
Constructor Unit Testing with Mockito

Constructor unit testing with Mockito is a task Java developers come across really often. In this brief tutorial, we will delve into the diverse choices available for proficiently simulating constructors in Java through the utilization of Mockito and PowerMock.

1. Introduction

JUnit is a powerful and widely used testing framework for Java that simplifies the process of writing and executing test cases. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and correctness of Java applications throughout the development lifecycle.

1.1 Features of JUnit

  • Annotations: JUnit provides a set of annotations such as @Test, @Before, @After, etc., making it easy to define and manage test cases and setup/teardown procedures.
  • Test Runners: JUnit supports various test runners, allowing developers to run tests in different environments and configurations. This flexibility is particularly useful for integration and system testing.
  • Assertions: JUnit offers a range of assertion methods for validating expected outcomes. These assertions make it straightforward to check whether the actual results match the anticipated results.

1.2 Introduction to Mockito

Mockito is a widely used mocking framework for Java that simplifies the creation of mock objects during testing. Key features and benefits include:

  • Easy Mocking: Mockito provides a straightforward syntax for creating mock objects, making it easy to simulate behavior and interactions.
  • Verification: With Mockito, you can verify the behavior of your code by checking interactions between objects, ensuring that methods are called with the correct arguments.
  • Annotations: Mockito supports annotations for concise test code, such as @Mock for creating mock objects and @InjectMocks for injecting dependencies.
  • Stubbing: It allows you to stub methods, specifying the return values of mocked objects to control their behavior during testing.

1.3 Introduction to PowerMockito

PowerMockito extends the capabilities of Mockito and addresses scenarios where standard mocking frameworks fall short. Key features and benefits of PowerMockito include:

  • Mocking Static Methods: PowerMockito enables the mocking of static methods, which Mockito does not support. This is particularly useful when dealing with legacy code or external dependencies.
  • Mocking Constructors: PowerMockito allows the mocking of constructors, providing flexibility in testing classes with complex instantiation logic.
  • Private Method Mocking: It allows the mocking of private methods, giving developers the ability to test private methods without making them public.
  • Integration with Mockito: PowerMockito seamlessly integrates with Mockito, allowing developers to combine the strengths of both frameworks for comprehensive testing.

2. Mocking Constructors Using PowerMock

In Java testing, there are scenarios where you might want to mock constructors for classes. PowerMock is a powerful extension to the popular Mockito library that allows you to mock static methods, final methods, private methods, and constructors.

2.1 Dependencies

Before getting started, make sure to include the necessary dependencies in your project. Add the following dependencies to your Maven build file:


2.2 Mocking Constructors Example

Let’s consider a simple class with a constructor that we want to mock for testing purposes:

public class MyClass {
  private String data;

  public MyClass() {
	  // Some initialization code
	  this.data = "Real Data";

  public String getData() {
	  // Some business logic
	  return data;

2.2.1 Testing Class with Mocked Constructor

Now, let’s create a test class where we mock the constructor of MyClass using PowerMockito:

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;

public class MyClassTest {

  public void testGetDataWithMockedConstructor() throws Exception {
	  // Mock the constructor of MyClass
	  MyClass myClassMock = PowerMockito.mock(MyClass.class);

	  // Stub the behavior of the getData() method
	  PowerMockito.when(myClassMock.getData()).thenReturn("Mocked Data");

	  // Perform the test using the mocked instance
	  // ...

	  // Verify the behavior
	  // ...

In this example, we use the @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) annotation to run the test with PowerMock, and @PrepareForTest(MyClass.class) to prepare the class for testing, including constructor mocking. We then create a mock instance of MyClass using PowerMockito.mock() and stub the behavior of the getData() method.

3. Mocking Parameterized Constructors Using Mockito

Mockito is a popular Java testing framework that allows you to mock objects for testing purposes. While Mockito primarily focuses on mocking methods, you can also mock parameterized constructors with some additional steps.

3.1 Example Class with Parameterized Constructor

Let’s consider a simple class with a parameterized constructor that we want to mock for testing purposes:

public class MyClass {
  private String data;

  public MyClass(String data) {
	  this.data = data;

  public String getData() {
	  return data;

3.1.1 Testing Class with Mocked Constructor

Now, let’s create a test class where we mock the parameterized constructor of MyClass using Mockito:

import org.junit.Test;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

public class MyClassTest {

  public void testGetDataWithMockedConstructor() {
	  // Mock the MyClass class
	  MyClass myClassMock = mock(MyClass.class);

	  // Stub the behavior of the parameterized constructor
	  when(myClassMock.getData()).thenReturn("Mocked Data");

	  // Perform the test using the mocked instance
	  // ...

	  // Verify the behavior
	  // ...

In this example, we use the mock() method from Mockito to create a mock instance of the MyClass class. We then use the when() method to stub the behavior of the getData() method with the desired return value. This effectively mocks the parameterized constructor, allowing us to control the behavior of the class during testing.

4. Understanding the Differences: Dependency Injection vs. Constructor Mocking

Dependency Injection (DI) and Constructor Mocking are two concepts in the realm of object-oriented programming and testing, each serving distinct purposes. Let’s delve into the differences between these concepts and explore their applications.

4.1 Purpose

  • Dependency Injection (DI): DI is a design pattern designed to achieve loose coupling between components by injecting dependencies from the outside. It is employed to provide objects with the dependencies they require, enhancing modularity and testability. DI focuses on managing dependencies at runtime, allowing for flexible swapping of components and improved testability.
  • Constructor Mocking: Constructor mocking, on the other hand, is a testing practice utilized to replace the real constructor of a class with a mock or a substitute during unit testing. This technique is employed to isolate the class being tested from its dependencies, allowing developers to control the behavior of the constructor and concentrate on testing the specific class logic.

4.2 Application

  • Dependency Injection (DI): DI finds its common application in the design and architecture of a system. It is used to manage dependencies between classes or components in a flexible and scalable manner. Frameworks like Spring or Guice facilitate the implementation of DI in large-scale applications.
  • Constructor Mocking: Constructor mocking is primarily applied during unit testing. It enables the creation of controlled testing environments by substituting real dependencies with mock objects. This allows developers to test the functionality of a class in isolation, without invoking the actual behavior of its dependencies.

4.3 Implementation

  • Dependency Injection (DI): DI is typically implemented through constructor injection, setter injection, or method injection. Constructor injection, where dependencies are passed through the constructor of a class, is considered a best practice for achieving a clear and immutable dependency structure.
  • Constructor Mocking: Constructor mocking involves using testing frameworks, such as Mockito or PowerMockito, to replace the real constructor with a mock constructor. This is usually done using annotations or explicit mocking instructions in the test code.

4.4 Impact on Testing

  • Dependency Injection (DI): DI itself does not directly impact the testing process. However, by promoting loose coupling and modular design, it indirectly contributes to better testability of components and facilitates the use of dependency mocks during testing.
  • Constructor Mocking: Constructor mocking is a testing-specific technique that directly influences the unit testing process. It allows developers to replace real dependencies with mocks, enabling controlled and isolated testing of the class under consideration.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, the practice of mocking constructors, whether utilizing the extensive capabilities of PowerMockito or the concise syntax of Mockito, is integral to effective unit testing in Java. Our exploration covered the setup steps for both libraries, emphasizing the annotations required for PowerMockito and the straightforward mocking process for Mockito. PowerMockito, as an extension of Mockito, offers a comprehensive solution for mocking not only constructors but also static and final methods. On the other hand, Mockito, while primarily focused on method mocking, proves to be a pragmatic choice for scenarios where parameterized constructors are the primary concern. The choice between the two libraries hinges on the specific testing needs, project constraints, and developer preferences. Incorporating constructor mocking into testing practices enhances the reliability of unit tests, enabling early issue identification and contributing to overall codebase stability. This testing approach ensures that tests remain focused on specific components without triggering unintended side effects, ultimately fostering robust and maintainable code.


An experience full-stack engineer well versed with Core Java, Spring/Springboot, MVC, Security, AOP, Frontend (Angular & React), and cloud technologies (such as AWS, GCP, Jenkins, Docker, K8).
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