Core Java

Convert String ArrayList To Array In Java

The need to convert a String ArrayList to an Array is very common in Java programming. The core language provides multiple ways to achieve this. Let us take a look at accomplishing the conversion of String ArrayList to String Array using Java built-in methods and techniques.

1. Introduction

Arrays and Lists are fundamental data structures in Java, used to store and manipulate collections of elements. Each has its unique characteristics and use cases.

1.1 Arrays

An array is a fixed-size, ordered collection of elements of the same data type. In Java, arrays can store primitive data types like integers, doubles, or objects (such as instances of classes). To declare an array, you specify the data type of its elements followed by square brackets:

int[] integerArray = new int[5];
String[] stringArray = new String[10];

You can access elements in an array using their index, with the first element at index 0. Arrays offer fast access but have a fixed size, making it difficult to resize them dynamically.

1.2 Lists

A list, on the other hand, is a dynamic, ordered collection of elements. In Java, the ArrayList class is commonly used to implement lists. Lists can store elements of different data types and can dynamically grow or shrink in size:

import java.util.ArrayList;

ArrayList<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>();

Lists provide methods to add, remove, and access elements efficiently. Unlike arrays, lists can easily change in size during runtime, making them versatile for various programming tasks.

2. Filling a Predeclared String Array in a Loop

In Java, you can fill a predeclared String array in a for loop. Here’s an example demonstrating how to do it:

package com.jcg.example;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Declare a String array with a specific size
        String[] stringArray = new String[5];

        // Use a loop to fill the array with values
        for (int i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++) {
            // You can get input from the user, from a file, or generate it programmatically
            stringArray[i] = "Element " + (i + 1);

        // Print the elements of the filled array
        for (String element : stringArray) {

In this example, a String array stringArray with a size of 5 is predeclared. Then, a for loop is used to fill the array with values. The loop runs from 0 to stringArray.length - 1, and in each iteration, a string value (“Element 1”, “Element 2”, and so on) is assigned to the corresponding index of the array. Finally, another for-each loop is used to iterate over the filled array and print its elements.

2.1 Console Output

The Ide output of this code will be –

Code Output

Element 1
Element 2
Element 3
Element 4
Element 5

3. Using the toArray(T[] a) Method

In Java, the toArray(T[] a) method is used to convert a collection (such as an ArrayList) into an array of a specified type. This method provides more control over the type of the resulting array. Here’s how you can use the toArray(T[] a) method:

package com.jcg.example;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an ArrayList of Strings
        List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>();

        // Convert the ArrayList to a String array using toArray(T[] a) method
        String[] stringArray = stringList.toArray(new String[stringList.size()]);

        // Print the elements of the String array
        for (String fruit : stringArray) {

In this example, an ArrayList named stringList is created and populated with strings (“Apple”, “Banana”, and “Orange”). The toArray(T[] a) method is then used to convert stringList into a String array. The resulting array, stringArray, contains the same elements as the ArrayList.

Using toArray(T[] a) allows you to specify the type of the resulting array. In this case, it ensures that the resulting array is a String array, preventing ClassCastException issues when working with the elements. This method is particularly useful when you need to convert a collection to an array of a specific type in Java.

To avoid ClassCastException when using the toArray(T[] a) method in Java, you need to ensure that you are providing an array of the correct type. When using this method, you should pass an array of the same type as the elements in the collection.

3.1 Console Output

The Ide output of this code will be –

Code Output


4. Using the Stream API

In Java, you can use the Stream API to convert a List<String> to a String[] array without explicit looping. Here’s how you can achieve this using the Stream API:

package com.jcg.example;

import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a List of Strings
        List<String> stringList = List.of("Apple", "Banana", "Orange");

        // Convert the List to a String array using Stream API
        String[] stringArray =[]::new);

        // Print the elements of the String array
        for (String fruit : stringArray) {

In this example, the creates a stream of strings. The toArray(String[]::new) method reference is used to convert the stream into a String[] array. This approach leverages the power of the Stream API to achieve the conversion without the need for explicit looping.

4.1 Console Output

The Ide output of this code will be –

Code Output


5. Java 11+

In Java 11 and later versions, you can use the String#toArray() method to convert a List<String> to a String[] array. Here’s how you can achieve this:

package com.jcg.example;

import java.util.List;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a List of Strings
        List<String> stringList = List.of("Apple", "Banana", "Orange");

        // Convert the List to a String array using String#toArray() method
        String[] stringArray = stringList.toArray(String[]::new);

        // Print the elements of the String array
        for (String fruit : stringArray) {

In this example, List.of("Apple", "Banana", "Orange") creates an immutable list of strings. The String#toArray() method is then used to convert the list to a String[] array. The String[]::new syntax is a constructor reference that creates a new array of strings.

5.1 Console Output

The Ide output of this code will be –

Code Output


6. Conclusion

In Java, several methods exist for converting a List<String> to a String[] array, catering to different Java versions and specific use cases. The traditional for loop offers a straightforward approach, suitable for all Java versions. The toArray(T[] a) method, available since Java 1.2, allows conversion with care taken to pass an array of the correct type to avoid ClassCastException. In Java 8 and later, the powerful Stream API provides a concise and readable way to perform this conversion. Finally, starting from Java 11, the String#toArray() method offers a convenient and efficient solution. The choice of method depends on the Java version and specific project requirements. For modern Java applications, leveraging the Stream API or the String#toArray() method in Java 11+ ensures an elegant and expressive approach to handling these conversions. Always consider the implications of the chosen method and opt for the one that aligns best with your project’s needs.


An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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