValue);

In the above example, we have two double values, which we convert to the integer value using the method intValue(). It is similar to the typecasting and yields the same result as typecasting. But it is a bit longer than the normal typecasting, as it needs to auto-boxed first and then need to call the intValue method. In both, cases, as shown above, it, returns the value 3 as it just drops the number after decimal points. The execution of the same is shown below with the output

convert double to int java - Conversion of the double to integer value
Conversion of the double to integer value using intValue method of Double wrapper class

4. Convert using the Typecasting

Below is the example of how we can convert the double value to an integer using Typecasting as discussed above

Example code using typecasting

public class TypeCasting {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double firstdoubleValue = 3.24;
        double secondDoubleValue = 3.50;
        int firstIntegerValue = (int) firstdoubleValue;
        int secondIntegerValue = (int) secondDoubleValue;
        System.out.println("First Integer value with typecasting "+firstIntegerValue);
        System.out.println("Second Integer value with typecasting "+secondIntegerValue);

In the above example we have two double values, which we convert to the integer value using typecasting. In both the cases as shown above it returns the value 3 as it drops the number after decimal points irrespective of it values. The execution of the same is shown below with the output.

convert double to int java - using typecasting
Conversion of the double value to integer using typecasting

5. Summary

In this article we discussed about ways to convert a double value to integer using typecasting, Math.round() method and intValue() method of double wrapper class. We also discussed the example for each of different ways for the conversion.

6. Download the source code

This was the tutorial about how to convert double to int in Java with examples.

You can download the full source code of this example here: How to convert double to int in Java

Shankar Mata

Shankar works as a Lead Software Engineer in a leading company and has developed several applications. He is one of the decision makers for the design and architecture for all the applications in his team. He along with his team develop and deploy cloud native services. He had been working in the field of Java and cloud technologies. He is also Amazon and Microsoft certified solution architect for AWS and Azure respectively. He has done his Masters in Computer science from University of New Mexico, US and Bachelors from GITAM University India. He is also experienced in Angular Framework and developed several applications.
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